Table 7: FDMD evaluation results.
FDMD Evaluation
Possible Values Description Criterion Group
RE, Analysis, Design,
Implementation, Test,
Phases of the generic
development life cycle that
are covered.
Which phases of the generic development
lifecycle are covered by the development
Coverage of the generic
development lifecycle
General criteria
Yes (due to using features)Yes, No Is the transition between phases seamless? Seamless transition
Yes (due to using features)Yes, No Is the transition between phases smooth? Smooth transition
Yes Yes, No
Are the products tangible, understandable, and
testable to end users?
Visibility, testability and
tangibility of artifacts
Yes Yes, No Are users involved in the development process?Active user involvement
Yes Yes, No Is the development process practicable? Practicability
Assembly-based, paradigm-
based, extension-based,
road-map-driven, hybrid
Which approaches are supported for developing
the methodology?
Methodology engineering
Yes Yes, No Is requirements engineering addressed? Support for RE activities
User story, Feature, Use-
case , Usage scenario
How are the requirements specified?
specification format
RE-related criteria
Yes Yes, No Does the process allow requirements change? Requirements change
Grouping of features
Methods of complexity
How is complexity management applied to the
Complexity management
Functional value
Architectural value,
Functional value, Business
value, Development risk
On what basis are the requirements prioritized?
Yes Yes, No Does the process support planning by features?Planning by feature
Yes Yes, No Does the process support designing by features?Designing by feature
Yes Yes, No Is implementation driven by features? Implementing by feature
Yes Yes, No Does the process support testing by features? Testing by feature
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