02 01
0,tt 0,
the angle between the
polarization of the components of the field being
equal to
(Andreev, 2013). We assume here
that the fundamental harmonic is polarized along the
z-axis, and the second harmonic is polarized in zy-
plane. It is clearly seen that the spectrum consists of
both odd and even harmonics which have non-zero
projections on the two perpendicular axes. The
information about the polarization properties of the
generated harmonics can be directly extracted from
the photoemission spectrum with the help of the
Stokes parameters.
Figure 4: The photoemission spectrum of an Ar atom
interacting with the two-colour laser field formed by the
fundamental and the second harmonics of the Ti:Sapphire
laser: the integral intensity of response (triangles) and the
intensities of the two orthogonally polarized components
(squares and circles). The parameters of the two-colour
laser field are the following:
01 02
26.6 ,
02 01
0,tt 0,
(Inset) The THz part of the photoemission spectrum
(Andreev, 2013).
The inset in the figure 4 demonstrates the THz (long
wavelength) part of the photoemission spectrum.
The signal has also non-zero projections on the two
perpendicular axes.
The theory described above was applied for the
investigation of some features of the HHG and the
THz radiation phenomenon. We theoretically
explained the saturation of the cut-off frequency in
near-atomic laser field (Andreev, 2011; Andreev,
2013). The value of the cut-off frequency coincides
with the experimentally measured one (Andreev,
2013). We also theoretically investigated the HHG
(Andreev, 2013) and the THz radiation generation
(Andreev, 2013) in the ionization-free regime in the
case of a two-colour laser field interaction with an
atom. What is more interesting in this investigation
is that the HHG spectra are not limited to below-
threshold and near-threshold harmonics which are
effectively generated in the same region of the laser
field intensities (Sofier, 2010; Yost, 2009). The
specific features of the THz radiation emitted by the
extended gas interacting with a two-color laser field
is been investigated in (Stremoukhov, 2015). It is
shown that spatial oscillations of the THz radiation
efficiency appearing during the dispersion effects in
the gas change the conical structure of the THz
radiation. The theory was also applied for the
interpretation of the resent experiment of the
effective generation of high intensity high ellipticity
harmonics in two-colour orthogonally polarized
laser fields (Lambert, 2015)
The basic principles of the quantum-mechanical
non-perturbative theory based on the usage of the
bases of “an atom in the external field”
eigenfunctions are described and discussed in the
application to the description of the HHG and the
THz radiation generation phenomena. It is shown
that the usage of these bases of functions enables
taking into account the symmetry properties of the
problem and, thus, brings the numerical
investigation of the light-atom interaction to a new
level. What is more important, with the help of the
theory ones can calculate the atomic response for the
case of an arbitrary mutual orientation of the atomic
angular momentum and the laser field polarization
vector. The recent applications of the theory are
named and discussed shortly.
The work was partially supported by the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR Gr. № 15-02-
Andreev A.V., Stremoukhov S.Yu., Shoutova O.A., 2011.
Nonlinear optical response of an atom imposed on a
laser pulse of near-atomic strength
, JETP Letters, V.
93, № 8, 476–486.
Andreev A.V., Stremoukhov S.Yu., Shoutova O.A., 2011.
Interaction of Atom With Laser Pulses of Intra-Atomic