execute BoDT, whose data is globally distributed all
over the world. It is challenging to decide how to as-
sign tasks to Cloud VMs based on a user’s budget con-
straint while minimising the execution time.
The above problem was mathematically modelled
in this paper. We also proposed a heuristic approach
which assigned BoDT to Cloud VM(s) in order to
maximise performance and to satisfy the allowed cost
provided by a user.
Furthermore, we implemented a dynamic reas-
signment feature to utilise the idle time of a VM
that completes execution ahead of others by assigning
tasks from other VMs onto it. This feature reduces the
overall execution time when a number of VMs take
longer to finish their execution due to service failure
or network instability.
Our approach was evaluated and able to provide
execution plans which satisfied given budget con-
straints. Compared to the centralised and round robin
approaches, our approach reduced the execution time
on average by 27%. Our approach was also able to
satisfy the low budget while the others did not.
In the future, we plan to further improve dynamic
resource provisioning and tasks scheduling so that
they can be performed during execution in order to
handle expected events, e.g. network instability or
machine failure. Moreover, the different types of
Cloud instances, which have varying performance and
cost will be taken into account.
This research is supported by the EPSRC grant
‘Working Together: Constraint Programming and
Cloud Computing’ (EP/K015745/1), a Royal Society
Industry Fellowship, an Impact Acceleration Account
Grant (IAA) and an Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Education Research Grant.
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