Optical Limiting Characteristics of Fabry–Perot Microresonators at
Third-order Nonlinear Absorption and Refraction of the
Intracavity Medium
A. A. Ryzhov
and I. M. Belousova
Institute for Laser Physics, Vavilov State Optical Institute, Kadetskaya lin. 5/2, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Laser Physics Department, ITMO University, Kronverksky pr. 49, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Optical Limiting, Fabry–Perot, All-optical Devices, Nonlinear Optics.
Calculating steady-state optical limiting characteristics of nonlinear Fabry–Perot resonators, we noticed that
the input-output characteristic shape does not depend on any resonator parameter. The intracavity medium
was assumed to have either third-order nonlinear refraction or absorption. In a double logarithmic diagram the
input-output characteristic can be divided into two regions, linear and nonlinear, which are both almost straight
lines with a relatively short curved section between them. The only dependent variable is the position of that
curved section (limiting threshold). Simple relations between resonator parameters, nonlinear coefficients and
the limiting threshold, enabling one to easily get nonlinear characteristics of such resonators whithout doing
nonlinear calculations, are presented.
In a nonlinear Fabry–Perot resonator (NFPR) indices
of reflection and absorption of a medium contained
between the mirrors depend on light intensity. Such
resonators have been well studied since the second
half of the 1970s. Theoretically predicted effects of
optical bistability, differential gain and limiting have
been experimentally observed for resonators contain-
ing Na vapors, nonlinear liquids (liquid crystals, ni-
trobenzene, CS
), and solid plates of semiconductor.
A detailed review of these works has been presented
in (Abraham and Smith, 1982).
In general, application of NFPRs for creation of
low-threshold nonlinear optical devices is promising
because of two following reasons. Firstly, the res-
onator is a narrowband optical filter, for which spec-
tral position of the line of transparencydepends on the
optical distance between the mirrors not on medium
resonant properties. Along with it a small change in
the refractive index of a medium contained between
the mirrors results in a significant spectral shift of the
line. Whereas a small increase in the absorption index
drops considerably transmittance (T) at the peak of
the line (however, in this case a decrease in T results
mainly from an increase in reflectance (R) not from
an increase in absorbance (A) of the whole structure).
Secondly, light intensity at the resonant wavelength
many-fold increases in the space between the mirrors
by interference, which leads to a correspondent de-
crease in the nonlinear threshold.
An NFPR works as an optical power limiter if
the incident radiation wavelength is a resonant wave-
length. The potential of NFPR in the capacity
of quick-response one-wavelength optical limiters is
currently under investigation. Such limiters could be
useful in a variety of laser systems, for example, in a
laser rangefinder to protect the detector from intensive
reflected (back-scattered) radiation. Currently there is
a lack of experimental works realising that approach,
whereas interest in optical power limiting is very ac-
There are also some features restricting the range
of possible application of NFPRs as optical limiters:
• an NFPR operates as an optical limiter only at a
predetermined resonant wavelength while being
simply a linear mirror in the neighborhood of this
• an NFPR must be placed in a collimated beam
propagating in a specified direction.
Recently we presented an experimental observa-
tion of optical limiting effect provided by a thin-film
multilayer NFPR (Ryzhov et al., 2014). The ex-
perimental characteristics were in a good agreement
with corresponding numerical simulation results. The
Ryzhov A. and Belousova I..
Optical Limiting Characteristics of Fabry–Perot Microresonators at Third-order Nonlinear Absorption and Refraction of the Intracavity Medium.
DOI: 10.5220/0005404301400143
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 140-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)