cycling schemes used to improve energy efficiency
make this synchronization not trivial. Multiple ren-
dezvous schemes were proposed, and they can be
classify into two types (Huang et al., 2013):
Synchronous Schemes which require the nodes to
be synchronized such that the wake up time of
each node is known a priori. These schemes re-
quire synchronization between nodes, which con-
sumes a lot of energy. In the context of EH-WSN,
each node may have its own duty cycle, chosen to
be the most appropriate to achieve sustainability.
As the dutycycle changesfrequently,especially in
highly dynamical environments, the need of fre-
quent synchronization among nodes often makes
these schemes unpractical. Moreover, the nodes
wake up even when there is no data to transmit or
receive, which results in idle listening.
Asynchronous Schemes which use preamble sam-
pling. Each node chooses its active schedule inde-
pendently of other nodes and wakes up for short
durations to check if there is a transmission on the
channel. When a node wants to transmit a packet,
it must first transmit a preamble long enough to
make sure all the potential receivers detect it and
get the data frame. In those schemes, preamble
signaling consumes a lot of energy and nodes still
need to follow a duty cycle to avoid deafness.
Recent improvements in WURx hardware make them
a promising solution for WSN (Magno and Benini,
2014; Marinkovic and Popovici, 2011). The basic
idea of WURx is to allow a node to be waking up
from deep sleep by another node. When a node wants
to transmit a packet, it first transmits a wake up bea-
con. The receiver WURx hardware detects this bea-
con and wakes up the node. Moreover, many WURx
propose addressing capabilities, which allow a node
to insert in the wake up beacon the unique identifier
of the receiver. In this way, the WURx only wakes up
the node if it reads its own address in the wake up bea-
con. This feature avoids a node from waking up all its
neighbors when it wants to transmit data to only one
of them.
Considering multihop WSNs, nodes have two func-
tions. First, as sensors, they must perform sensing
operations to generate new data and send them to the
sink. Second, they must be relays for other nodes
to permit them to forward their packets. We refer to
these tasks as the sensing task and the relay task re-
spectively. As packets aggregation can significantly
reduce energy consumption, the packets sending can
be uncoupled from these two tasks and seen as a third
The available energy for each node must be effi-
ciently allocated between these tasks. Note that, in
the context of a node equipped with WURx, perform-
ing a relay task must follow the reception of a wake
up beacon, i.e. an interrupt from the WURx. We call
the reception of a wake up beacon a relay request. In
the context of EH-WSN, energy allocation is guided
by the following constraints:
Sustainability: each node must operate under ENO-
Max condition
Quality of Service: the network must fulfill some
Quality of Service (QoS) requirements that de-
pend on the application. A QoS metric can oper-
ate at node scale (e.g. minimum sensing rate) or at
network scale (e.g. minimum end-to-end delay).
Two classical examples illustrate how the QoS re-
quirements strongly depend on the application. In an
event detection application, a node only sends data
when it detects an event (e.g. fire detection). Most of
the time, a node does not send anything, but when an
event is detected, it must be transmitted to the sink in
the shortest delay possible. Therefore, an important
QoS metric is the end-to-end delay that should be as
small as possible. A good strategy is to send a packet
as soon as it is ready. Moreover, energy allocation
should favor the relay task in order for the packets to
reach the sink in the shortest delays.
In monitoring applications, QoS requirements
might be a minimum sensing rate for each node. If
the end-to-end delay is not an important constraint,
for example because the data are not going to be pro-
cessed immediately anyway, a good strategy for the
energy allocation policy is to favor the sensing task in
order to maximize the sensing rate.
These two examples illustrate how the design
of an efficient PM depends on the application and
the QoS requirements. We aim to design efficient
power management schemes and MAC protocols
to efficiently tackle the energy allocation problem.
Our work targets EH-WSN in which each node is
equipped with a WURx device capable of addressing
Research in EH-WSN is a hot area and much atten-
tion is drawn to several topics such as harvester tech-
nologies, storage devices, power management, MAC
and routing protocols and others. Similarly, many ef-