In the Heart of Intelligent Buildings
Occupants Practices Facing Automation
Amelie Coulbaut-Lazzarini
and Guillaume Bailly
Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, Bd d’Alembert, Guyancourt, France
Département de géographie, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
Keywords: Energy, Daily Practices, Behaviour Change, Sociology, Geography.
Abstract: In a changing world, with more and more people living in urban areas and more and more energy needs,
managing energy consumption becomes essential. This papers focuses on energy management in tertiary
buildings, and more precisely on behaviour and daily practices from occupants of these buildings. It will
firstly show what are the required uses, with dedicated areas, and the place of automation. It will then try to
explain what are the real practices, in terms of space use, lighting use strategies and reactions towards
automation. It will further show how involving people, with participatory design of services and systems for
smart buildings, can motivate behaviour change. Lastly, the discussion will question the idea of collective
identity and the balance between automation and human action.
According to the world bank (, 2014) urban population makes up for 53%
of the total global population. By 2030, almost 60
per cent of the world’s population will live in urban
2014). Veron (2008) says that city dwellers will
account for over 70% of the world’s population in
2050. Presently, in France, the estimated ratio from
the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects is
79% (, 2013). In a
perspective of durability, as shown by Guermond
(2006), the phenomenon of human concentration
raises the question of the density’s management in
territories. Finding good responses implies to think
about the morphology of cities, their connexion to
hinterland and the way to govern those large areas.
(Di Meo, 2010; Jouve and Lefêvre, 1999). A unique
solution doesn't exist (Féré, 2010; Laigle 2008) and
the debate between the compacity defenders
(Dantzig and Saaty, 1973; Newman and Kenworthy,
1989) and the keepers of peri-urbanity is rich
(Bessy-Pietri, 2000; Castel, 2006; Charpentier,
2014; Chauvier, 2012; Hilal and Sencebe, 2002;
Marry, 2009). The morphology is a mirror of the
urban fabric which can be observed by satellite view
(Demaze, 2010). This reflects human beings habits
and the spatial relation with their environment.
Human activity depends on growth of energetic
resources despite the increase of their diminution
and their cost (Ganguly and Anirban, 2009). The
modification of the human energetic consumption is
an important question. It’s questioning the
pertinence of the territorial response in a multilevel
solution in the French case study as shown by
Poinsot (2012). Pappalardo (2008) shows us that
cities are the main places of energy consumption in
the building sector, housing and tertiary. For the
author, the building is in France the most energy
intensive sector (23% of national emissions).
Reducing the carbon footprint implies the reduction
of C02 emission. The Report of the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development
( 2012) reaffirms the will
to ensure the promotion of an economically, socially
and environmentally sustainable future for our
planet and for present and future generations.
Reaching those goals implies the pursuit of urban
planning measures imposed by the respect of norms
and law (io : In France, Law No. 2010-788 of 12
July 2010 on the national commitment to the
environment). Therefore the technological
innovation research can contribute to reduce
resource and energy consumption. Many projects
have developed technical approaches to produce and
keep energy in the city (Fenix, Rider, Reflexe), none
of them has allowed a real-time energy monitoring
Coulbaut-Lazzarini A. and Bailly G..
In the Heart of Intelligent Buildings - Occupants Practices Facing Automation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005408300170025
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 17-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of the entire production chain supply facilities at
multiple scales (building and related areas such as
districts). The objective of the program we
participated in was to create a technical solution for
energy management, by building a smart grid
demonstrator. At the end, it should be extensible to
an ecodistrict. This project involved important firms,
leaders in the energy sector, as well as small
enterprises and academic partners.
However, the way to monitor energy chain
supply cannot be reduced to a technical approach. If
Cities are artefacts, they live by the interaction of
human beings (Ballas, 2013; Mahdavinejad et al.,
2012; Raúl et al., 2014; Yanarella and Levine,
The project we worked in chose to take into
account these aspects, and we were in charge of the
work package concerning behaviours and daily
practices of humans working in the buildings.
In this research program what particularly caught
our attention was the role of human beings in the
heart of that system. Our field study focused on two
main sites: two French firms located in the West of
Paris. We wondered how a community of actors
contributes to the implementation of sustainable and
virtuous practices in terms of low-carbon transition.
How are roles distributed ? What rules govern the
lives of these places? Who makes the rules ? What
are the effects on the scale of the building and
beyond (eco-district)? Is the emergence of good
practices effective? Can it be transposed to other
places ?
After a brief presentation of our theoretical
frameworks and methodologies this paper will first
show what are the required uses, with dedicated
areas, and the place of automation. It will then try to
explain what are real practices, in terms of space
use, lighting use strategies and reactions towards
automation. It will further show how involving
people, with participatory design of services and
systems for smart buildings, can motivate behaviour
change. Lastly, this discussion will question the idea
of collective identity and the balance
automation/human action.
Ethnology will allow us to create and analyse our
observations of actors and his actions in live. This
discipline is observation-based and has two
dimensions. On the one hand, it is based on facts,
details and specificity collection (Servier, 1993), and
seeks to “rebuild their form and meaning” (Agier,
2004). On the other hand, it tries to “bring closer,
generate dialogue, show what is common in this
world of differences”. Authors as Agier (2004)
enable us to establish our field study. Indeed he
explains that “the ground is not a thing, it’s not a
place, not a social category, an ethnic group or an
institution. It is all of this, maybe, as appropriate, but
it is firstly a set of personal relationships where “you
learn something”. “Make fieldwork”, that means to
establish personal relationships with people whom
we do not know in advance, to whom we somewhat
break-and-enter in their lives. So we must convince
them of the validity of our presence, also that they
have nothing to loose even if they have little to win,
and most of all they have nothing to worry about.
Relationships can be harmonious and friendly with
some people, conflicting with others.” (Agier, 2004,
Our approach is also conforming to a "geo-cratic
practice" (Bussi, 2001) which considers actors
behaviours and their interaction as a social
production. Through a political geography (and not
only a geopolitical: Rosière, 2003) conflicts and
cooperation are in the heart of the research. It
considers the importance of the citizen point of view
in a democratic perspective, where the researcher is
engaged in the service of the power of democracy.
Our objective is to question people’s power and
capacity (Nussbaum, 2012) to produce norms and to
reach a new kind of spatial justice. Our approach is
also conform to the heritage of the French social
geography relating and interrogated by Séchet,
Veschambre (2006). This geography is a response
to the social demand, focused on social inequalities,
exclusion, human dramas and looks on the social
relations of domination.
We studied these elements from a social sciences
perspective, using methodologies of sociology,
ethnography and social geography. We used semi-
structured interviews, questionnaires and
ethnographic observations to collect data.
This complex methodological approach allows
getting data not only from a quantitative survey, but
also from a qualitative analysis of discourses.
Observations give us a direct access to users
practices on site. Thanks to this methodological tool,
we can study how much discourses are far from real
practices or not.
The surveys were conducted principally in two
buildings which are the headquarters of big
enterprises leaders in the energy field.
For the qualitative analysis, our corpus was made of
twenty-three semi-structured interviews of buildings
users. An interview guide was constructed, with
questions about energy use, and behaviour in the
building. Data collection begun with registered
semi-structured interviews. Interviews were
textually transcripted and analysed with a software
for text analysis: Alceste. This methodology was
completed by crossorting and a classic thematic
content analysis.
Interviews were firstly “groomed”, which means
formatted to be analysable by our software for text
analysis. We then began the analysis through an
automated data processing with Alceste. This
software cuts the text, making elementary context
units (UCE), pieces of text selected and analysed by
the software. These UCE are then spread within
classes by detecting strong oppositions emerging
from the text. Each speech class groups a number of
words belonging to a lexical world distant from
those of the other speech classes.
As Rouré and Reinert (1993) explain, while the
speaker is delivering its speech, he goes through
successive own worlds. These worlds, having their
own objects, impose their own type of vocabulary.
The statistical study of this vocabulary’s distribution
must allow us to track down the “mental
environments” successively invested by the speaker.
Authors precise we can then see in lexical worlds.
Alceste software will help us find these lexical
To make the cross-sorting with which we
analyze specific vocabulary of our corpus, we had to
choose one element from this corpus, either one
word or one variable. The software has a drop-down
list of all the words of the corpus in alphabetical
order. As such we can cross each word with the
whole corpus. Alceste then gives us significant
elements, with Khi-2, and with the repeat factor and
the category to which the term belongs.
These category-specific keys are adjectives and
adverbs, verbs (of action and movement in
particular), the demonstrative …
Throughout these keys, we can get information
about interviewed people’s position (according to
Achard, 1993). Three positions are possible (Achard,
1993; Reinert and Moulin, 2011): witness, actor or
patient. These positions define people’s way of
living and acting. Alceste software spread the
indicators of these positions into speech classes.
Witness position is defined by an over-
representation of adjectives, adverbs and nouns (sign
of a descriptive discourse), and also descriptive
elements, spatial elements and no markers of person
like personal pronouns. Actor’s position is defined
on the contrary by an over-representation of verbs,
indicating an action or a move in discourse,
associated with markers of person. Finally, the
patient’s position is defined by discursive relation
markers, which indicate argument and storytelling
and logical and temporal elements.
These elements are our first guide through the
For the quantitative analysis, we constructed a
questionnaire to be asked to all users of the two
main buildings of the study. Since managers wanted
to know exactly what we could ask to the building
users, this step needed negotiation. Moreover, in the
first building, the questionnaire was implemented by
the communication service of the company, as they
didn’t want researchers to have access to their
employees’ email lists. We were only told that it had
been sent to 825 persons. The questionnaire was
available for one month on each site and we got 264
answers from users. These answers are the basis of
our quantitative analysis. We used Modalisa
software to help us analyse the data. Modalisa is a
software dedicated to surveys quantitative analysis.
It allows the finding of indicators such as type of
behaviour or elements of freedom appearing from
modalities of energy and space use.
Observations were a more complex process. In
neither buildings did the higher hierarchy accept
researchers to come and observe their employees. In
fact we had to find ways to be there for others
reasons. Interviews on site were one of our best
pretexts. When several interviews were made on the
same day, we had a good reason to move from one
place to another inside the building. Sometimes we
could spend lunchtime on site. This was also a
moment for informal discussion, and sometimes
people showed us one part of the building to
underline what they had said. Another good pretext
were technical visits. Since both buildings wanted to
be a model of energy efficiency, we could visit each
building several times with different guides, at the
pretence of not having understood everything that
had been explained to us, or we wanting to know
more about one or other technical aspect. This was a
very good way to visit and observe all sections of
the buildings and observe what people were doing at
that time.
The first element we could clearly observed was
space allocation. It appears that in the designers’
mind, energy efficiency design in tertiary buildings
begins by allocating a place to each occupant.
Following this we first asked people what was their
type of workplace. As shown by the figure below,
most people work in an open plan configuration.
Figure 1: Workplace.
This means that a space where individual choices
are restricted, because of automation and the need to
negotiate light and heat uses with other occupants of
the open plan. People are expected to stay in their
workplace whether their job is adapted or not to that
kind of place. Whenever they need to speak by
phone or with someone else, they can use boxes or
meeting rooms, some of which are not really close
by and where light or heating cannot be regulated by
the occupant.
In open plan workplaces, people are expected not
to modify heating regulation, even if they can. And
there is not too much communication about heating
regulations, so that people don’t touch it. Indeed,
many people explained to us they didn’t even know
where thermostat for their workplace was.
Interviewee N°6 explained to us “Some people are
not used to touch. You know you have a thermostat
for a whole open-plan. He doesn’t speak to
colleagues, he doesn’t even know there is a
thermostat.” During our observations, someone
showed us where the thermostat was for open plan
places: in a corner where you clearly don’t see it
unless you know it is there. There are also
established uses towards heating regulation, asking
to let automation play and for human not to touch.
During the interviews, one person explained that
“we mustn’t touch it because it will modify
building’s regulations, it is better not to touch”
Intelligent planning of energy efficiency are
generally thought as technological processes, with a
high degree of automation. For example, a light cut
is implemented every day at lunchtime, and another
in the evening. There are also presence sensors in
the cafeterias, in the toilets and in the corridors. But
as observed, light in the corridors is always on due
to the sensor’s timer, and the fact that it takes one
person alone cross a corridor for lights to turn on all
the way long. Nevertheless, technical analysis shows
that energy management systems allow for energy
consumption reduction. Cutting off lights in the
evening, which also turns off most of the screens
like those in the hall and cafeterias seems to be
particularly efficient. This automatic system replaces
human action, because designers estimated it to be
more efficient to ask an automatic system to do the
However, people are still asked to turn off the
lights when they use meeting rooms, where they also
have to turn off video projector.
Real practices are not necessary in adequacy with
previsions of energy uses.
We can imagine that a configuration with many
open plan areas can minimize energy use, which was
probably what designers intended. However, as we
can see on the next figure, this is not convincing.
Figure 2: Light use frequency.
We notice that light is mostly on. In fact
interviews show that as soon as one person needs
light, it seems normal for everyone to turn the light
on for the whole open plan. The only exception is
open plan
shared office
individual office
the open plan where the responsible for the energy
saving program behavioural program sits.
We will now question this: Informing only does
not suffice, but people need to be involved to
maximize efficiency.
Seeing the differences between required uses and
real practices, we tried to understand users attitude
towards energy efficiency. Were they interested?
The first question we asked was whether they would
accept to get information about energy in their
professional environment. We can see the results in
the next figure.
Figure 3: Willing of information about energy at work.
Once that was established, we needed to go
further, and see what type of message people would
Figure 4: Type of message users would get.
We clearly see that not only people are interested
in energy efficiency and want to be actors in the
process (item how to save energy), but they also
want to know what their firm does: 80% want to
know more about energy saving actions
implemented, and around 60% want to know
projects the company is involved in. We can see
here collective identity elements.
We also asked people what compensation would
they require for their effort in contributing to energy
savings. Once again we noticed that most employees
are ready to make an effort without a need for
compensation, as shown in the next figure.
Figure 5: Compensations for energy savings.
The first compensation asked is funding for
environmental projects. People are not
individualistic, they want a better environment for
As it can be seen, for an efficient intelligent
energy management system to be implemented,
there is a real need to inform, co-construct and make
users actors of energy efficiency programs and
systems. It seems we must not forget that “Actor
doesn’t exist out of system defining his freedom and
the rationality he can use in his action. But the
system only exists by actor who is the only one to
build it, make it alive and possibly change it
(Crozier and Friedberg, 1992, p.9).
Each practice has got a structural framework, as
mentioned by Maresca and Dujin (2014). We must
thus remind that this study couldn’t be transposed to
another context, although we can learn many lessons
from it.
Several elements strongly modify occupants
practices and behaviour towards energy use: type of
workplace, situation from natural light and heating
sources and degree of automation of technical
devices and systems are the main ones.
no compensation,
participating is normal
funding for
environmental projects
financial (incentive
benefit in kind/gifts
I will not accept to make
any effort
Energy saving
to remind
you how to
save energy
Technical incident that may
affect you
Maintening operations
Projects your firm is involved in
Energy sources are still a geopolitical stake even
on a building’s scale. Among possible actions,
lighting is especially important in occupant’s
discourses. Our quantitative data shows a strong use
of lighting, so we can wonder if its use and will of
saving really exists. But we must get in mind that
63,6% of respondent’ s workplace is an open plan
area, where lighting must be negotiated. And we saw
that it maximized light use.
Who makes the rules? Collective pressure?
Groups generally adjust their practices to
expressed needs. Therefore, as soon as an individual
needs lighting, light is turned on in the whole open
Nevertheless there are specific places exceptions,
being collectively invested as exemplarity zones, as
show by our interviews analysis. The following
extract clearly states it:
“in fact I think we... we have felt over in… we
try to much to reduce consumption and we never
light up our open plan. Sometimes this is really
annoying for me. Because I don’t see anything, I
can’t see my screen. It is really tiring for me. Since
we are in the [awareness program] cradle, we can’t
fight it, we must let the light off.”
As recently shown by Vanolo (2014), this extract
reveals how a person can accept practices which go
against their comfort, but are conform to the mission
they accepted to fulfil and the role they accepted or
chose to play.
Consequently, valuating actions towards energy
efficiency is a key factor for the success of energy
management programs.
Is the emergence of good practices effective?
People’s involvement toward energy efficiency
seem to contribute to a more or less long-lasting
perspective, as we saw that more than 50%
respondents are interested in an history of
consumption, for example. In order to get people
involved, they need to appropriate this subject by
anchoring it in their daily lives. To achieve this,,
maybe they will need to bypass or hijack some
elements planned for them, without them (de
Certeau, 1990).
Who should regulate the system ? automation or
reason ?
Strong differences appear when balancing
awareness/automation. Most people believe in
behavioural change efficiency for long term effect,
but many also think that automation is better for
short term outcomes. Others underline the
weakening their responsibility brought about by
automation, which “does all for me” (interview
This question about the mode of action efficiency,
either human or automation, is a key point for
buildings energy efficiency understanding (de Brito,
What are the effects on the scale of the building
and beyond (eco-district)?
This paper underlines how much human/machine
interaction is a big stake to go through urban project
in a multiscalar perspective. It is no longer only the
point to know how organizing governance with
stakeholders able to agree about a common
objective. Neither it is to solve the equation of
interpersonal contradictions to give meaning to the
From a philosophic point of view, it is deeply
question of the acceptance and the use of the Reason
notion. Can we entrust to independent technology
(power of algorithm) the capacity to shape human
being's behaviour inside the buildings and beyond
(the ecodistricts, the cities)?
Should we preserve our control to trace our destiny
based on controversy and imperfect choices?
Two essential questions catch our attention. Firstly,
the increase in databases numbers and their
exploitation, and the centralizing of individual data,
create a colossal ecosystem to exploit. It's
progressively invested due to spectacular
augmentation of computer’s power algorithmic
capacities. NBIC convergence is unavoidable.
(Broca, 2012; Larrieu 2014). Secondly, should we
let the algorithm establish a standard for energetic
buildings production? Should we let computers
choose the best energetic needs of buildings, based
on the exploitation of interconnected databases and
composed by many local levels of data collection?
In which case, the occupant would not be an
adjustable agent that could devote itself to the task
for which it was employed by the company. This is
no longer science fiction (Bostrom, 2014).
In an optimistic perspective, this action research
raises the issue of the emergence of a sustainable
and stable collective intelligence through space and
time (Boisvert and Milette, 2009; Marek et al., 2013;
Masselot and Galibert, 2014; Viera, 2014). In other
words, to be an efficient pathway for change,
information must be connected to people’s
involvement towards elements influencing their
daily life at work.
Most people believe in ecodistrict concept’s
impact on the inhabitants’ social relationships. This
element is extremely interesting because it shows
that a place can be, in people’s mind, a source of
social relationships change (Coutard and Levy,
2010; Emelianoff, 2010). A collective will of
expression appears, reminding that intelligent energy
management must favour this belonging feeling
(Dureau and Lévy, 2010).
This feeling of belonging to a collective identity
(Castells, 1999) not yet constructed or reinforced is
essential. Indeed it fixes the common base to involve
buildings occupants in co-construction actions with
site managers and other stakeholders. As such these
actions will not only be accepted by occupants but
also done with enthusiasm.
This element needs to be looked alongside the
need of appropriation (Jouet, 2000) of programs and
actions linked to energy efficiency. Occupants need
to feel they are actors in their workplace, regardless
of whether technical system acceptance and/or
practices and behavioural changes are pertinent.
Aside from this researchers have shown that the
appropriation of an idea, a program or a technical
device permits deeper changes in behaviour and
practices. Malhotra and Galetta (1999) explained:
when social influences generate a feeling of
internalization and identification on the part of the
user, they have a positive influence on the attitude
toward the acceptance and use of the new system.
The findings also suggest that internalization of the
induced behavior by the adopters of new information
system plays a stronger role in shaping acceptance
and usage behavior than perceived
usefulness”(Malhotra and Galletta, 1999). In a
general way, many recent papers in human and
social sciences show the need for people’s support
(Morel-Brochet and Ortar, 2014) in changing their
environment. These papers are mainly addressing
private housing or public space, but we see that our
data about tertiary buildings and professional
environment come aligns with these.
These questions feed an interesting debate. How
to hybrid natural ecosystems and computing
ecosystem to invent or reinvent the cities of the 21
In this paper, we have shown what were required
uses towards space and energy use, particularly
lighting and heating, and the place of automation in
the daily lives of users. We then saw that real
practices were not necessary alongside required
uses. Next, we showed how involving people, with
participatory design of services and systems for
smart buildings, can motivate behaviour change.
Lastly, the discussion brought into the open the
different elements at stake for occupants of
intelligent buildings, such as the questions of
appropriation of a program and the power of
collective identity.
On future work, we will try to implement
programs that enhance collective intelligence and
collective identity in intelligent buildings.
We are convinced that individual capacities are
ignored. We will explore that phenomenon at
different scales to broaden our field of research. This
energy potential based on the emergence of social
links run could be in the long a real engine of a true
ecological and sociological transition. We will both
use social geography and computing. Our goal is to
build interfaces. We want to understand the different
forms of empowerment mechanisms created by
citizen groups, before their political capture.
The field study was done as part of a project (EPIT
2.0) funded by BPI France, Région Ile-de-France,
Conseil Général de l’Essonne, Conseil Général des
Yvelines. We thank all the partners of this project
for granting us access to the sites. We also thank
Chaire Campus durable, Bouygues Bâtiment IdF -
UVSQ for its support.
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