with all discussed selection techniques, being this a
great benefit of the tool.
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tional and statistical tests. It uses as input both LTS
and probabilistic LTS models and provides 8 classic
test case generation techniques along with 5 selection
heuristics. The main contributions are the implemen-
tation of a variety of techniques in only one tool, in-
cluding ones that have not been implemented in sim-
ilar tools, and the introduction of a new selection cri-
teria, the minimum probability of path. We showed
a case study where the tool was used to generate and
select test suites for a distributed system.
Currently we are increasing the tool features by
allowing the automatically generation of test scripts
from the produced test suites. We are also working
on defining and implementing a probabilistic criteria
to compare the whole test suite, and not only individ-
ual test cases. As future work, we intend to use the
tool in other contexts, particularly real cases from the
industry, to assess its usability and applicability, and
implement some prioritization techniques.
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