Dynamical Diffraction Area Applicability in Case of 1D Photonic
Crystals with Sinusoidal Permittivity Profile
K. O. Romanenko
and A. V. Sel’kin
Saint Petersburg State University, Solid State Physics Dep., Ulyanovskaya 1, Peterhof 198504,
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, 26 Polytekhnicheskaya, St Petersburg 194021, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Photonic Crystal, Bragg Reflection, Dynamical Theory of Diffraction.
Abstract: Bragg reflection and transmission spectra of the 1D photonic crystals characterized by a spatially sinusoidal
profile of permittivity are studied as a function of the crystal-plate thickness. Applicability of the dynamical
theory of diffraction in describing such spectra is considered. In the framework of the dynamical theory, we
(i) calculated and analysed the reflection and transmission spectra for oblique incidence of polarized light, (ii)
computed the spectra making use of the transfer matrix technique, and (iii) compared quantitatively the results
of the two approaches. As a result, the analytical dynamical theory of diffraction is found to be correct in
calculating the Bragg spectra in the vicinity of single photonic band-gap when the plate thickness is equal to
the integer number of the spatial periods, or the permittivity is symmetric about the middle plane of the
Optical research of new artificial structures, studying
their properties and applying them to modern
technological devices is a trend in science nowadays.
Photonic crystals belong to a large class of such
structures (Joannopoulos et al., 2008; Sibilia et al.,
2008). The photonic crystal (PhC) is a spatially
periodic structure which permittivity is a spatially
periodic function with the period equal-order to
electromagnetic wavelength. In semiconductors,
electronic properties are governed by the presence of
allowed and forbidden energy bands for electrons. In
the case of PhC one can control properties and
propagation of electromagnetic waves. This unique
feature of PhC can be utilized in various applications:
photonics, lasers, optoelectronics, etc.
Propagation of light in PhC is very similar to
propagation of X-rays in ordinary crystals for which
the dynamical theory of diffraction is widely used to
study optical properties (Cowly, 1995). Therefore it
is of interest to apply the dynamical theory approach
to PhCs taking into account high spatial modulation
of the PhC dielectric function (Sel’kin, 2004).
In this work, we discuss the model of the opal-like
PhC characterized by the one-dimensional (1D)
periodicity of permittivity
. As an example, we
consider the permittivity of an opal-like PhC
averaged along all the crystallographic directions
except for [111]. In this case (Bazhenova et al., 2007;
Gajiev et al., 2005)
zfz fz
are the permittivities of spheroidal
particles that constitute the PhC and interparticle
space, respectively, and
is the effective filling
function (Figure 1).
It should be noted that the effective filling
function can be approximated well by the harmonic
one. It allows us to suppose that the dynamical theory
can be applicable when describing Bragg reflection
and transmission spectra of opal-like PhCs. The
model proposed is of principal interest because it is
closely associated with the previously performed
theoretical and experimental studies (Bazhenova et
al., 2007; Fedotov et al., 2011; Gajiev et al., 2005) of
the opal-like PhCs and allows one to answer the
question why the dynamical theory of diffraction is
applicable to the PhC with relatively high dielectric
O. Romanenko K. and V. Sel’kin A..
Dynamical Diffraction Area Applicability in Case of 1D Photonic Crystals with Sinusoidal Permittivity Profile.
DOI: 10.5220/0005403601180121
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 118-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)