angle from the point cloud and we select the one,
which has the maximum number of projected points
in its rectangle. If the button is selected during few
frames, then we declare the button as clicked.
It should be noted that the orientation of the hand
is not critical to this approach, which is clearly an ad-
The precise projection into the ground-plane re-
quires to calibrate projector with camera by defining
ground plane in projector’s coordinate system. For
simple tasks (like projection of labels into the neigh-
borhood of objects) a 3-point calibration is sufficient.
The more complicated tasks will require more sophis-
ticated geometric transformation exploiting a grid of
calibration points.
Currently, we experiment with algorithms using pro-
totype hardware. We expect the successful results of
experiments with objects recognition system would
increase the ”intelligence” (and attractiveness) of ex-
hibits in science center (technological museum) in our
This work has supported by Slovak research grant
agency APVV (grant 0526-11).
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