Architectural Challenges in Migrating Plan-driven Projects to Agile
Vinod Menon, Roopak Sinha and Stephen MacDonell
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Keywords: Agile, Waterfall, Plan Driven Methods, Software Architecture, Software Development, Requirements
Engineering, Software Development Life Cycle.
Abstract: Software development has steadily embraced agile software development methodology/method (ASDM) and
has been moving away from the plan driven software development methodology (PDM) approaches like
waterfall. Given the iterative nature of agile development, the integration of software architecture into the
agile way has become challenging. This research identifies the challenges of having a robust architecture in
projects already executed by plan driven methods and new projects likewise by conducting a literature review
and a case study analysis. The ensuing analysis finds that there are three major areas: people, process and
technology, in which these challenges could be mapped.
Today the software development process has become
synonymous with agile software development
methodology/method (ASDM) with more and more
practitioners adopting ASDM. On the other hand,
software architecture serves as the foundation of
software development, and helps build software that
is robust, scalable, and low maintenance. However,
Agilists perceive that software architecture is deeply
rooted in the plan driven methodology (PDM) which
gives lot of impetus to “Big up-front design” and
heavy documentation (Kruchten, 2010). ASDM
favours that we start small and indulge in
documentation just as much as needed. In traditional
PDM, the architect comes into the project in the
beginning and develops an architecture for the project
based on the high level requirements or even the
detailed requirements as per the system requirement
specification document, especially as requirements
are not expected to change post signoff. This however
does not hold in ASDM as the requirements may keep
on changing and evolving through the iterations of the
software development life cycle (Lianping and Babar,
2014). These differences make it very challenging to
integrate software architecture into the agile way of
software development (Abrahamsson et al., 2010). In
this paper, we aim to find exactly what these
challenges are. The main research question we
attempted to answer in this work is:
What are the architectural challenges associated
while migrating from projects executed by plan
driven methods to agile methodology? How real
are these challenges?
We broke this into the following sub-questions:
Sub RQ1: “Can requirements engineering and
software architecture planning go hand in hand in an
agile environment?
Sub RQ2: Are there methods to integrate or use
software architecture effectively in ASDM?”
The research methodology involved two aspects: a
literature review, and a case study analysis. We
carried out a review of 14 contemporary articles on
the issue. Some core articles from the earlier agile
development years like 2006 were identified to
provide inputs to the review. In some of these
research articles the researchers have done surveys to
obtain the opinion of developers, architects and
practitioners of both ASDM and PDM. This helps in
providing a more inclusive picture of the
contemporary situation with regards to architectural
challenges in ASDM. We then analysed a case study
of a live enterprise-level HR process first
implemented using PDM, and then had to be moved
to ASDM. The process was developed in 2005 and
has been in use since then. This project was designed
to handle employee provisioning and de-provisioning
process of the human resources department of a large
multinational company head-quartered in India. Over
a period of time some functionalities of the process
Menon V., Sinha R. and MacDonell S..
Architectural Challenges in Migrating Plan-driven Projects to Agile.
DOI: 10.5220/0005383502230228
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2015), pages 223-228
ISBN: 978-989-758-100-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
had become redundant. In 2012, the management
decided to do a gap analysis to identify modules to be
made redundant, revamped, or added some COTS
(commercial out of the box software packages) were
also to be integrated into the existing project, though
the business requirements of the COTS products
came from some client stakeholders at a very later
stage. Since these changes were to be done in parallel
to a live process, it was decided that using ASDM was
necessary to quickly realize the benefits of revamping
the project. The first author was heavily involved in
this process, and the learnings from this experience
have helped us make additional distinctions in
understanding and answering the research question.
Due to confidentiality issues more specific details
about the project nature and business objectives
cannot be mentioned here. However the challenges
faced during the development process can certainly
be mentioned.
This section discusses the different challenges that
have been identified from the literature review and
case study analysis. It is important to note that that
software architecture is an essential aspect of any
software development process without which the
project would lack in the monitoring of quality
attributes and finally cease to give desired results. To
enable an effective software architecture for a project
it must be documented and updated regularly with the
changes in the project. In PDMs like water-fall the
architecture design is done in the initial stages of the
project with help of the high level requirements and
the expertise of the architect (Diego and Martín,
2013). The software architecture deliverable is an
architecture document which is essentially a cross
cutting document of the 4+1 view-sets as per Philip
Kruchten (2010), focusing on communication,
quality, design patterns and the hardware and
software stack. The architecture document tries to
address different stakeholders like the business, the
project managers, the business analysts, the
development and testing team, the system engineers.
The architecture document maps the logical, process,
physical, developmental and scenario based view-sets
in the design.
Producing an architecture document is quite easy
with the traditional PDMs, but when the project is
executed using ASDM like Scrum or XP, it becomes
challenging. One reason for this is mainly because
ASDMs start projects with minimum information and
do incremental software development in small
iterations called sprints (Falessi et al., 2010). In this
research some major challenges have been identified
and grouped into categories as people, process,
technological and requirements engineering
challenges. This classification of challenges arises
from the authors’ survey of available literature and
further research is required to ensure that it is
2.1 People Factors
People factors have emerged as some of the major
challenges from the literature review and the case
study analysis and are mentioned in Table 1.
Table 1: People Factors.
People Factors
Degree of Influence
Major Minor
Communication, collaboration,
Understanding the role of software
architecture in Agile environment
Product Owner's approach towards
non-functional requirements
Agile team's appreciation of quality
Perception issue of considering
software architecture as big upfront
design strategy from PDM.
Table 1 shows that perception issues of Agilists
considering software architecture as a big upfront
design strategy with its roots in plan driven methods
is one of the major influencers. Minor factors include
the differences between communication,
collaboration and negotiation strategies used in PDM
and ASDM, as well as the team’s understanding of
the role of software architecture in an agile
environment. The product owner’s approach towards
non-functional requirements is a major factor which
can increase the technical debt. A team’s overall
appreciation of quality attributes may also contribute
to the challenges in implementing software
architecture within agile projects. The architect’s role
also undergoes a major change in ASDM. The time
commitment that an architect has to give in ASDM is
far greater than the consultative approach taken in
PDM. In agile architecture the architect needs to be
present in almost all the sprints to map the software
architecture effectively, besides negotiating on a
regular basis with the product manager on the
architectural backlog.
2.2 Process Factors
ASDM is quite different from PDM in terms of
process. Software architecture was never invented to
work in ASDM and hence Agilists always view
software architecture to be a legacy document-
intensive approach. This introduces the challenge of
adopting software architecture to the process of
ASDM. This research has been able to identify some
major process challenges as mentioned in Table 2.
Table 2: Process Factors.
Process Factors
Degree of Influence
Major Minor
Integrating software architecture in
small projects and enterprise wide
large projects
software architecture integration with
the sprint requirement engineering
Mapping the non-functional
requirements in the Agile software
development life cycle
Software architecture’s association
with refactoring in Agile software
development life cycle
(Breivold et al., 2010)
Developing the process view given
the incremental development in the
agile development process
Process factors like integration of software
architecture in the agile requirements engineering
process (Philip et al., 2010), mapping of non-
functional requirements, learning from refactoring in-
order to contribute to the architectural document and
producing a process view with the help of UML
activity diagrams have major impact on the
architectural decisions made (Breivold et al., 2010).
As per Philip et al., (2010), software architecture can
be integrated into all phases of an agile software
development life cycle. If the architect fails to draw
the attention of the stakeholders in each of these
aspects throughout the ASDM process, the resulting
architecture would be compromised in terms of
2.3 Technology Factors
Agile architecture is incremental in nature as the
architect obtains information from the developers in
every sprint which the team learns during the coding
and refactoring process. Though the agile architect
starts the first sprint with some upfront design, the
challenge is that the architectural information only
flows in incrementally over subsequent sprints as new
or more concrete requirements emerge. This makes
the task of mapping the technology stack a longer
process as compared to PDMs. Some of the
technological challenges associated with agile
architecture both in case of new projects or executing
agile projects that have been earlier done by using
PDMs identified in this research are as mentioned
Framing the development view
Decomposition of requirements to develop the
logical view (Madison, 2010)
Framing the physical view
Integrating the Architectural backlog with the
Product backlog
Integration of COTS software and hardware
packages (Nuseibeh, 2001)
If there is a new module to be included in a project
previously executed using PDM then the existing
architecture can be used, but this depends on the
compatibility between software and hardware stacks
used then and now. There is also an architectural
challenge with respect to integrating COTS into a
legacy software system (Boehm and Turner, 2003;
Nuseibeh, 2001). The challenge of scalability is
another major aspect in terms of technology factors.
All six factors listed above have a major impact on
the architecture document which constitutes
developing the logical, developmental and physical
view from a system engineer’s perspective. It should
be noted that, like in the case study under
consideration, if the technology stack of the new
modules to be added into the existing project is
different from that of the legacy system, the existing
architecture will be impacted and may require
updating. It is quite possible that a COTS product
with a new set of business requirements is added to
an existing project. While this is expected in agile
environments, the architect must make provisions to
accommodate such changes which could add to the
architectural backlog of the project (Nuseibeh, 2001).
Our literature review also finds that the architectural
backlog is an area which must receive similar
attention as the product backlog. This can be achieved
by making use of architectural use-cases and
negotiating with the product owner in order to reduce
technical debt (Madison, 2010). If care is not taken,
the cost of refactoring and fixing bugs would go up
exponentially (Miyachi, 2011). If these technical
factors are considered then a robust architecture
design can be created.
2.4 Requirements Engineering in
Sprints and Software Architecture
Requirements engineering caters to gathering two
types of requirements. Functional requirements
describe specific functions or behaviours of a system
whereas non-functional requirements (NFRs)
describe criteria used to judge the operation of a
system. Software architecture tends to be more
focussed on NFRs and associated quality attributes. If
a development team ignores NFRs, the project may
suffer from huge refactoring costs and decreasing
sprint velocity, eventually resulting in the project
deviating from the baseline requirements, not being
delivered in time, and the maintenance of the project
being compromised (Abrahamsson et al., 2010). At
the architectural level, NFRs are quality attributes of
a project which can be further classified into two
types as below:
A. Executable Qualities – Attributes that have a
direct impact on the project health. E.g. usability
and security (Abrahamsson et al., 2010).
B. Operational Qualities or Evolution Qualities -
The impact of these attributes can be seen over a
period of time even when the project is in a post-
production life cycle. E.g., scalability,
extensibility, testability, integration with COTS
and maintainability (Falessi et al., 2010).
According to the twin peak theory by Bashar
Nuseibeh (2001), functional requirements in an
ASDM are elicited in an iterative style and an
architectural design gradually evolves from these
iterative sprints of requirements engineering
(Cleland-Huang et al., 2013). Early elicitation of
prominent user stories that contribute to the
architectural design gives both the development team
and the architect a clear vision of the architectural
roadmap (Fraser et al., 2009). This also requires the
team to appreciate the architectural benefits that could
be reaped like avoiding painful refactoring and
having an incremental sprint velocity with early
realization of business functionality (Cleland-Huang
et al., 2013). According to Madison (2010), there are
various interaction points like upfront planning,
storyboarding and sprints in the agile software
development life cycle where the architect must
participate in the requirements engineering process to
gather information on the architectural aspects.
3.1 Main Research Question
Our main research question was “What are the
architectural challenges associated while
migrating from projects executed by plan driven
methods to agile methodology? How real are
these challenges?”
The main findings of this research as discussed in the
analysis are the architectural challenges like people,
process, technology and requirement engineering
aspects arising out the iterative nature of ASDM to
produce viable robust software. Another major
finding is the new dynamics of the architect’s role as
a team member. This answers part of our main
research question, however the second part of the
research question is yet to be answered. According to
Abrahamsson et al., (2010), ASDM was never meant
to perform the way PDM performed software
development. So if carefully observed it is necessary
to find ways to integrate software architecture into the
way ASDM functions. According to Falessi et al.,
2010, there are many reasons why software
architecture is required for ASDM. In a decreasing
order of relevance, the most important aspects are
communication of architectural uses cases across all
stages of the software development life cycle, support
in system design and development, documentation of
risks and assumptions, providing alternative solutions
and design patterns, effective communication of
functionality to stakeholders, effective evaluation and
analysis, and enabling transition to or integration of
new software architecture to legacy software
3.2 Sub Research Questions
Sub RQ1: Can requirements engineering and
software architecture planning go hand in hand in an
agile environment?
The other findings based on the literature review and
the case study analysis are that the requirements
engineering and software architecture must go hand
in hand. As per to Madison (2010), software
architecture has certain interaction points where it
interacts with agile software development process.
These interaction points help the architect to obtain
valuable information on the NFRs. Besides these a
quality workshop as proposed by Nord and Tomyako
(2006) would also enable the architect to map the
quality attributes of the NFRs as discussed in section
5.1.4. Though in ASDM process both the functional
and non-functional requirements evolve over a
number of iterations/sprints, it is quite possible to
create incremental architectural design over these
iterations. This however would require the architect
to participate in up-front planning, storyboarding and
the sprints, so the scope of the architect’s work in
ASDM increases considerably. In ASDMs the
architect’s role is participative, being more of a team
member, mentor or a guide for the team in terms of
non-functional requirements. In PDMs the architect’s
role is more consultative. Up-front planning and start-
up documentation is a must which the architect would
have to do in both ASDM and PDM. Thus
requirements engineering and software architecture
do go hand in hand as is found in this research.
Sub RQ2: Are there methods to integrate or use
software architecture effectively in ASDM?
This research also identifies methods to integrate
software architecture into ASDM based on the efforts
of Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie
Mellon University (Nord and Tomayko, 2006). These
methods like the Attribute driven design method,
Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method and Cost-
Benefit Analysis Method enable consistency between
the agile implementation and architectural design
(Nord and Tomayko, 2006).
3.3 Recommendations
Inferences and recommendations of this research
analysis are as follows:
Architectural deliverables must be given equal
priority along with business requirements.
Early up-front architectural design is a must.
Clarity on when to freeze architectural
requirements is required.
Role of the Architect: A successful agile
architect must have the following skill-sets:
Clear understanding of agile practices
Interact with the development team to gather
architectural insights
Must be able to guide and mentor the team on
non-functional requirements
Must be able to negotiate with the product
owner on the architectural backlog visa/vis the
product backlog
Strong stakeholder communication skills to
highlight the trade-offs in the non-conformance
of architectural standards.
Future Work: While this research has provided an
initial insight into the way agile architecture
functions, it is limited in scope as the data collection
has been limited to only a literature review of
contemporary articles and one case study. Future
work would involve further case studies and a survey
of practitioners of agile and software architects.
This research brings to fore the main aspect that
although there are challenges in integrating software
architecture with ASDM, it is necessary to integrate
them. The main categories of challenges identified by
the research are people, process, technology and
requirements engineering factors. Requirements
engineering was found to aid the integration process
of software architecture into ASDM. Some factors
like using architectural use-cases, and negotiation
with the product owner regarding the architectural
backlog have been identified to deliver on
architectural design. Thus the research effort
addresses the main question of the architectural
challenges faced while moving from projects
executed in PDMs to ASDMs and also examines the
perception issues associated with these challenges.
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