Additionally, it hosts the Data Fusion and Semantic
Analysis module which extract high level metadata
from the medium level features. We will focus on
the SCS and especially the Content Management
System (CMS) and the Learning Management
System (LMS).
3.1 Server Side Component
Subsystems - Content Management
Subsystem & User Interaction
The Content Management Subsystem (CMS) is
software written mainly in PHP that acts as the
engine for generating dynamic web page content. It
is also responsible for the management of users and
their permissions. There are many CMS
implementations, free and non-free. In this project is
selected to use Drupal which is free and open
source. Inside the CMS environment the user will be
able to use the navigation menu in order to transit
between the rich content (informative &
educational) and the innovative tools that will be
built for the needs of the project. Since the users will
use the CMS as the gateway to all system features,
this is the User Interaction subsystem. From the
navigation menu the user will be able to choose to
find out general/background information about
various types of ICH, to explore the educational
material stored in the Learning Management System
and even download and practice the techniques of
various ICH case studies through the 3D
Visualization for Sensorimotor Learning module.
All the features of the CMS can be parameterized
either from the preinstalled functions that are
provided by Drupal or by the community contributed
modules that extend functionality and
parameterization and even the custom modules that
will be built for the specific needs of Project.
3.2 Learning Management System
The Learning Management Subsystem (LMS) will
facilitate along with 3D Visualization module for
Sensorimotor Learning, the educational processes of
the platform. It will be used to realize the
Pedagogical Plans (that were developed for the
purposes of i-Treasures) into Educational Scenarios.
It is a system similar to the CMS but with an
educational purpose. It provides the ability to a
teacher to create online courses and enrich them
with all sorts of educational material such as
documents, pictures, videos and event quizzes that
can be used for assessing the learner’s progress.
A very useful education tool, is the learning path.
The learning path is a series of chapters which can
contain any kind of resources (html pages,
multimedia content, text, image etc.) but additionally
has the option to enable requirements. The learner
that engages with a learning path, must complete
successfully each step of the path, before advancing
to the next one. At the same time, his progress on the
path is monitored (time taken to complete the path,
quiz scores etc.). This path can be exported to
SCORM format and can be implement in different
LM Systems. The LMS that is used in this project is
Chamilo, an open source solution that is a fork of the
source code tree of Dokeos which in turn is a
descendant of Claroline, an LMS that’s been around
for over 14 years. One of the reasons for the
selection of Chamilo is the simple user interface that
incorporates yet not lacking at all in features against
other popular LMS solutions and because it is based
on a very mature source code tree that was originally
built with a focus on stability.
3.3 CMS - LMS Integration
Because of the fact that the i-Treasures integrated
platform relies on free and open source solutions to
realize its web components that are independent of
each other and designed to be standalone, there is a
need to tweak them and build custom code in order
to interoperate and provide to the user a seamless
transition from one component to another. Towards
this step, the first step is to develop a mechanism
that will keep the user accounts, their details and
their permissions in sync between the CMS and the
LMS (through SOAP web services). Additionally,
the user must be able to transit from the one system
to the other without having to enter his/her account
credentials more than once, in other words we
developed an account synchronization (Figure 2)
and single sign on mechanism (Figure 4).
Figure 2: User Synchronization Process.
Also, there is the need for the user to be able to
browse between the CMS and the LMS without
needing to enter any credentials more than once.
This is achieved by the Single Sign On module
which is a Drupal module that implements a special
code that is called by the hook_init() Drupal hook.
This hook executes the code it contains every time a