We have introduced JOPA as a solution for object-
oriented access to ontologies. We have described the
architecture of JOPA and its prototypical implemen-
tation, including the OntoDriver component with its
API and implementation using Sesame API. Onto-
Driver represents a software layer which separates
object-ontological mapping in JOPA from access to
different storages, providing a general and concise
API. Based on this API, we have examined complex-
ity of its operations both theoretically with regards to
two well-known storages and practically in a bench-
mark of our prototype.
In the future, we intend to work on implemen-
tations of OntoDriver for other storages and a more
thorough benchmark of these storages in cooperation
with the corresponding drivers.
This work was supported by the grant No.
SGS13/204/OHK3/3T/13 Effective solving of engi-
neering problems using semantic technologies of the
Czech Technical University in Prague.
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