The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is software
integrated in a sensor node, which allows this node to
efficiently share the wireless medium with others in
the network. In MAC layer, the main causes of energy
consumption are idle listening, overheads, overhear-
ing and collision. Thus, in order to achieve the en-
ergy efficiency, these factors need to be optimized but
there are trade-off between them. For example, reduc-
ing idle listening and collision requires extra synchro-
nization and overheads, whereas, reducing the syn-
chronization and overheads causes the waste of en-
ergy in collisions. In the context of energy-efficient
MAC protocols, an important mechanism for reduc-
ing energy consumption is duty cycling. In this tech-
nique, the radio is turned on periodically, switching
between awake and sleeping state. The duty cycle,
which is measured as the ratio of time a node is awake
to the total time, is used also to evaluate the perfor-
mance of a protocol. The recent duty cycling MAC
protocols can be grouped into two types: synchronous
and asynchronous.
The synchronous duty cycling MAC protocols
(such as SMAC(Ye et al., 2002), TMAC(van Dam
and Langendoen, 2003)) reduce energy consumption
by synchronizing the sleep & wakeup time of sen-
sor nodes. After the synchronization, the idle lis-
tening problem is resolved but in the synchronization
process, sender and receiver must exchange control
packets. As an example in SMAC, the control pack-
ets CTS/RTS/SYNC are sent between sensor nodes to
synchronize. In addition, using fixed time (time slot)
for sleeping and listening state is inefficient with vari-
able traffic rate.
In contrast, the asynchronous duty cycling pro-
tocols do not require any synchronization period
and can be categorized into two groups: sender
initiated and receiver initiated. In sender initiated
Figure 2: TAD-MAC protocol.
MAC protocols, e.g. BMAC (Polastre et al., 2004),
XMAC(Buettner et al., 2006), WiseMAC(El-Hoiydi
and Decotignie, 2004), the sender initiates the com-
munication by sending the preamble-sampling packet
before a data transmission to notify the receiver of up-
coming packet. Instead of using long preamble as
in BMAC, XMAC protocol uses the series of short
preamble packet and ACK packet is used just right
after the reception of first preamble packet from re-
ceiver side to signify this sensor node is awake. On
the other hand, the preamble-sampling packet is re-
placed by wakeup beacon, which is sent from re-
ceiver in the receiver initiated MAC protocols such
as PW-MAC(Tang et al., 2011), RICER(yi A. Lin
and Rabaey, 2004), RI-MAC(Sun et al., 2008), TAD-
MAC(Alam et al., 2012). The wakeup beacon is
shorter than preamble so the wireless bandwidth us-
age and collision are reduced. The basic principle of
TAD-MAC protocol is described in. The figure is sep-
arate into two phases (i.e., before convergence and af-
ter convergence) that outline the results of a simple
network with two nodes (Tx1 and Tx2) attempting to
transmit data to a receive node. During the evaluation
phase, before reaching the convergence, the receive
node tries to adapt its wakeup-interval (I
) to the
data transmission rate of each transmit nodes. After
several wake-ups, the receive node will adapt its I
based on the statistics of traffic that it receives from
each individual transmit node. The second phase, af-
ter convergence, indicates that the I
of receive node
has been adapted to traffic of each transmit node in a
way that the idle listening is minimal.
To design energy-efficient WSNs, we must be able to
explore all the parameters idle-listening, overheads,
overhearing and collision (Bachir et al., 2010). The
general methodology that can be applied to this ex-
ploration is shown in Figure 3. We consider the con-
Figure 3: General methodology.