are believe to add up to 75% of development effort,
whereas preventive maintenance can decrease
development effort in 25%, considering the same
features (Alves et al., 2013). Moreover, there is the
common knowledge that a high percentage of
software projects still fail despite the continuous SPI
efforts and the availability of new information
technology (IT) tools (Unterkalmsteiner, 2011, The
Standish Group, 2013). Another reason found in the
literature for project failure, identifies imposition,
regardless of practitioners and users will, as a reason
to unsuccessful results, and in the opposite direction,
points out addressing human factors as a solution to
reach success (Ferreira and Wazlawick, 2011).
Besides SE, BPI is also an issue in Enterprise
Engineering (EE), as the need for change to enhance
efficiency has long been recognized as a challenge
(Dietz, 2006). Although organizations are seen in a
completely different way from SE, as the focus is on
the organization's architecture, i.e. the coordination
and the production acts combined in organizational
transactions (as considered in the DEMO approach),
the BPI problem is precisely the same, as a SE project
is expected to solve the enhancement need. The EE
perspective inherently focuses much more on human
aspects, as the software system is seen as an added
value to the enterprise, and not as an axiom of the
problem, as organizations, earlier, already had their
information systems (mostly in paper). Therefore, we
believe that a cooperation between SE and EE is
needed in order to achieve a higher level of BPI, since
the more holistic perspective of EE about the
organization can be and added value to SE.
Both SE and EE recognize the necessity to elicit
requirements in such a way that they are useful for
BPI, and Use Cases seem to be the obvious solution,
as it is a concept already recognized in both domains
(Constantine and Lockwood, 2000, Dietz, 2003). In
fact, similar approaches that design BPs with Use
Cases already exist, such as Process Use Cases
(Valente and Sampaio, 2007) from SE and the
Systematic Approach (Cruz et al., 2014) from EE.
We wish to take the already existing communion
between SE and EE further, as our approach is based
on the idea that if system design is carried out based
on the analysis of the proper metrics, more adequate
solutions will be produced, avoiding waste and
promoting efficiency and effectiveness, to overcome
third-party solutions in terms of ROI, and give
managers and practitioners a better decision support
as they will be able to better envision cost-benefit
implications, and decide whether to use more or less
resources according to the organization's capabilities,
and therefore achieve the meaningful task, for both
domains, of, increasing project success rates.
This paper is structured in the following way.
Section 2 considers the relevant techniques for the
development of our solution from both EE and SE
domains, Section 3 presents our solution approach,
Section 4 presents literature’s related work, Section 5
in-depths relevant considerations regarding our future
work, and Section 6 presents our conclusions.
The following techniques are the theoretical basis of
our proposal, which goal is to allow organizations to
continuously be aware of the financial impact of their
decisions, especially regarding BPI, the problem that
we address in this paper.
Regarding the elaboration of our contribution for
SPI, we focused on existing methods, from EE for
organization management and design, and from SE
for software development methods, as the basis to
understand the organization i.e. the problem that leads
to BPI needs, and the process that should follow i.e.
the software solution for that BPI. Concerning the
specificities of our SPI proposal, we then consider
two software design use case-driven solutions that
elicit the benefits of the new enhancement, and then
consider two distinct approaches for software effort
estimation that can be distinctly used to calculate the
software cost. We then focus on the financial
perspective, in terms of ROI to consider the previous
cost-benefit variables.
2.1 SPI from the EE Perspective
EE looks at organizations as systems, and from this
perspective, financial aspects are an axiom of the
approach. We now consider two distinct approaches
that define strategic and structural techniques to be
used in order to design the organization.
DEMO (Dietz, 2006) defines the theoretical
concepts on how an organization should be
architected in order to achieve success. The
teleological perspective explains the purpose of its
existence, while the ontological perspective looks at
the BP existence as a need to organize activities for
production. Although DEMO focuses more on the
organization’s design than on BPI, relevant and
complementary work, as the GOD approach (Aveiro,
2010), elicits the need to control BP metrics in order
to identify exceptions and to act adequately in order
to re-establish order. This can be done either by
simply handling exceptions, i.e. situations in which