6.1 For the Following Iterations
When searching for the shortfall in production or con-
sumption during the sequence C, the ideal distribution
of production without consumption constraint and the
ideal distribution of consumption without production
are calculated (see previous section). These data al-
low us to understand the evolution of consumption
over time. Prognostics are calculated at the end of
the sequence D as follows:
1. For consumers: consumption of future consump-
tion is the weighted average of the auction con-
ducted. Let z
be the bid made at the feedback
i − 1, the consumption used by prognostic is cal-
culated as follows: Z = 2
. The latest bids
have a greater impact on the prognostic.
2. For producers: prognostics are calculated like the
previous one. The plants do not have the same
ability to adjust production, and need a consensus
among themselves. Currently the model is only
supporting a single producer (with many plants).
Thus, the calculation of upcoming productions
does not consider the competition. We actually
work to how to plan the production with many
6.2 For Further Iterations
At long term, we must equalize the production curve
of the Smart Grid. Local agents do not have an
overview of the consumption (or production) curve.
In order to smooth the curve, an algorithm, based on
a mathematical function, guarantees the quality of the
solution, or, give advice for feedback.
Bounded function cannot cross some threshold. In
the case of consumption, that means the curve cannot
pass under or over a fixed value. In a perfect Smart
Grid, a bounded function guarantees a continuous
consumption. But, in a real network, the consump-
tion during night or day, or the sector (primary, sec-
ondary, tertiary), or the external factors, or the scale
of the grid, may radically vary. To avoid incoherent
behaviours due to inappropriate management policy,
a function bounded on its slope must be used.
Lipschitz continuity, named after Rudolf Lips-
chitz, is a strong form of uniform continuity for func-
tions. Intuitively, a Lipschitz continuous function is
limited in how fast it can change: there exists a defi-
nite real number such that, for every pair of points on
the graph of this function, the absolute value of the
slope of the line connecting them is not greater than
this real number (see figure 9). If the consumption
curve is k-Lipschitz, we guarantee that the curve can-
not have a peak demand (depends on the value of k).
Before each feedback between sequence B and C,
we check if the result is Lipschitz continuous. If it is
not, the auctions are adjusted. If it is continuous, and
the solution is eligible, then the sequence D starts.
Figure 9: A Lipschitz function.
To validate the model, instances at local and global
scale have been made. Agents data, like engine
consumption or energy plants production, are imple-
mented thanks to the french national production com-
panies public data and energy distribution data (EDF
and RTE).
In the first tests, consumption and production tend
towards equilibrium. Local and renewable energies
are privileged to maximize their profitability. The
model limits the losses of the distance of consump-
tion, and uses the least amount of fossil energy. It
works at any scale and any agents under the condition
that there exists a feasible solution.
The proposed model works for randomized or
parametric Smart Grids. We actually work in the Posi-
tive Energy 2.0 project led by ALSTOM Energy Man-
agement and various companies such as Bouygues or
Renault to validate the model on real projects.
The model will be compared to, electronic, auto-
matic models and simulations. Positive Energy 2.0
project provides two microgrids (one using electronic
networks and one using automatic devices), Embix
provides data from several buildings and plants, and
some microgrid simulations.
The analysis of the first results with public data,
the project’s results with private data and the eco-
nomic study will form a forthcoming publication.
The model can be improved. The learning pro-
cess must be developed in order to optimize the auc-
tion and the choice for utility functions. Moreover,
artificial intelligence will be implemented in order to
adjust each parameter in real time. The Smart Grid
change over time, so the AI must find the best con-
figuration in real time in order to keep the Smart Grid
optimized and to avoid local dysfunctions.