less sensors placed inside and outside the transporta-
tion chambers. In the case-study, the vehicles’ trans-
portation chambers are divided into three subtypes,
namely: frozen, chilled and ambient/dry goods cate-
gories. The acquired data is then used in the second
component, which optimizes the routes, taking into
account multiple constraints (e.g., vehicle capacities,
time windows for deliveries, route duration, balance
between route duration and driver working periods)
and objectives (e.g., minimize the number of routes,
minimize the total distance, minimize the total time to
perform the deliveries and maximize customers sat-
isfaction). The route computation will be endowed
with intelligence based on data acquired during pre-
vious routes, leaving open the possibility of integrat-
ing other sources. The third module is fundamental
as a bridge between the existing ERP and what is pro-
posed to be conducted in the i3FR project.
Some related works and products exist on the mar-
ket. An algorithm for the distribution of fresh veg-
etables in which the perishability represents a criti-
cal factor was developed in (Osvald and Stirn, 2008).
The problem was formulated as a VRPTW with
time-dependent travel-times (VRPTWTD), where the
travel-times between two locations depend on both
the distance and the time of the day. The problem
was solved using a heuristic approach based on the
Tabu Search (Glover and Laguna, 1999). The per-
formance of the algorithm was verified using modi-
fied Solomon’s problems. A somehow similar work
was proposed in (Tarantilis and Kiranoudis, 2002),
which deals with distribution problem formulated as
an open multi-depot vehicle routing problem (OMD-
VRP) encountered by a fresh meat distributor. To
solve the problem, a stochastic search meta-heuristic
algorithm, termed as the list-based threshold accept-
ing algorithm, was proposed. In (Ambrosino and
Sciomachen, 2007) was considered a generalization
of the asymmetric capacitated vehicle routing prob-
lem with split delivery. The solution determines the
distribution plan of two types of products, namely:
fresh/dry and frozen food. The problem was solved
using a mixed-integer programming model for the
problem, followed by a two-step heuristic procedure.
In (Abousaeidi et al., 2011) the distribution of fresh
vegetables was addressed. The focus of the study
was the delivery of fresh vegetables selecting the
best routes particularly for urban areas such as Kuala
Lumpur city, which faces traffic problems. There
are also a relatively large number of companies pro-
viding commercial software which is similar to the
one developed in the i3FR project (Routyn, 2014;
Optimoroute.com, 2014; optrak.com, 2014; Newro-
nia.com, 2014; Logvrp.com, 2014).
The main contribution of this paper is the pro-
posal of a multi-layered architecture to integrate ex-
isting ERPs with a route optimization and a tem-
perature data acquisition module. The optimization
module is prepared to deal with dynamic scenarios,
where new demands may appear during the optimiza-
tion process, which will integrate them in the iteration
procedure. Furthermore, computed routes will have
several states, e.g., (1) “open” meaning that new or-
ders can be added, removed or swapped inside that
route, (2) “locked” in which case new orders may
still be inserted but swapping is no longer allowed,
and (3) “closed” meaning that no more changes can
be made to the route. Furthermore, the system is
prepared to acquire geographical data from several
sources, namely from Google Maps, from an Open
Street Maps router and from data retrieved from pre-
vious deliveries/routes. The system is also prepared to
accept several optimizers, if necessary. All this main-
taining the company’s core ERP software.
A distribution company of fresh, frozen, ultra-
frozen and dried products was selected as case-study,
having up to 5000 daily deliveries and a fleet of 120
vehicles. Therefore, the system must be able to man-
age thousands of customers, each with different de-
mand characteristics, matching the company’s deliv-
ery resources with the customer’s delivery require-
ments. The use of the company’s ERP allows for
maintaining most of the existing procedures, which
avoids disruption to the company’s routines.
The remaining document is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the steps necessary to integrate the
existing ERP with the new modules, namely the Opti-
mization module (i3FR-Opt), the Hub module (i3FR-
Hub), the Database module (i3FR-DB) and the Maps
module (i3FR-Maps). The data acquisition module
is addressed in Sec. 3. The fourth and final section
presents some conclusions and future works.
A typical enterprise has many departments or busi-
ness units (e.g., sales, inventory, finance, and human
resources departments), that have to be continuously
communicating and exchanging data with each other.
For instance, whenever the sales department makes a
sale, it has to check the inventory department and send
information relative to the sale to the finance depart-
ment. In the middle is the human resources depart-
ment, which will be informed to ensure man power to