Enhanced Information Access to Social Streams Through Word Clouds
with Entity Grouping
Martin Leginus,
Leon Derczynski
and Peter Dolog
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Selma Lagerlofs Vej 300, 9200, Aalborg, Denmark
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, S1 4DP, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Word Clouds, Recognized Named Entities, User Evaluation, Social Streams Access.
Intuitive and effective access to large volumes of information is increasingly important. As social media
explodes as a useful source of information, so are methods required to access these large volumes of user-
generated content. Word clouds are an effective information access tool. However, those generated over
social media data often depict redundant and mis-ranked entries. This limits the users’ ability to browse and
explore datasets. This paper proposes a method for improving word cloud generation over social streams.
Named entity expressions in tweets are detected, disambiguated and aggregated into entity clusters. A word
cloud is generated from terms that represent the most relevant entity clusters. We find that word clouds with
grouped named entities attain significantly broader coverage and significantly decreased content duplication.
Further, access to relevant entries in the collection is improved. An extrinsic crowdsourced user evaluation
of generated word clouds was performed. Word clouds with grouped named entities are rated as significantly
more relevant and more diverse with respect to the baseline. In addition, we found that word clouds with
higher levels of Mean Average Precision (MAP) are more likely to be rated by users as being relevant to the
concepts reflected. Critically, this supports MAP as a tool for predicting word cloud quality without requiring
a human in the loop.
A word cloud is a visual information access inter-
face which presents prominent and interesting terms
from the underlying data collection. Word clouds
allow quick access and exploration over document
collections (Kuo et al., 2007) and reduce informa-
tion overload (Miotto et al., 2013). There are vari-
ous studies about tag cloud generation from folkson-
omy data (Leginus et al., 2013; Venetis et al., 2011),
but few studies available about word clouds generated
from user generated content on social media (Leginus
et al., 2015). To investigate information access over
social media, we investigate the “model organism”
of this data type, Twitter (Tufekci, 2014), a world-
wide popular online social network where users pub-
lish daily an enormous amount of content (upwards
of 600 million pieces of content per day). Therefore,
Twitter users often face information overload while
searching, browsing and exploring tweets (Bernstein
et al., 2010). Improved information access through
e.g. word clouds can reduce this information over-
load. For instance, the interactive browsing interface
Eddi, where a word cloud is a core component of the
interface (Bernstein et al., 2010), helps to decrease
information overload. According to users, Eddi gives
a more efficient and enjoyable mode of browsing the
enormous amount of user stream tweets. Similarly,
word clouds ease e-health monitoring when browsing
large collections of tweets (Lage et al., 2014).
Despite the benefits of word clouds for accessing
and browsing social stream data, it remains a difficult
type of text to handle. As a result of the diversity of
language choice and spelling present in social media,
end users are often presented with several different
terms that refer to the same entity or concept, each
term using different syntax and form. Hence, con-
ventional methods of generating word clouds lead to
undesirable results when applied to social stream text.
In particular, variations of proper nouns create dupli-
cated clusters, each of reduced prominence. Com-
pounding the issue, variety in expression is increased
by tight space constraints in some formats (like Twit-
ter’s 140-character limit) and by social media’s gener-
ally informal, uncurated setting, as well as the inclu-
sion of quasi-word hashtags (Derczynski et al., 2013;
Leginus M., Derczynski L. and Dolog P..
Enhanced Information Access to Social Streams Through Word Clouds with Entity Grouping.
DOI: 10.5220/0005403101830193
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 183-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Maynard and Greenwood, 2014). For example, the
football club “Manchester United” may also be re-
ferred to as “MUFC” and “Man U”. Adding entries
for each of these leads to a decrease in the prominence
of this key concept, while also taking up space in the
cloud and thus reducing its eventual diversity.
Redundancies in the word cloud might lead to
user confusion and an inability to effectively browse,
explore and retrieve other relevant content. There-
fore, two aspects should be considered when design-
ing word cloud generation algorithms. Primarily, one
aims to condense divergent terms describing the same
concept into a single term. Also, a cloud’s high-level
diversity must be maximised, so the cloud gives a
broad account of topics in the collection. These two
conflicting requirements must be balanced to achieve
an optimal word cloud.
The aim of this study is to improve word cloud
generation by grouping co-referent entity expres-
sions across multiple documents, applying existing
named entity recognition systems in a novel fashion
and grounding terms in this difficult genre to linked
data resources. We systematically study the bene-
fits of grouped named entities on word cloud gen-
eration. We use three established synthetic metrics
Coverage, Overlap and Mean Average Precision
(MAP) for word clouds generated from social me-
dia data (Venetis et al., 2011; Leginus et al., 2015).
Further, to verify the findings of the synthetic evalua-
tion, we perform a user study comparing clouds with
grouped and un-grouped named entities. The main
contributions and findings of this paper are:
The best performing DivRankTermsEntities
method significantly increases Coverage with
respect to the baseline method (p = 0.0363) and
significantly decreases Overlap (p = 0.000094)
(decreased redundancies). In addition, access to
relevant documents is improved.
Word clouds with grouped named entities are sig-
nificantly more relevant (p = 0.00062, one sample
t-test) and diverse (p = 0.003, one sample t-test).
Users report that word clouds with grouped
named entities that attain higher levels of MAP
are more relevant than the word clouds with de-
creased levels of MAP. Hence, the MAP metric
should be considered and measured when design-
ing word cloud generation methods.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2
provides a brief description of relevant related work.
Section 3 decribes a general process of word cloud
generation and points out the focus of our work, and
presents a method for word cloud generation with
grouped entities. In Section 4, we describe graph-
based word cloud generation which is the underlying
framework for the later evaluation. Section 5 presents
the findings from an offline evaluation of generated
word clouds from TREC2011 microblog collection
as well as results of the performed user study. Fi-
nally, we discuss the paper’s contributions as well as
possible limitations of this work in Sections 6 and 7.
2.1 Word Cloud Generation
Tag cloud generation from folksonomy data has been
thoroughly researched. Several tag cloud generation
methods are proposed (Leginus et al., 2013; Venetis
et al., 2011) and even synthetic metrics expressing tag
cloud quality designed (Venetis et al., 2011). There
are few studies that explore the benefits of word
clouds for browsing social stream data. For instance,
the browsing tool Eddi, where word cloud is a core
component of the interface (Bernstein et al., 2010),
helps to decrease information overwhelm. Similarly,
word clouds are useful for the detection of epidemics
when browsing thousands of tweets is needed (Lage
et al., 2014).
Crowdsourcing has been used to recognize named
entities in tweets (Finin et al., 2010). This study re-
ports that word clouds with named entities recognized
by human workers are considered better. This sup-
ports our motive to promote and improve the handling
of named entites in word clouds recognized in tweets.
Our contribution beyond the study from (Finin et al.,
2010) is threefold. First, we perform grouping of
recognized named entities, which has a positive im-
pact on the generated word clouds. Second, we sys-
tematically study how to generate word clouds with
named entities and measure performance using mul-
tiple metrics. Third, we compare these measured per-
formances with user ratings, to discover relations be-
tween metrics and the user’s perspective.
2.2 Social Stream Text Reparation
Social stream text is noisy, and difficult to process
with typical language processing tools (Derczynski
et al., 2013). Consolidation of the varying expres-
sions used to mention entities is possible, over large
well-formed corpora (Hogan et al., 2012). Achiev-
ing this over social streams presents new challenges,
in terms of the reduced context and heightened diver-
sity of expression. We propose a simple consolidation
technique and explore its positive impact on the word
cloud generation. Other potential methods we could
employ to improve cloud quality are normalization
and coreference. Normalization (Han and Baldwin,
2011) applies to many low-frequency terms, and as
a result has a low impact with named entities. Also,
while normalisation can compare minor spelling mis-
takes, it typically does not condense highly ortho-
graphically different expressions of the same entity.
Coreference requires context to operate something
that is absent in short social media stream messages.
Mapping keywords to unambiguous entity references
is difficult, but understood (Augenstein et al., 2013).
The process of generating word clouds from social
media data is comprised of several subsequent steps:
1. Data collection where underlying documents are
aggregated with respect to a user query, profile or
trending topic. Often, the whole document collec-
tion might be used for a word cloud generation.
In this work, we aggregate tweets for word cloud
generation with respect to a user query.
2. Data preprocessing where extracted terms or
phrases can be clustered, lemmatized or normal-
ized. Documents can be further enriched or anno-
tated with recognized named entities. The aim of
this work is to investigate how recognized named
entities detected during this phase impact the fol-
lowing word cloud generation.
3. Word cloud generation where the most relevant
and important terms from the underlying collec-
tion are selected and consequently a word cloud is
generated. Different word selection methods can
be applied (Venetis et al., 2011), (Leginus et al.,
2013), (Leginus et al., 2015).
The goal is to explore how recognized and grouped
named entities from the Data preprocessing phase af-
fect consequent word cloud generation. Do grouped
named entities improve the quality of word clouds
in terms of Coverage, Overlap and enhanced access
to relevant tweets? Which word cloud generation
method gives best results when using named entities?
We transform these research questions into the fol-
lowing two hypotheses:
H1: Word clouds with grouped recognized named
entities improve Coverage, Overlap and Mean Av-
erage Precision of generated word clouds.
H2: Word clouds with grouped recognized named
entities are more relevant and more diverse with
respect to a provided query from the user perspec-
In the following, we describe a method for grouping
recognized named entities from tweets.
3.1 Grouping Named Entities
Conventional named entity recognition is not suffi-
cient due to the nature of Twitter data (Derczynski
et al., 2015). Standard named entity recognition ap-
proaches do not perform well on tweets because of the
error prone structure (misspellings, missing capital-
ization or grammar mistakes) and their short length.
We propose a method that aims to recognize named
entities, to link the possible aliases and consequently
to generate a word cloud with the recognized and
linked named entities. This method can be thought of
as a Data preprocessing step when generating word
clouds over data from social streams. We combine
standard named entity recognition tools with linked
data. Alternative names for recognized entities are
exploited for term cluster creation for each named en-
tity. A canonical term from an entity term cluster is
selected and, if relevant and prominent enough, it is
presented in the final word cloud. The method is sum-
marized as follows:
1. Gather a tweet collection a set of tweets corre-
sponding to a certain trending topic or a query on
2. Recognise named entities (NER) and disam-
biguate them (entity linking) using the TextRa-
zor service, which performs this task relatively
well (Derczynski et al., 2015).
3. Using linked data, find alternative names for the
recognised entity. We used Freebase’s (Bollacker
et al., 2008) aliases field for this. For instance,
for the entity Manchester United FC the following
aliases might be retrieved Man United, Manch-
ester United, Man Utd, MUFC, Red Devils, The
Reds or United.
4. Perform lemmatisation to group together all the
inflicted forms of a word to exploit only the base
form of the term.
5. Using the aliases, build a term cluster for each en-
tity, containing e.g. Manchester United, Man U,
6. Find canonical names, such as Manchester United
7. Generate the “condensed” cloud with aggregated
counts of entity mentioned frequencies with some
word cloud generation technique.
This may be performed as a general-purpose tech-
nique, and also to “targeted” streams, e.g. where
tweets are filtered based on user-defined criteria such
as keywords or spatial regions.
See www.textrazor.com
In this section, we describe a graph-based method
for generating word clouds with and without entity
grouping. The benefits of graph-based word cloud
generation are following. First, the method identifies
relevant and important keywords in underlying text
collections. Several studies have empirically demon-
strated the benefits of graph based methods over stan-
dard popularity or TF-IDF word cloud generation
methods (Leginus et al., 2013; Leginus et al., 2015;
Wu et al., 2010). Second, graph-based methods allow
biasing of word cloud generation toward user prefer-
ences or search queries. Our graph-based selection
methods firstly transforms terms space into a graph.
Then, the stochastic ranking of vertices in the graph
is performed. In this work, we consider only global
ranking but the proposed methods can be easily ap-
plied to biased graph-based ranking e.g., biased to-
wards a user query or a user profile.
4.1 Graph-based Creation
Extracted terms from underlying tweets are used to
build a graph where each term is a graph vertex. If two
terms (vertices) co-occur at least α times, we consider
these two terms as similar. Eventually, for each simi-
lar term pair, two directed edges are generated t
and t
. Hence, edges capture co-occurrence re-
lations between individual terms.
4.2 Graph-based Ranking
Graph-based ranking of terms simulates a stochas-
tic process i.e., random traversal of the terms in the
graph. We use a PageRank-style algorithm (Leginus
et al., 2013), but any other algorithm based on ran-
dom traversal of the graph could be employed. The
aim is to estimate the global importance of a term t.
If needed, it is possible to bias ranking towards user
preferences through a vector of prior probabilities ~p
For global graph-based ranking, i.e. without intro-
duced bias, we set each entry in ~p
= {p
... p
|V |
|V |
where V is the set of all graph vertices. The
sum of prior probabilities in ~p
is 1. A random restart
of stochastic traversal of the graph is assured with a
back probability β which determines how often a ran-
dom traversal restarts and jumps back to a randomly
selected (following ~p
probability distribution) vertex
in the graph. So, the β parameter allows adjustment
of bias toward user preferences or to vertices that are
globally relevant in the underlying graph. To simu-
late random traversal of the graph, iterative stationary
probability is defined as:
= (1 β)
+ β~p
where π(v)
is a probability of visiting node v at
time i + 1, d
(v) is the set of all incoming edges to
node v and p(v|u) is a transition probability of jump-
ing from node u to node v. In this work, a transition
probability is set to p(v|u) =
for nodes v that
have an ingoing edge from node u, otherwise p(v|u)
equals 0. The resulting global rank of a term t after
convergence is considered as relevance of t i.e.;
I(t) = π(t) (2)
Top-k ranked terms are then used for word cloud gen-
eration where the ranking score indicates the promi-
nence of the term in a word cloud.
We retrieved available tweets with relevance judge-
ments from TREC2011 microblog collection (Ounis
et al., 2011) during August 2014. Although some
tweets were not available during retrieval, we com-
pare results over the same corpus. We do not consider
the missing tweets as a limitation of our evaluation
see (McCreadie et al., 2012). The relevance judge-
ments for TREC2011 microblog collection were built
using a standard pooling technique. For TREC the
relevance of a tweet with respect to a query was as-
sesed with a three-point scale; 0: irrelevant tweet, 1:
relevant tweet and 2: highly relevant tweet. In this
work, we consider both relevant and highly relevant
tweets as equally relevant.
5.1 Metrics
We evaluate individual aspects of generated word
clouds using the synthetic metrics introduced
in (Venetis et al., 2011; Leginus et al., 2015).
The generated word cloud with k terms is denoted
as WC
. A term t links to a set of tweets Tw
. Tw
is the set of all tweets that are associated with a query
phrase t
. The first metric is Coverage, defined as:
) =
, (3)
where the numerator of the fraction is the size of
the union set. The union set consists of tweets as-
sociated with each term t from the word cloud WC
| is the number of all tweets that are associated
with a query phrase t
. The metric ranges between 0
and 1. When a Coverage for a particular word cloud
is close to 1, the majority of tweets are “covered”
i.e., linked from the word cloud WC
Overlap of WC
: Different words in WC
be linking to the same tweets. The Overlap metric
captures the extent of such redundancy. Thus, given
and t
, we define the Overlap(WC
of WC
) = avg
, (4)
If Overlap(WC
) is close to 0, then the intersections
of tweets annotated by depicted words are small and
such word clouds are more diverse.
Further, we measure Mean Average Precision
metric (Leginus et al., 2015) for the evaluation of
word clouds as follows:
1. For given terms and corresponding weights of a
word cloud WC
, create a query vector Q
normalized weights. Each entry of the query vec-
tor Q
represents the importance of a term from
the word cloud WC
with the normalized weight
i.e., more important terms from the word cloud
are represented with higher weights.
2. Rank and retrieve top-k tweets matching a given
query Q
3. Measure mean average precision(MAP) where
each relevant tweet from TREC2011 microblog
collection is considered a positive.
Ranking of relevant tweets with respect to a given
query Q
is computed with standard information
retrieval function OKAPI BM25 which can be defined
S(tw, Q
) =
) · T F(q
,tw) · IDF(q
T F(q
,tw) =
f (q
,tw) · (k
+ 1)
f (q
,tw) + k
· (1 b + b ·
) = log
N n(q
) + 0.5
) + 0.5
and f (q
,tw) is a q
term frequency within a tweet
tw, |tw| is the length of a given tweet tw, avgtwl is
average length of tweet within the corpus, N is a to-
tal number of tweets in the corpus and n(q
) is the
number of tweets that contain the term q
. To capture
the importance of a word from the generated word
cloud, we multiply the whole relevance score for a
given term with the word cloud weight c(q
) for
the given term q
. The function c(q
) returns
a weight of the term q
from the query vector Q
which corresponds to the term weight from the word
cloud WC
. We set the same values for parameters
= 1.2 and b = 0.75 as in (Manning et al., 2008).
We measured the average precision at K for the
retrieved top K list of ranked tweets with respect to
the given word cloud. Further, we measured the MAP
for all generated word clouds. The average precision
of top K ranked tweets with respect to the word cloud
is calculated as follows:
) =
(P(k) · rel(k))
where P(k) is the precision at k-th position in the
ranked top K list and rel(k) is 1 if the tweet at rank k
is relevant, otherwise rel(k) is 0 and #relevanttweets
is the number of relevant tweets within the top K list.
MAP is defined as:
where AWC
is the set of all generated word
clouds and AP@KQ
is average precision for the
given word cloud Q
. In this work, we measure
MAP at 30 under the assumption that it represents a
reasonable cutoff for the number of relevant tweets
similar to the approach in (Ounis et al., 2011).
5.2 Baseline Method
PageRank Exploiting Only Extracted Terms
(PgRankTerms). This method was originally pro-
posed in (Leginus et al., 2013) to estimate tag rele-
vance wrt. a certain query, and it outperformed sev-
eral tag selection approaches in terms of relevance. In
this work, the method estimates global terms impor-
tance within the graph created from the pooled tweets
for the individual query from TREC2011 microblog
collection. The β parameter is set to 0.85 (recom-
mended value for a Pagerank algorithm). Due to the
short nature of tweets, threshold α for edge creation
between individual terms is set to 0. Shorter texts lead
to small numbers of co-occurring terms, which conse-
quently leads to a sparse graph.
5.3 Entity Based Methods
Most Frequent Entities (MFE). This method selects
only recognized entities as defined in Section 3.1. The
method provides a list of entities sorted by frequency
in descending order, selecting top-k most popular en-
Most Frequent Entities with Grouped Aliases
10 20 30 40 50
# terms in the word cloud
10 20 30 40 50
# terms in the word cloud
10 20 30 40 50
# terms in the word cloud
PgRankTerms PgRankTermsEntities MFE MFEA
Figure 1: Coverage, Overlap, and Mean Average Precision for word clouds of various sizes generated for queries from
TREC2011 microblog collection.
(MFEA). This method selects only recognized enti-
ties and associated Freebase aliases as defined in Sec-
tion 3.1. The method provides a list of entities sorted
by frequency in descending order.
PageRank Exploiting Extracted Terms, Enti-
ties and Grouped Aliases (PgRankTermsEntities).
This method estimates the global importance of terms
and recognized named entities within the graph cre-
ated from the extracted terms, recognized named enti-
ties and grouped Freebase aliases from pooled tweets
for the individual query from TREC2011 microblog
collection. The parameters are set to the same values
as in the baseline method.
5.4 Results
We performed the evaluation on queries from
TREC2011 microblog collection (Ounis et al., 2011).
The MFE method has the worst Coverage ranging
from 35% for word clouds with 10 terms to 45%
for word clouds with 50 terms. MFEA has better
Coverage with approximately 10% absolute improve-
ment over the MFE method. The baseline method
PgRankTerms attains greater Coverage than MFE and
MFEA methods. The reason for higher Coverage
of PgRankTerms is that entity mentions do not oc-
cur enough in tweets to outperform other extracted
words. However, when extracted words are combined
with grouped named entities like in PgRankTermsEn-
tities, the improvements in Coverage are highest. The
PgRankTermsEntities method outperforms all other
word cloud generation methods. PgRankTermsEnti-
ties improves Coverage with respect to PgRankTerms
and MFEA because it groups entity synonyms e.g.
USA, US and America and represent them with the
canonical entity name United States of America. In
addition, it selects the most important terms which are
not referring to named entities e.g., #service, #jobs
for the query BBC World Service staff cuts. The rel-
ative improvements in comparison to PgRankTerms
are 11% for 10 terms, 6% for 20 terms, 4% for 30
terms and 2% for 40 and 50 terms word clouds. Cov-
erage improvements decrease as word clouds increase
in size because the number of relevant/prominent rec-
ognized named entities in the underlying graph is
lower. These results support the hypothesis H1: that
grouping named entities improves the Coverage of
word clouds.
Word cloud generation methods which exploit
named recognized entities improve MAP. PgRank-
TermsEntities, MFE and MFEA outperform PgRank-
Terms in terms of MAP. The relative improvements
of PgRankTermsEntities in comparison to PgRank-
Terms are 4% for 10 terms, 10% for 20 terms, 9%
for 30 terms, 23% for 40 and 14% for 50 terms word
clouds. Thus, word clouds with named recognized
entities improve access to the relevant tweets of the
corpus which validates the H1 hypothesis. The main
reason for the attained improvements is that almost
89% of all relevant tweets from TREC2011 microblog
collection contain at least one recognized entity. Sim-
ilarly, 31% of all relevant tweets contain at least one
Freebase alias (with minimal length of 4 characters).
Comparing all pooled tweets from the TREC2011 mi-
croblog collection 77% contain recognized named
entities and 28% of tweets contain at least one Free-
base alias. Further, linking entity synonyms increases
both Coverage and also the prominence of the named
entity in the word cloud. Thus, it is more likely that
the named entity will be represented in the word cloud
and, if relevant for the query, it will improve access to
the relevant tweets.
Improved access to relevant tweets and enhanced
Coverage of word clouds can be attained through a
combined selection of terms and recognized named
entities. Thus, for enhanced word cloud generation
it is important to combine recognized and grouped
named entities with relevant and prominent terms
from the underlying dataset.
The methods exploiting recognized named enti-
ties do have higher Overlap than the PgRankTerms
method. We consider this finding interesting and
unanticipated. The increased redundancies in the gen-
erated word clouds are caused by imperfect NER
tools. In particular, tweets with an ambiguous name
entity such as BBC News Service link to several se-
mantically similar entities such as BBC, BBC News,
BBC NEWS Service, which might lead to higher
Overlap scores. Further, detected Freebase aliases
might often increase Overlap for the similar reason
e.g., alias us for United States covers many irrelevant
tweets. To minimize the impact of ambiguous aliases
we restrict the alias detection to a minimum length of
4 characters and the alias may not be a stop word.
Lemmatisation also had a positive effect on word
cloud generation. Lemmatising terms to group them
improves Coverage 1.75% above the baseline, and 3%
for the PgRankTermsEntities. Similarly, MAP im-
proves with an increase of 11% for PgRankTermsEn-
tities and 7% for the baseline technique. The negative
impact of lemmatisation on word cloud generation is
higher Overlap (decreased diversity of word clouds),
with an increase of 3% using the baseline technique.
As the result is overall positive, we included lemmati-
sation as a preprocessing step for all cloud generation
5.5 Diversification
To overcome the problems introduced by higher re-
dundancy in word clouds, we investigate how to max-
imize global relevance as well as diversity of se-
lected terms. Instead of following greedy diversi-
fication approaches, we take a unified approach of
ranking global relevance together with the diversifi-
cation objective. We use the DivRank algorithm (Mei
et al., 2010) which assumes that transition probabili-
ties change over time following the “rich gets richer”
principle. The transition probability from different
vertices to a certain vertex is reinforced by the num-
ber of previous visits to that state. Hence, during a
random walk, vertices with high weights are likely
to consume the weights of their neighbors. Conse-
quently, top ranked vertices tend to have low connec-
tivity, which corresponds to more diversified ranking.
Figure 2 shows that with diversified word cloud
generation, Overlap decreases. The relative im-
provements of DivRankTermsEntities outperforms
the PgRankTerms baseline are 14% for 10 terms,
14% for 20 terms, 12% for 30 terms, 11% for
40 and 12% for 50 terms word clouds. The Di-
vRankTermsEntities method significantly decreases
Overlap in comparison to the PgRankTerms baseline
(Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p = 0.000094) The im-
provements are even more significant with respect
to PgRankTermsEntities method with 24% for 10
10 20 30 40 50
# terms in the word cloud
Figure 2: Overlap for diversified word clouds with the
method DivRankTermEntities of various sizes generated for
queries from TREC2011 microblog collection.
terms, 22% for 20 terms, 20% for 30 terms, 19%
for 40 and 18% for 50 terms word clouds. In con-
trast, diversified word cloud generation significantly
improves Coverage of word cloud generation. The
improvement is statistically significant with respect to
the baseline method PgRankTerms (Wilcoxon signed-
rank test, p = 0.0363). The mean of relative im-
provements DivRankTermsEntities with respect to
PgRankTermsEntities (the best performing method
when measuring Coverage) is 2.35%.
Diversified word cloud generation from grouped
and recognized named entities combined with ex-
tracted words decreases significantly Overlap, im-
proves significantly Coverage and improves access to
relevant tweets. This validates hypothesis H1.
5.6 Crowdsourced Evaluation
In order to verify the findings from empirical eval-
uation of word clouds with different synthetic met-
rics, we designed a crowdsourced user evaluation of
generated word clouds. We selected 8 queries from
TREC2011 microblog collection for which we gen-
erated word clouds with DivRankTermEntities and
PgRankTerms methods. We included 4 queries where
the enhancement of MAP for word clouds with named
entities with respect to the baseline was the great-
est (denoted as Impr. MAP). Similarly, we added 4
word clouds for queries where the Overlap has been
decreased the most with respect to the baseline (de-
noted as Impr. diversity ( Overlap)). The answers
sought by the user evaluation are twofold. First, are
word clouds with named entities perceived as more
relevant and diverse by the end users? Second, do
measured synthetic metrics correlate with the ratings
of relevance and diversity by users?
Participants were asked to view a pair of word
clouds, a set of tweets related to a certain query, and
1 2 3 4 5
% of ratings
Relevance ratings
1 2 3 4 5
% of ratings
Diversity ratings
Figure 3: Green bins (ratings 4 and 5) in the histograms
indicate positive rating towards word clouds with grouped
named entities. Ratings 1 and 2 indicate user preference
towards the baseline word clouds and rating 3 represents
that the baseline and the word cloud with grouped entities
are equally relevant or diverse.
a related Wikipedia article. Their task was to deter-
mine which word cloud was more relevant and which
was more diverse. The user was asked to rate the rel-
evance and diversity of an individual word cloud with
respect to the query on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 (Rating
1: word cloud A is very relevant/diverse to the pertain-
ing query; Rating 3 - both word clouds are equally rel-
evant/diverse to the pertaining query; and Rating 5 -
word cloud B is very relevant/diverse to the pertaining
query). We altered assignment of word clouds with
named entities to either word cloud A or B for each
query to prevent user bias that “word cloud A (with
named entities) is always more relevant and diverse”.
5.6.1 Non-grouped vs. Entity-grouped Clouds
Each word cloud pair was compared using 20 ratings
from distinct users. For 7 out of 8 word clouds, the av-
erage ratings of relevance and diversity favoured word
clouds generated with automatically grouped named
entities. For simplicity’s sake, in the following we re-
fer to word clouds generated with grouped entities as
word cloud B; positive ratings are those over 3.0.
From 160 distinct relevance ratings, 89 were pos-
itive towards word clouds with named entities, 27
were neutral ratings and 44 were more towards the
baseline generated word clouds (see Figure 3). Sim-
ilarly for diversity ratings, 73 were positive towards
word clouds with named entities, 51 were neutral rat-
ings and 36 were more towards the baseline generated
word clouds.
To further compare differences between word
clouds generated by the baseline and clouds with
grouped named entities, we performed a statistical
significance test. The null hypothesis is that user rat-
ings are normally distributed with mean 3.0, i.e., word
clouds generated by the DivRankTermEntities and
PgRankTerms methods are rated as equally relevant
and equally diverse. For the relevance judgements, we
found that word clouds generated by the DivRankTer-
1 2 3 4 5
Improved MAP
% of ratings
Relevance ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Improved diversity ( Overlap)
% of ratings
Relevance ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Decreased MAP and Overlap
% of ratings
Relevance ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Improved MAP
% of ratings
Diversity ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Improved diversity ( Overlap)
% of ratings
Diversity ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Decreased MAP and Overlap
% of ratings
Diversity ratings
Figure 4: Aggregated user ratings for three distinct groups
of word clouds categorized according to the measured levels
of synthetic metrics.
mEntities method are significantly better rated than
the baseline word clouds (p = 0.00062, one sample t-
test). Similarly, we determined that word clouds gen-
erated by the DivRankTermEntities are significantly
better rated for diversity with respect to the baseline
method (p = 0.003, one sample t-test). These find-
ings support hypothesis H2: users find word clouds
with grouped entities more relevant and diverse than
those with no entity grouping.
Table 1: Three distinct groups statistics which were created
according to the measured levels of synthetic metrics.
Group # clouds min δ mean δ
Impr. MAP 4 0.14 0.26
Impr. diversity
( Overlap)
4 0.02 0.023
Decr. MAP &
2 0.02 0.133
5.6.2 Synthetic Metrics vs. User Perception
The second goal of the user evaluation is to determine
whether word clouds with higher levels of measured
synthetic metrics are rated by users as more relevant
and diverse or vice versa. We focused on the MAP
and Overlap metrics.
To determine the correlation
Validation by users of the third metric introduced
in (Venetis et al., 2011), Coverage, is only possible with
an interactive user evaluation. Hence, we do not include
“coverage assessment” of word clouds in this study.
between user judgements and synthetic metrics, we
have created 3 different groups (see Table 1). We ex-
ploit the same two groups of word clouds Impr. MAP
and Impr. diversity ( Overlap) as in Section 5.6.1.
In addition, we added a group Decr. MAP & Overlap
with two clouds where levels of MAP and Overlap
were lower than the baseline word clouds. For each
group, we report a minimum δ value which is a min-
imal difference between measured levels of the par-
ticular metric for word clouds with grouped entities
and the baseline. Hence a minimum δ is a thresh-
old of measured synthetic metric whether to include a
word cloud into the particular group. For instance, the
threshold δ = 0.14 for the Impr. MAP group indicates
that only those word cloud pairs where the improve-
ments of MAP are at least 0.14 (comparing the base-
line and DivRankTermEntities methods) are included.
The mean of δ expresses the average value of differ-
ences in metric values for each word cloud pair in the
group, e.g., the average improvements of MAP in the
group Impr. MAP is 0.26. Note that negative values
of δ reflect cases where the metric is lower than base-
line. For Decr. MAP & Overlap group, we only report
levels of MAP due to substantial differences in com-
parison to the Overlap levels which have very slight
differences between the baseline and the word clouds
with grouped entities.
When all the ratings aggregated altogether from
three groups, word clouds with grouped entities are
still rated significantly more relevant (p = 0.0046, one
sample t-test) and diverse (p = 0.00047, one sample
t-test) than the baseline.
The relation between created groups and user
judgements is presented in Figure 4. Users rated word
clouds with higher MAP as more relevant. Of 80
ratings, 46 (57.5%) indicated that word clouds with
grouped named entities are more relevant than the
baseline. Conversely, for the word clouds with the de-
creased MAP and Overlap, only 40% of the ratings in-
dicatie preference towards word clouds with grouped
named entities. Hence, word clouds with higher MAP
get 17.5% more positive ratings (4 or 5 ratings) than
the baseline. The difference is even more pronounced
for “rating 5 - much more relevant than the baseline
word cloud”, where Decr. MAP & Overlap group at-
tained only 7.5% from all ratings, whereas the Im-
proved MAP group attained 18.75%. Therefore, we
can conclude that word clouds with grouped named
entities which attain higher levels of MAP are more
likely to be better rated in terms of relevance by users.
When measuring diversity, word clouds from the
Impr. diversity( Overlap) group were slightly more
rated as “equally or more diverse than word clouds
generated by the baseline” than other groups. In par-
ticular, with Impr. diversity( Overlap), we observed
a decreased number of ratings, expressing that the
baseline word cloud is much more diverse (3.75% for
Impr. diversity ( Overlap) group and 12.5 for Impr.
MAP). However, when looking at the decreased Map
and Overlap group, the distribution of the ratings is
fairly even. Hence, the Overlap metric is not a suit-
able predictor of user diversity ratings. This might
be because the relative improvements of Overlap are
too subtle to produce observable differences in user
judgements of diversity.
On the other hand, 46.3% of word clouds with
improved MAP and 45% of word clouds from Decr.
MAP & Overlap group were rated as more diverse
than the baseline. Therefore, users rating word clouds
with grouped entities have tend to find them more di-
verse than word clouds with no grouping.
False positives during entity recognition may have re-
duced relevant ratings. For instance, a word cloud
generated for the query Super Bowl, seats contained
Super (2010 American film) which is irrelevant for
this query. Similarly, for Kubica crash”, the entity
crash bandicoot” ended up in the word cloud.
Some word clouds generated with the PgRank-
TermsEntities suffered from increased Overlap. This
was partially caused by imprecise named entitiy dis-
ambiguation where ambiguous named entities were
not grounded correctly. Therefore, the quality of word
clouds with grouped named entities is bounded by the
precision of named entity annotation tools.
Evaluating word clouds with crowdsourced user
evaluation is a challenging task due to uncertainty
of reliability and quality of user ratings. In our pi-
lot study, we aimed to ensure the quality of user rat-
ings with pre-filtering quiz questions. However, we
have observed that for test quesions where users were
asked to rate word cloud diversity (one cloud was
supposed to be more diverse) many participants dis-
agreed. Due to the subjective nature of the task, we
disregarded a user “qualifying” phase (as is often best
practice in crowdsourcing (Sabou et al., 2014)) and
instead aimed to collect more user ratings and ob-
serve aggregated ratings. To further ensure the quality
of the ratings, we accepted ratings only from partic-
ipants in English-speaking countries, as word clouds
were generated from tweets written in English.
Generating word clouds from social streams is a dif-
ficult task; users often discuss the same entity using
multiple aliases. This leads to a direct degradation in
the utility of word clouds for accessing this complex
source of data. We proposed a technique that groups
aliases of the same entity and represents them with
a canonical term. The method improves the cover-
age of word clouds and access to the relevant content.
Due to the imperfect nature of state-of-the-art named
entity recognition methods, redundancy of terms in
word clouds is often increased. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to apply a method for diversifying terms. In
this work, we found that the proposed technique not
only significantly decreased redundancy but also at-
tained significantly higher coverage than the baseline
word cloud generation method, leading to better word
clouds and therefore improved information access.
An extrinsic user evaluation supported our hy-
pothesis that word clouds with grouped named enti-
ties are significantly more relevant and diverse than
word clouds with no entity grouping. Further, word
clouds with grouped named entities that attain higher
levels of MAP are more likely to be rated as relevant
by users.
Finally, it was shown that the previously-proposed
MAP metric for automatic cloud evaluation predicts
extrinsic human evaluations of cloud quality. Thus,
when designing word clouds, the MAP metric should
be used as a quality predictor of the cloud generation
technique, enabling automatic assessment of word
cloud quality without a human in the loop.
This work was partially supported by the European
Union under grant agreement No. 611233 PHEME.
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