gine. All other published research results concern de-
velopment of various tools that support the process,
while the on-going projects translate the TOSCA def-
initions in specification used by specific cloud man-
agement tools. One of the benefits of the P-TOSCA
platform is that the user does not have to learn and
use the native interfaces of CSPs, making the man-
agement of hosting a SOA application an easy task.
A proof-of-concept of automated cloud applica-
tion portability was demonstrated in this paper using
P-TOSCA portability in case of migration or porting
of a transaction-based SOA application.
The demonstration of migration and porting on
OpenStack and Eucalyptus cloud environments can
be used also for other cloud environments, since P-
TOSCA uses a generalized approach for specifica-
tion and modeling of an application, and provides a
scripting mechanism for automated sequence of ac-
tivities. The main benefit is the possibility to easily
switch CSPs and port the application between clouds.
It seems that this functionality is unattractive to CSPs,
since they prefer vendor lock-in and would prefer not
to give the customer an easy way out of their cloud.
This looks similar to the ongoing fight for mobile
phone devices by mobile providers. However, as the
time goes by, the customers would prefer portability
and easy way in and easy go out options from future
CSPs. It is not a question of should CSPs do it, but
when to do it.
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