required by both the approaches. The run-times of
TA and SA are almost the same for small instances
till 50 jobs. However, for large instances with 100
and more jobs, Simulated Annealing performs much
faster then the Threshold Accepting. Considering, the
same quality of solution values for both, in our ex-
perience the modified Simulated Annealing algorithm
proposed in this work performs better than Threshold
Accepting for the optimization problem dealt with.
In this paper we present a novel property for the prob-
lem of scheduling against a common due-date with
controllable processing times for the un-restricted
case. We show that the due-date position in the op-
timal schedule for the un-restricted case remains the
same for both the CDD and for controllable process-
ing time cases. We then present an O(n) algorithm
for a given sequence and prove the run-time com-
plexity and its optimality with respect to the solution
value. We implement our algorithm over the bench-
mark instances provided by (Biskup and Feldmann,
2001) and appended by us for all the instances till 10
jobs. Besides, we encourage other researchers inter-
ested in this problem to test other approaches with our
benchmark instances.
The research project was promoted and funded by the
European Union and the Free State of Saxony, Ger-
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