A model for managing SLA information when
dealing with contracts and SLA composition in
service-based IT environments has been presented in
this paper. Starting from the widely known, WSLA
framework, we have proposed an extension capable
of overcoming two main issues in managing SLAs.
At first, we tackle the lack in standard models
representing service contracts and their SLAs in
SOA and service network environments. We mainly
address contract and SLA composition aspects, by
proposing a flexible template for IT service contracts
that can be applied to several domains. The original
WSLA model has been complemented by
considering two new aspects: composition
topologies and rules to cope with Cloud Computing
scenarios, where IT resources are usually reserved
and allocated dynamically according to users’
requests. Moreover, cloud services are provided to
customers as the composition of multiple, third-party
services, thus requiring specific attention to the
corresponding contracts that have to be signed and
their terms and guarantees.
Secondly, we target the possibility to make SLAs
effectively machine-readable, thus allowing easier
design and monitoring policies for IT professionals
managing service networks. The choice of WSLA,
due to its XML-based structure has been done right
in that direction. In order to ease SLA machine
readability, we modeled the contract template as a
digraph. The implementation has been done by
revolving to a NoSQL graph-based DBMS.
A specific tool, named CASCO (Contract-Aware
Service COmposer), has been designed, developed
and implemented in order to provide IT
professionals with a solution allowing contract and
SLA evaluation and assessment during the design
phase. A set of five SLA metrics has been selected
to evaluate template feasibility via to our tool. We
have ascertained that WSLA extension can handle
all the information for describing contracts of
composed services and their SLAs.
In the near future, this research will be widened
and by considering three additional aspects: 1)
template extension to describe SLAs related to BPO
contracts; 2) ontological formalization of the
template; 3) adoption of rule-based policies to
perform real-time monitoring of the composed
services as in Complex Event Processing.
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