It was assumed in this paper that all the available
events were correctly partitioned into traces
corresponding to process instances. In real systems
however, the collection and processing of events
may pose an important problem that needs to be
addressed in at least a semi-automatic manner. This
issue needs to be addressed in the future, starting
with existing proposal such as (Rozsnyai, 2011) in
which a method of detection correlations between
events based on the values of their associated
attributes is discussed.
An issue that was not addressed in this paper
concerns the discovery of process models that
contain loops. In order to handle this case, a
different approach for the representation of state is
Finally, the proposed method is based on a set of
explicit descriptions for some of the activities.
Although for simple actions, such as moving from
one area to another, the descriptions can be easily
created, situations in which more complex actions
can occur should be investigated.
The work has been funded by the Sectoral
Operational Programme Human Resources
Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European
Funds through the Financial Agreement
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Dragos Repta, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Ioan Stefan
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