The Impact of Lean Techniques on Factors Influencing Defect
Injection in Software Development
Rob J. Kusters
, Fabian M. Munneke
and Jos J. M. Trienekens
Department MST, Open University The Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Department IE&IS, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords: Lean Techniques, Defect Injection.
Abstract In this paper we will focus on the impact that lean may have in preventing the injection of defects. We will
research the impact of a number of lean techniques on defect injection factors. Date have been obtained
from a single large Dutch governmental organization which has been using lean techniques routinely for
more than three years. To investigate the impact of lean on defect injection we developed a survey which
focused on the perceptions of the software developers of this organisation. The results suggest that the link
between lean techniques and factors influencing defect injection is real and they explain to a certain extent
the positive impact of the usage of lean techniques on software productivity.
The notion of ‘lean’ development, first developed by
Toyota in a setting of complex repetitive production
(Womack et. al., 2008), has been moving towards
other types of production. Software engineering is
one of those. We see a significant focus both in
literature and practice on the application of lean
concepts to the field of software engineering. The
‘translation’ of lean concepts developed in complex,
but repetitive production of physical goods, to the
admittedly complex non-repetitive and not physical
production of software, is not immediately evident
but has been made (Poppendieck and Poppendieck,
Suggestions in literature are, that this move will
lead to improvements in both productivity and defect
reduction. However, Jonsson (2012), in a structured
review of empirical research, states that the actual
evidence for this is sparse and unconvincing.
In this paper we will take a closer look at the
impact that lean may have on preventing the injection
of defects. More specifically, we will look at the
perceived impact of a number of lean techniques on
those factors that during development influence the
injection of defects in software. Finding such
relationships will provide a further step toward
showing empirically the existence of effects of lean
on software engineering. We choose to focus on
defect injection since lean aims at reducing waste and
one of the most obvious forms of waste in software
development is the injection of, the searching for and
the solution of defects. A recent study (Cambridge
2013) estimates that software bugs cost the global
economy $312 billion per year.
To investigate the impact of lean on defect
injection we developed a survey which was deployed
in a large Dutch governmental organization which
has been using lean routinely for more than three
years. Although the research results on this impact
are restricted to perceptions, they suggest that the
link between lean techniques and factors influencing
defect injection are real and they explain to a certain
extent the positive impact of lean on software
development productivity.
In the next section current work is discussed,
followed by the research methodology. Since this
methodology requires a set of defect injection
factors, the literature survey executed to identify
these is described next, followed by the design of the
survey and its results. The paper finishes with a
discussion of results and conclusions.
The notion that lean will impact defect injection
(positively) has been claimed since the transfer of the
J. Kusters R., M. Munneke F. and J. M. Trienekens J..
The Impact of Lean Techniques on Factors Influencing Defect Injection in Software Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0005400204120419
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 412-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
notion of lean to software development. Schulmeyer
(1990) reports on the application of ideas for
achieving zero defects from manufacturing industry
to software development. He focused on defect
prevention, and estimates that savings of up to 40%
are possible. Poppendieck and Poppendieck (2003)
also named defects as one of the seven forms of
waste that lean should attack. Middleton (2001)
stated that lean will encourage looking at underlying
problems behind the injection of defects, resulting in
finding them before they become failures. Cook and
Semouchtchak (2004) also state that implementing
lean should reduce the number of defects, but also
recognize it requires a long and complex
transformation process.
As to how lean will accomplish this effect, Mehta
et al (2008) state that reducing system complexity
where possible, and delivering in smaller increments
(both possible effects of lean), should contribute.
They also point out the positive effect of lean
techniques, such as root cause analysis, which allow
the identification and prevention of root causes.
Similar claims are made by Card (2006) and Jalote
and Agrawal (2005). Cottyn et al (2008) state that
application of lean techniques such as “pull” and
“standardization” will impact defect injection. A
similar claim is made for the lean technique
"kanban", which also should support early
identification of defects (Ikonen, 2010), and Ikonen
et al (2010). Petersen and Wohlin (2010) investigated
a method SPI-LEAM that supports the identification
of defects in development.
Finally, some studies indicate that the reduction
of defect injection actually occurs. Middleton and
Joyce (2012) show a decrease in the number of
detected defects of 24%. McKinsey (2010) claim a
decrease of 20 to 45% of defects detected.
All in all there appears to be substantial literature
claiming an effect of lean on defect injection.
However in a recent structural literature review
(Jonsson, 2010) states that the actual evidence for the
effect of lean is still sparse and not always
convincing. Also, although in some papers the effect
of lean is detailed to the effect of underlying
techniques, the relationship between lean techniques
and lean effectiveness is not well researched. Only
two papers address this issue. McConnel (1997)
shows that removal of non-required functionality
reduces ‘complexity’, as is the case for simplification
of functionality. Mehta et al (2008) show that
frequent delivery of smaller functionality will impact
both ‘complexity’ and ‘lack of traceability’. Both
complexity (Fenton, 1999) and lack of traceability
(O’Neill, 1997) are recognized as defect injector
factors. Therefore these two papers provided limited
support for explaining the impact of lean. We
propose to contribute to the explanation of the impact
of lean.
In principle for this type of research we can choose
between measuring actual impact and capturing
perceptions of an improvement by surveying
developers. Obtaining accurate measurements is
exceedingly difficult. The environment in which
software development is being executed is
continuously changing, e.g. by the introduction of
new methods and techniques, by changes in staff and
of course by the fact that every system being
developed is by definition new. Measurement will
therefore capture the compounded impact of all of
these changes, and not just that of implementation of
lean. Distinguishing the impact of a single action
from that of a number of others is not feasible.
That brings us to surveys as an instrument of
research. In principle the same problem is present.
Asking if lean has had an impact will force
developers / practitioners to try to identify and
distinguish the impact of all of these changes.
Reliable answers are not likely. However, if
questions can be formulated that are sufficiently
concrete and tie in to the personal experience of the
respondent, more reliable information can be
gathered (Lenzner, 2011). So, instead of asking
questions as “did the introduction of lean impact of
defects injection” we decided to be more specific.
First, instead of asking about the impact of lean
as a whole, we decided to focus on a limited number
of well-known and well used techniques. We
appreciate that lean is a coherent approach, where the
added value is achieved by combining a number of
specific techniques and where the impact of the
whole is meant to exceed the sum of the impact of
the individual elements. However, that still allows us
to look at the (perceived) impact of individual
techniques for understanding the impact of lean (see
e.g. Rivera and Chen (2007).
Secondly, on the other side of the question we did
not look at the (perceived) impact on the injection of
defects. This was seen as too abstract and difficult a
question. Here we went one step deeper and looked
in literature for factors that are seen to influence the
injection of defects in software. Take e.g. the notion
of complexity. There is evidence in literature (see
e.g. Fenton and Neil, 1999) that the complexity of the
problem solution will impact the injection of defects.
And the impact of a lean technique on complexity is
easier to assess by persons involved in the process.
Therefore we decomposed the single question:
“does usage of lean reduce the number of defects
injected into the software” into a number of easier
sub-questions: “will usage of technique X impact
defect injection factor Y”. This results in a fairly
large number of questions. The number of sub-
questions will explode rapidly if the number of
techniques and the number of factors increase. In a
survey, an increase in the number of questions will
both tend to reduce the response rate as well as
reducing the quality of the answers that are delivered.
This implies that in order to obtain a decent response,
we limited the number of sub-questions. The factors
used result from a literature search. When compiling
the results from such a literature search there is
always a choice in the level of detail used. For this
research, it was decided to aim for a higher level of
abstraction, thus reducing the number of factors,
while still striving for factors that were sufficiently
concrete to result in reliable answers.
Similarly we choose to reduce the number of
techniques used in the survey. The number and type
of technique used is of course closely linked to the
type of organization that is included in the survey.
Two extremes are possible. One is a survey sent out
to different organizations. A way to reduce the
number of techniques in such a context is to have
respondents select a limited number of techniques
that they are familiar with from a larger list and
generate the sub-questions based on this selection.
Another approach is to select a single organization,
identify a limited number of techniques in use in this
organization and use these in the survey.
A choice here would be impacted by possibilities
for a wider response and more options for
generalizability when taking the first approach and
more limited but probably more reliable results when
focusing on a single organization. More reliable since
more information on the experience with lean is
available and we can assume that the technique
referred to in the survey is actually in use. There is
less scope for misunderstanding. Given that, as far as
we could ascertain, this is the first survey of this
type, we opted for the more limited, but hopefully
more reliable, option of obtaining data from a single
As a result, the research follows the steps:
a) identify a list of relevant defect injection factors
b) select a relevant organization where lean is used
c) identify a number of lean techniques that are in
use in this organization
d) conduct a survey and analyze the results.
A literature survey was executed in order to identify
a list of defect injection factors. The search was
based on key-words supported by a snowball
approach (forward and backward). This resulted in 7
papers (see table 1). The results from these papers
were merged in a single list, which should not be too
large, in order not to have a negative impact on
response rate. On the other hand the factor should be
sufficiently clear to allow people answering the sub-
questions with a degree of confidence. The final
selection made was principally based on the set
provided by Travassos et al (1999) ‘incompleteness’,
‘ambiguity’, ‘inconsistency’, ‘incorrect fact’, and
‘extraneous information’.
They used more global terms, which we still
assessed as being sufficiently specific for answering
the sub-questions. Results from other sources were
classified to the Travassos terminology if possible.
The remaining terms were used as the basis for
additions to the list of Travassos resulting in the
following additions:
Lack of traceability (O’Neill, 1997);
Complexity (Fenton and Neil, 1999; Bennett and
Wennberg, 2005);
Lack of skills (Fenton and Neil, 1999; Leszak et
al, 2002);
Lack of knowledge (Leszak et al, 2002);
Time pressure (Leszak et al, 2002).
The survey was done in the software group of a large
Dutch government organization. It supports the
primary processes of the organization. For this a staff
of over 1600 developers is available. Lean as a core
development approach was rolled out in 2010. The
research was done in 2013, giving us an organization
with three years of experience which we deemed this
to be sufficient.
First we identified the techniques most commonly
used. For this, four coaches with responsibility for
the lean methodology were interviewed independent
from each other. They all agreed as to the two most
used techniques: “Day-start” and “Week-start”. After
that, as a third most used technique various forms of
"Coaching" were mentioned. Finally three out of four
lean coaches mentioned structured improvement
("Kaizen"), while the fourth respondent did not name
a fourth technique. Giving this almost complete
agreement we decided to proceed with these four
techniques. Table 2 gives a description of the
techniques used.
Based on the results so far, i.e ten defect injection
factors and four lean techniques, a survey was
developed and sent out to all (approximately 1600)
members of staff. For each of the four techniques
they were asked if they use this technique on a
regular basis to filter out staff members with no
experience of this technique. Next (for this
technique) for each of the defect injection factors the
question was asked: “to what degree do you think
this technique contributes to the basic causes of
software defects”.
For the answer options we selected a five point
labelled Likert scale starting with “not” indicating no
effect and ending with “excellent”. A sixth item “I
don’t know” was added to prevent people from being
‘forced’ to give an opinion without actually having
one. This survey was tested on a lean-coach to check
for comprehensibility and ease of use. After a
positive response it was sent out to all members of
Some limitations to the study are obvious. Data
from a single organization limits the validity of the
results. This is partly compensated for by the size of
the organization, the response and the experience
available within the organization with its way of
working. A second limitation is the specific set of
techniques that is in use. "Kaizen" is generally
recognized as a ‘lean’ technique and is one of the
original 14 principles of the Toyota production
system. The others are less known. However, both
"Daystart" and "Weekstart" enable team
communication and leverage team knowledge, and
they both further effective and efficient teamwork
which is seen as an important effect of ‘lean’
techniques. "Coaching" supports staff development,
one of the Toyota principles. This shows that the set
of techniques discussed is relevant.
Table 1: the mapping to identified factors.
Found in literature Factor identified
(Travassos, et al., 1999)
Omission Incompleteness
Ambiguity Ambiguity
Inconsistency Inconsistency
Incorrect fact Incorrectness
Extraneous information External factors
(O'Neill, 1997)
Lack of traceability Lack of traceability
(Chulani & Boehm, 1999)
Incorrect requirements Incorrectness
Table 1: The mapping to identified factors (cont.).
Found in literature Factor identified
Incomplete requirements Incompleteness
Design defects Incorrectness
Programming defects Incorrectness
(Fenton, 1999)
Difficulty of the problem Complexity
Complexity of designed solution Complexity
Programmer / analyst skill Lack of skills
Design methods and procedures Incorrectness
(Leszak, et al., 2002)
Incorrect documentation Incorrectness
Incomplete documentation Incompleteness
Unclear documentation Ambiguity
Change in coordination Lack of skills
Lack of domain knowledge Lack of knowledge
Lack of system knowledge Lack of knowledge
Lack of tool knowledge Lack of knowledge
Lack of process knowledge Lack of knowledge
Individual error Incorrectness
Time pressure Time pressure
Management error Incorrectness
Error caused by other products External factors
Insufficient preparation Incompleteness
Insufficient participatin Incompleteness
(Bennet & Wennberg, 2005)
affecting the interpretation of
customer descriptions of desired
system behavior
The difficulty in fully
understanding the real-world
environment in which the
system will interact
The difficulty in anticipating all
of the possible modes and states
that the system may encounter
The difficulty in thoroughly
validating and verifying
Capturing accurate,
unambiguous representations of
requirements in a written
Misinterpretation of system-
level requirements
The difficulty in verifying that
the design has correctly
implemented the requirements.
(D’Ambros, et al., 2010)
Design flaws Incorrectness
Violations of design principles
and practices
Table 2: description of the techniques used in the survey.
Technique Description
Day-start A daily session of approximately 15 minutes
where staff share the status of their work with
direct co-workers
A weekly session of approximately one hour
where staff look at the results obtained last
week and set targets for the upcoming week
Table 2: description of the techniques used in the survey
Technique Description
Coaching Regular interactions between managers and
staff to develop insight into current performance
and options for improvement
Kaizen An approach to implement process
improvement during a short period of time by
going through the cycle: define – measure –
analyze generate improvements implement
– control – secure
The response of approximately 34% is high for a
survey and gives confidence in the results. Of the
respondents 89% indicate they use lean in some
form. Taking this as the basis for relevant response,
we see differences in usage between the techniques.
Day-start is commonly in use (95.3%) as is Week-
start (80.7%). Both Coaching and Kaizen are used
less. For Kaizen the result is reasonable. Not
everyone will regularly be involved in Kaizen type
improvement projects. With 43.3% of staff members
involved in this activity it shows a decent result. That
little usage was made of Coaching is surprising, since
the lean-coaches of the department all agreed on its
importance. However, there was already during the
discussions with these lean-coaches some confusion
in this area, since many different names for the
technique were mentioned. In discussion with the
lean-coaches a term (Coaching) was selected that
they felt would be understood by most people. This
might have been over optimistic. However, a
response of 26.3% is still large enough to be able to
draw conclusions.
If respondents indicate an effect is present they
can indicate the size of this effect. Answer options
range from “moderate” to “excellent”. To get a better
show the results, we added two notions. The first is a
“significant effect” that adds responses of “average”
and higher. The second is a “major effect” that adds
responses of “good” and “excellent”. More detailed
results are presented in table 5, where we give results
(in percentages) for each combination of technique
and defect injection factor. To facilitate reading this
table, highest scores within a technique are indicated
in bold.
Results for the sub-questions are summarized in
tables 3 and 4. In table 3 we provide a first overview
of average results per technique across defect
injection factors. The first block gives the answers to
the question “is there an impact of this technique”.
Answer options are “no”, “don’t know”, and “yes”).
The basis of this percentage is the number of
respondents, indicating they use the technique, minus
those with a "no" answer on the sub-question
(resulting in a missing value). If we deduct also the
answer “don’t know” from the response we see the
result of those respondents that felt sufficiently
secure to give an answer. This is presented in a
further column “yes-2”.
Across all techniques and defect injection factors, an
average of 61.8 % of respondents perceive the
existence of an impact of the identified lean
techniques on the identified defect injection factors.
If they see such an effect, its degree is estimated at
“significant” by 66.4% of respondents and as
“major” by 30.8%. These results seem to support the
notion that lean’ positively impacts defect injection.
It goes some way toward explaining the reason for
the existence of this effect of lean.
If we look across techniques we can see that the
existence of an impact of Kaizen, a technique aimed
at structural continuous improvement, is perceived to
be (on average across defect injection factors) highest
at 70.6%. Also the degree of this impact (significant:
74.1%; major: 39.6%) scores very high. This is
followed by both Coaching (impact: 63.5%;
significant: 72.2%; major: 31.8%) and Day-start
(impact: 61.2%; significant: 62.2%; major: 30.8%).
They are definitely trailed by Week-start (impact:
52.0%; significant: 57.2%; major: 20.9%), which
shows a decidedly lower result. Similarly, if we look
at the defect injection factors to see where the impact
is seen most across techniques, “external factors” and
“time pressure” score high, both with existence of
impact and degree of impact, with “lack of skills”
and “lack of knowledge” following close behind.
Day-start is a daily session of about 15 minutes
aimed at discussing the performance of the previous
day and the goals of the current day, identification of
improvement options and work allocation. Given this
purpose, the major impact on ‘time pressure’ that is
identified should not come as a surprise. Planning
work based on the current situation is its main
purpose and this should indeed isolate the team from
undue expectations. The impact on ‘external factors’
is more surprising, since the technique is not
specifically aimed at these. A possible explanation
could be that this isolation also extends to other
issues, which are handled of line. The higher impact
on ‘lack of knowledge’, ‘lack of skills’ and
‘incompleteness’ could be explained by the
Table 3: Average results per technique across injection factors (in percentages).
Technique Is there an impact Degree of impact if there is an impact
no don't know yes yes-2 Moderate Average Good Excellent Significant Major
Daystart 32.1 17.1 50.8 61.2 37.8 31.4 25.5 5.3 62.2 30.8
Week-start 40.5 15.7 43.8 52.0 42.8 36.3 18.6 2.4 57.2 20.9
Coaching 32.5 11.0 56.5 63.5 27.8 40.4 21.9 10.0 72.2 31.8
Kaizen 23.1 21.6 55.3 70.6 25.9 34.5 27.2 12.4 74.1 39.6
Over all 32.1 16.3 51.6 61.8 33.6 35.6 23.3 7.5 66.4 30.8
Table 4: Average impact on defect injection factors across techniques (in percentages).
Factor Is there an impact Degree of impact
no don't know yes yes-2 Moderate Average Good Excellent Significant Major
Incompleteness 33.4 15.6 51.0 60.5 35.1 33.8
4.9 64.9 31.1
Incorrectness 34.8 15.6 49.6 58.9 36.3 38.0 21.4 4.2 63.7 25.6
Inconsistency 34.1 15.9 50.0 59.7 39.2 35.7 21.0 4.1 60.8 25.1
Ambiguity 34.0 16.6 49.4 59.4
38.0 17.7 4.8 60.5 22.5
Complexity 32.3 16.2 51.6 61.7 34.3 33.5 25.0 7.2 65.7 32.3
Time pressure 28.9 15.6
65.8 28.6 33.0 26.0
Lack of traceability
17.6 46.9 57.1 36.6 36.9 21.6 4.9 63.4 26.5
Lack of skills 31.8 15.6 52.7 62.4 29.8 35.1 23.8 11.3 70.2 35.1
Lack of knowledge 29.6 15.3 55.1 65.1 29.4 33.8 24.6 12.1 70.6 36.8
External factors 26.3
25.7 8.9
communication among the team that is fostered by
this frequent contact. The purpose of a Day-start is
also asking or offering knowledge or availability.
Week-start is a weekly session of about an hour
with similar purposes to the Day-start, now only with
a time frame of one week. Given the same
approximate purpose we see a similar result, with
‘time pressure’ and ‘external factors’ scoring highest,
again followed by ‘lack of knowledge’, ‘lack of
skills’ and ‘incompleteness’. However, we also see
that the impact of this technique is rated decidedly
lower when compare to that of day-start. This is
surprising. A possible explanation could be that a
time frame of one week is too much to provide the
‘isolation’ effects postulated above. However, we
also see that participation for the Day-start (95.3%) is
higher than that for the Week-start (80.7%) which is
still high but might indicate a lower acceptance of the
practice and its results.
Coaching and performance dialogues are aimed at
coaching the employee of discussing his hers
performance. Each employee is supposed to have
such a talk at least once per week. Indicated
participation for this technique is low with 26.3%. As
stated a possible explanation might be that some
confusion exists about the name of the activity.
Another reason might be that the recipients of the
regular coaching discussions no longer see it as a
separate technique but as a part of the common daily
activities. The technique is then so embedded in the
way of working of the organization that only (team-)
managers are likely to notice it. However as stated,
the perceived impact of this technique, aimed at
continuous improvement, is high. Impact and degree
of impact score high for both by ‘lack of knowledge’,
‘lack of skills’, as is to be expected with a technique
aimed at improving the human capability. Somewhat
more surprising, ‘time pressure’ also received a high
score, maybe because of time management issues
being taken along with the coaching. The factor
‘external factors’ scores very high in input, but fairly
low in its degree of impact. Since coaching is aimed
at the improvement of the human resource, and not
specifically at the management of work processes
this might explain the lower degree of impact.
Kaizen, a technique aimed at structural
continuous improvement, is aimed at developing and
implementing concrete improvements. In a (limited)
number of sessions a small team guided by a kaizen
facilitator follows a structured process aimed at
developing and implementing an improvement for an
identified issue. Since this is usually more product
and process oriented, factors associated with this are
more likely to be impacted as opposed to the more
Table 5: results / technique / defect injection factor ( %).
Technique / Defect
injection factor
Is there an
Degree of impact
Incompleteness 61.7 62.1 33.2
Incorrectness 58.1 57.6 26.3
Inconsistency 60.2 55.4 26.0
Ambiguity 56.4 56.3 20.5
Complexity 57.0 61.0 30.8
Time pressure
Lack of traceability 52.6 55.5 23.1
Lack of skills 60.3 65.4 32.7
Lack of knowledge 67.4 64.2 33.6
External factors 67.2
Incompleteness 49.2 53.5 20.8
Incorrectness 47.2 55.3 18.4
Inconsistency 47.7 49.0 15.7
Ambiguity 48.1 50.6 13.0
Complexity 53.0 52.7 18.3
Time pressure 60.0 64.1
Lack of traceability 45.4 55.6 18.8
Lack of skills 53.1 60.5 22.1
Lack of knowledge 55.9 63.0 23.2
External factors
60.3 67.9
Incompleteness 62.7 65.2 21.7
Incorrectness 60.9 62.7 17.9
Inconsistency 58.2 67.2 17.2
Ambiguity 61.1 62.1 16.7
Complexity 62.4 70.6 32.4
Time pressure 66.7 81.1
Lack of traceability 58.3 68.3 22.2
Lack of skills
82.9 51.3
Lack of knowledge 67.6
External factors 68.2 78.1 35.6
Incompleteness 68.5 78.8
Incorrectness 69.3
Inconsistency 72.7 71.7 41.7
Ambiguity 72.0 72.9 39.8
Complexity 74.4 78.7 47.5
Time pressure 65.0 68.9 27.4
Lack of traceability 72.2 74.4 41.9
Lack of skills 67.7 72.1 34.2
Lack of knowledge 69.5 71.1 36.8
External factors
73.9 38.3
human oriented factors targeted by coaching. This is
indeed confirmed by the results. The factors
‘incompleteness’, ‘incorrectness’, ’inconsistency’,
‘complexity’, and ‘lack of traceability’ are the ones
that are identified by the respondents as having a
high degree of impact (‘major’ above 40%) with the
other factors scoring (sometimes well) below that.
The one defect injection factor that had not
surfaced in any of the techniques as having a major
degree of impact is ‘ambiguity’. It scored not only
lowest overall, but also lowest for three out of four of
the individual techniques (based on the ‘major’
degree of impact). Apparently this is too complex a
concept and cannot be easily dealt with by these
fairly straightforward techniques. Also, ambiguity’
is likely to be caused to a large degree by the
interaction with the user community, which is not
involved in either of these techniques, suggesting the
need for other means to deal with this issue.
Notions of ‘lean’ and associated techniques are being
used more and more in practice in software
engineering. Literature suggests that adoption of
these practices could lead to improved productivity
and a reduction of the number of defects injected.
Literature also suggests that the actual proof for this
is still not very convincing. In this paper we added to
the body of knowledge by looking at a detailed level
at the possible impact of a number of lean techniques
on a number of defect injection factors. A survey,
conducted within a single large software
development organization, shows that respondents
indeed perceive that such an impact is present.
Different techniques have to a different degree an
expected impact on the defect injection factors. This
provides additional proof for the effectiveness of lean
in software engineering and also gives some more
detailed explanation for this effect.
Having said this, the research has a number of
limitations. The context is a single (albeit large)
organization. Also, the research does not look at the
comprehensive concept of lean, but only at a limited
number of techniques. Both issues limit the
generalizability of the results, suggesting immediate
areas for further research.
Another limitation is due to the fact that the
results are based on subjective assessments of the
respondents taking part. They are in principle
knowledgeable, and the questions were tailored to be
answerable. Also the ‘don’t know’ option, which was
used on average by 16% of respondents should weed
out uninformed answers. But still people have to
assess the impact of techniques they use on factors
that are fairly abstract. We do indeed see a fairly
strong respondent bias. People tend to be more
optimistic / pessimistic across the board, resulting in
a high correlation between the individual answers.
However, even when taking into account this effect,
differences between different techniques are
considerable and reasonable explanations for these
differences can be provided. All in all the main
direction of the results is in our mind sufficiently
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