sert a mediator service within each pair of services in
the composition process may, from our point of view,
significantly increase response time and system per-
The main advantage of our approach is the use of
metamodel and a model transformation into an on-
tology to facilitate the context modeling phase, thus
we propose a synergy beetwen context awareness and
semantics in order to enhance and automate the com-
position of services in ubiquitous environment.
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for the composition of context aware services.Thus,
following MDE specifications we propose an ontol-
ogy based context modeler in order to give support to
translation from context models into an OWL context
ontology. Next step is reasoning and discovering ser-
vices to extract high level informations. Finally, our
main proposition is a semantic context-aware service,
represented by extending OWL-S. Therefore services
will be used for composition by our AI planning based
tool in order to generate a composite context aware
We project to provide an applicative layer of our
tool for service composition in order to automate the
whole process of the composition. We also plan
to evaluate more composition mechanisms such as
heuristics and other problem solving algorithms.
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