order to allow adaptation to different types of
transactional execution models according to the
environment characteristics which are described in
context descriptors and the application semantics.
This adaptation is based on the specification of rules
that provide the ability to replay, the choice of
alternative transactions and compensation actions
depending on the context. For this, we propose a
new model for context-aware transactional services.
This model allows the specification of the
transactional service and is the basis for all
techniques that will be developed. The proposed
approach is based on the requirements specification
in terms of transactional properties which specify on
one hand, the desired degree of atomicity, and
allows on the other hand, the choice of an adaptation
policy based on the alternative mechanism.
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adaptable transactional service. To model the
transactional service, we will use a meta-model with
a high level of abstraction to control the definition of
all architecture components. In the long term, our
objective is to propose a framework for the
development of CATS based essentially on models
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