secondly,formally representing the constraints and
finally use Prover9 first-order logic theorem-prover
for performing checking constraint satisfaction. The
constraints are considered as the conditions.The user
may go through several forms to assign values to
different constraints definition by example.
In this paper, we introduce a methodology that sup-
ports client-specific constraint checking towards gen-
erating goal-oriented, efficient business process de-
signs. Subsequently, one may apply suitable criteria
for optimized design. The optimization may consider
issues such as delivery time, cost etc. and remains the
future prospect of our current work.
The main concern about the proposed approach
lies in the computation towards generating the ex-
haustive set of process designs. However, this step
is executed offline and a priori for k numbers of tasks
and offered as the template for the analyst.
Our work paves the way for constraint specifi-
cation and checking. We have done completeness
checking for the proposed solution. We are also in
the process of developing a tool support with which
the analyst can derive the optimized business process
as per his/her scope, business goals and identified
constraints in the environment.
This publication is an outcome of the research work
undertaken in the CoE on Systems Biology and
Biomedical Engineering at University of Calcutta.
Authors thankfully acknowledgement the support
from the CoE.
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