Language Model and Clustering based Information Retrieval
Irene Giakoumi, Christos Makris and Yiannis Plegas
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patra, Greece
Clustering, Information Retrieval, Kullback-Leibler Divergence, Language Models, Query Expansion,
Redundant Elimination, Semantics.
In this paper, we describe two novel frameworks for improving search results. Both of them organize relevant
documents into clusters utilizing a new soft clustering method and language models. The first framework is
query-independent and takes into account only the inter-document lexical or semantic similarities in order to
form clusters. Also, we try to locate the duplicated content inside the formed clusters. The second framework is
query-dependent and uses a query expansion technique for the cluster formation. The experimental evaluation
demonstrates that the proposed method performs well in the majority of the results.
Information retrieval aims at satisfying an informa-
tion need by ranking documents optimally. In re-
trieval systems, an information need is expressed in
the form of a query (Manning et al., 2008). The goal
is to rank relevant documents higher than the non-
relevant. Clearly, the performance of an information
retrieval system is determined by the chosen retrieval
function. A retrieval model formalizes the notion of
relevance and derives a retrieval function that can be
computed to rank documents.
Effective retrieval functions have been derived
from a class of probabilistic models, the language
modelling approaches. Essentially, the idea is the
computation of probabilistic distributions over doc-
uments or collections of documents. Several ap-
proaches have proven the effectiveness of this method
for information retrieval.
Recently, language models have been used in
combination with another approach of information re-
trieval, which is the cluster-based retrieval. Under this
line, documents relevant to a query are grouped into
clusters and the rank of them depends on the cluster
that they belong to. Cluster-based retrieval is based
on the cluster hypothesis according to which simi-
lar documents will satisfy the same query (Rijsber-
gen, 1979). Its aim is to identify the good clusters
for the given query. Recent researches have shown
that if these good clusters were able to be found
then retrieval performance would be improved over
document-based retrieval, where the query is matched
against documents (Raiber and Kurland, 2012).
An issue that affects the performance of infor-
mation retrieval systems is the content duplication, a
problem known as redundant elimination. The same
information is often met in more than one documents,
while the ideal answer to a query should be all the
unique information in descending order of relevance.
The solution of this problem remains a challenge.
In this paper, we propose two new frameworks
in order to improve query search results by form-
ing and selecting the good clusters cluster-based
retrieval searches for. Both of the frameworks
form clusters of relevant documents using a new
soft clustering method and the language modelling
approach. The first proposed method examines,
query-independently, either lexical or semantic inter-
document similarities in order to form clusters. In or-
der to further improve search results, we examine the
case of locating redundant information in the clusters
of relevant documents our method forms. To do so,
we implement and apply an existing redundant elimi-
nation method over clusters. The second one creates a
cluster for every possible query expansion, when se-
mantics of query are taken into account. Our final
results are lists of documents with improved ranking.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
We briefly survey language models, cluster-based re-
trieval and the redundant elimination problem in Sec-
tion 2, while in Section 3 we describe the language
models estimation. We detail our frameworks for im-
proving search results in a query independent way in
Section 4 and in a query dependent way, using a query
Giakoumi I., Makris C. and Plegas Y..
Language Model and Clustering based Information Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0005409804790486
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 479-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
expansion technique in Section 5. Section 6 contains
the experimental evaluation of our methods and we
conclude in Section 7.
A statistical language model assigns probabilities to a
sequence of words by means of a probability distribu-
tion. This concept has been used in various applica-
tions such as speech recognition and machine trans-
lation. The first to employ language models for in-
formation retrieval were Ponte and Croft (Ponte and
Croft, 1998). Their basic idea was: estimate a lan-
guage model for each document and rank documents
by the likelihood scoring method. Since then several
variants of this basic method have been proposed as
well as several improvements of it.
Zhai and Lafferty (Zhai and Lafferty, 2004) have
proved the importance of the selection of smoothing
parameters. The term smoothing refers to the adjust-
ment of the maximum likelihood estimator of a lan-
guage model so that it will be more accurate and at
least it will not assign zero probability to words that
are not met in a document, which is known as the zero
probability problem.
Recent researches attempted to exploit the cor-
pus structure, which is, clusters of documents used
as a form of document smoothing using the language
modelling retrieval framework. Language models
over topics are constructed from clusters and the doc-
uments are smoothed with these topic models to im-
prove document retrieval ((Kurland and Lee, 2004);
(Liu, 2006); (Liu and Croft, 2004)). In this line Liu
and Croft (Liu and Croft, 2004) cluster documents
and smooth a document with the cluster containing
the document. Also, Kurland and Lee (Kurland and
Lee, 2004) suggested a framework which for each
document obtains the most similar documents in the
collection and then smooths the document with the
obtained ”neighbour documents”. These neighbour-
hoods of documents are formatted using as measure
the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and
Leibler, 1951) which is an asymmetric measure of
how different two probability distributions are. This
measure has been used in several researches ((Laf-
ferty and Zhai, 2001); (Kurland, 2006)).
The use of clusters for smoothing purposes is an
approach to cluster-based retrieval, while the most
common approach aims to create and retrieve one or
more clusters in response to a query. Cluster-based
retrieval is an idea that has a long history and many re-
searchers have worked on it. Using as base the cluster
hypothesis (Rijsbergen, 1979) several hard clustering
methods were employed ((Croft, 1980); (Jardine and
van Rijsbergen, 1971); (Voorhees, 1985)) as well as
several probabilistic (soft) clustering methods ((Blei
et al., 2003); (Hofmann, 2001)). The soft clustering
methods accept the following case: a document could
discuss multiple topics, and if one assumes that clus-
ters represent topics, then the document should be as-
sociated with the corresponding clusters. This is the
case that is accepted in this paper.
Finally, another important problem in informa-
tion retrieval, that is needed to refer to, is the prob-
lem of information redundancy. Several approaches
have been proposed attempting to resolve this prob-
lem. Some of them use ranking algorithms in order
to reduce the redundant information from the search
results ((Agrawal et al., 2009); (Chen and Karger,
2006); (Radlinski et al., 2009)), while some others
reward novelty and diversity covering all aspects of a
topic ((Agrawal et al., 2009); (Clarke et al., 2008)).
An interesting approach (Plegas and Stamou, 2013)
extracts the novel information between documents
with semantically equivalent content and creates a
single text, called SuperText, relieved from the dupli-
cated content. The suggestion we make in this paper
is that clusters of documents, assuming that clusters
represent topics, are an ideal group of documents to
locate repeated information.
Since a query could have many interpretations and
the documents retrieved for a query could discuss dif-
ferent aspects of the same topic, the ranking of docu-
ments in results list should take these parameters into
account. Being inspired from the related work previ-
ously referred, we consider the idea of forming over-
lapping clusters of relevant documents, taking advan-
tage of the asymmetry of KL-divergence when it is
applied over document language models. The clus-
tering method, we suggest, not only locates pairs of
similar documents, but also locates which of the two
is more similar to the other. The first method we sug-
gest locates inter-document lexical similarities using
our soft clustering method applied over document lan-
guage models. Subsequently, we implement the same
idea, but this time we try to locate inter-document
semantic similarities. In order to do this, we exam-
ine a new way to embed semantic information within
document language models. This method is query-
independent, since the query is being used only for
ranking purposes. As we previously referred, we con-
sider the case of locating duplicated content inside
the formed clusters, to further improve search results.
For this purpose, we apply a redundant elimination
method (Plegas and Stamou, 2013) not over the ini-
tial search results list, but over each of our clusters,
which is also a new try to remove duplicated informa-
tion. On the other hand, the second method we pro-
pose is query dependent as the query is important for
the cluster formation. Specifically, we apply an exist-
ing query expansion method (Makris et al., 2012) to
form all possible interpretations of a query and using
our clustering method we form clusters that answer
to every expansion of the query. This method takes
into account both lexical and semantic information of
the query in order to calculate the document language
models. The novelty of this method is located into the
way that the expansions of a query are utilized. In the
following sections we describe in detail the suggested
We represent the information contained in the docu-
ments of query results with the language modelling
approach. The basic idea of this method is the cal-
culation of a probability measure over strings that be-
long to a fixed vocabulary V (Manning et al., 2008).
That is, considering a fixed set of strings, a document
language model calculates the probability of locating
these strings in the document. In our case, vocabu-
lary V consists of words or senses. For simplicity, we
chose to use the Smoothed Maximum Likelihood Es-
timate (SMLE) model in our approach. According to
the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) model the
representation of a document d is based on the num-
ber of occurrences of each term t in a fixed vocabulary
(t) =
, t V (1)
,where f
is the number of occurrences of term t in
document d and l
is the number of terms contained
in d and also in V. The MLE model suffers from the
zero probability problem, that is:
(t) = 0, t V & t 3 d (2)
In order to solve it, we smooth the model accord-
ing to the following formula:
(t) =
c, if t d
eps, if t 3 d
, t V (3)
,where eps is a very small quantity of the order of
and c is estimated as
c = eps
|V | s
|V |
,where s
is the number of terms that belong in V and
the document d and |V | is the length of vocabulary
In this section we describe our method for locating
inter-document similarities and forming clusters uti-
lizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence over lexically
or semantically enhanced language models. Here the
issued query is taken into account only for ranking
purposes, not for the creation of the clusters.
4.1 Document Representation
In our experiments, we use lexically or semantically
enhanced language models. The difference between
their estimation concerns the fixed vocabulary V. But
before describing the set V in each case, we need to
describe the initial processing of the search result list.
We select the top N documents retrieved for a
query, which will be called collection D. We break
each document d in collection D into sentences. Each
sentence is tokenized, POS-tagged and lemmatized
and all lemmas are removed but the ones that corre-
spond to nouns, verbs and adjectives. The set of pro-
cessed documents of collection D will be denoted as
collection D’. In a similar way we process the issued
query. Now that collection’s D’ documents and the
query contain only certain lemmatized terms, along
with their POS-tag, we describe the fixed vocabulary
V for our language models.
The set V of the lexically enhanced language mod-
els consists of all the unique POS-tagged lemmas con-
tained in the collection D’. In other words, we exam-
ine the inter-document similarities considering only
the vocabulary that the documents contain. For rea-
sons of dimensionality reduction, we evaluate also the
case of reducing the size of V, using the normalized
TF-IDF schema. In this case, the terms in V are or-
dered by their TF-IDF values and the desired amount
of terms in V is selected. Also the content of docu-
ments in D’ is updated, so that they contain only terms
of V.
In the case of semantically enhanced language
models, firstly, all the terms contained in collection D’
are issued to WordNet, in order to locate all the pos-
sible senses each term can have. Continuing, we map
all terms of a document to their corresponding sense.
Words matching only one sense are annotated with it.
Words matching several senses are annotated with the
sense that exhibits the maximum average similarity
to the senses identified for the remaining document
words. We estimate semantic similarity based on the
Wu and Palmer metric (Wu and Palmer, 1994). The
similarity between two senses s
and s
from two terms
and w
is given by:
, s
) =
2 depth(LCS(s
, s
) + depth(s
Since the appropriate senses for w
and w
are not
known, our measure selects the senses which maxi-
mize Similarity in order to annotate every term in the
document with an appropriate sense. Here, the simi-
larity between documents is examined over the senses
each one contains. The set of the unique senses anno-
tated to the documents of D’ will be used as the set V,
considering, also, the option of reducing its size, in a
way similar to the lexical language model case using
the TF-IDF schema.
After this procedure, which is necessary for the
language model estimation, we have the needed fixed
vocabulary V and the contents of documents in D’ in
the appropriate form. Using the formula described in
equation (3) we compute the lexically or semantically
enhanced language models for the N documents.
4.2 Soft Clustering Method
Now that documents are represented by probability
distributions, we focus on locating the similar ones
using KL divergence. Its value is given by:
KLD( f (x)kg(x)) =
f (x) log
f (x)
,where f(x) and g(x) are discrete probability distribu-
tions. The smaller the KL-divergence’s values are,
the more similar are the distributions. The smallest
valid value is zero indicating that the distributions are
identical. KL-divergence is non-symmetric, a char-
acteristic that we take advantage of, in contrast to
other research (Liu and Croft, 2004). So, it could
be considered that formula (6) measures the infor-
mation loss if distribution g(x) replaces f(x), while
KLD(g(x)k f (x)) measures the information loss if dis-
tribution f(x) replaces g(x). In our case the probability
distributions represent texts. That is, calculating the
values of KL-divergence between documents we i) lo-
cate documents that have similar vocabulary or senses
and so documents referring to the same topic and ii)
examine between two documents which is more sim-
ilar to the other, that is which contains less new infor-
mation. Taking advantage of the asymmetry of KL-
divergence, we estimate:
(t)) &
, d
& i 6= j.
Initially, we consider that each document of D’
forms a singleton cluster. For every pair of documents
we compare their both estimated KL-divergence val-
ues and if at least one of them is small enough, then
the two documents are lexically or semantically (de-
pending on which set V is used) similar and should
belong to the same cluster. We determine a parameter
t as an upper bound for the values of KL-divergence
of similar documents. The decision of which docu-
ment will be considered similar to another is taken
according to the following formula:
) t OR KLD(d
) t}
), iff KLD(d
) < KLD(d
), iff KLD(d
) < KLD(d
i, jwhere i 6= j&1 < i, j < |D|.
,where Cl(d
) is the cluster which initially contained
document d
. For every cluster we consider as basis
the document that it initially contained. During the
process of clustering some of the resulting clusters
may appear as members of a bigger cluster. In this
case, the internal clusters are eliminated and only the
external is kept without removing any of its contain-
ing documents.
4.3 Removing Redundant Information
At this point, we have organized the documents into
overlapping clusters of similar documents. We claim
that only documents in the same cluster have dupli-
cated information. In order to locate and remove it,
we merge the documents of each cluster into a single
text keeping all the unique information only, an idea
that origins from (Plegas and Stamou, 2013). If, after
clustering, a cluster contains only its basis document,
then that document remains as it is. If a cluster con-
tains more than one document, then to the content of
the basis document is added the new unique informa-
tion contained in the other documents in the cluster
(member documents).
4.4 Ranking
The process described in the previous section results
in a new collection of documents, which contains
texts generated from more than one documents con-
tained in the same cluster and possibly some of the
documents initially retrieved for the query (clusters
that remained singleton). The last step of our method
is to present this collection in a ranked list of de-
creasing order of interest. We estimate the lexical en-
hanced language model for all the documents in the fi-
nal collection and for the query, using as fixed vocab-
ulary the POS-tagged lemmas contained in the query.
At this point we choose not to use senses, but only
terms, for the estimation of language models, because
firstly the usually small number of terms contained in
a query does not help the application of a word sense
disambiguation method and secondly we would not
want to focus on a certain interpretation of the query.
Having estimated the language models, we estimate
how similar the language model of each document is
to the language model of the query by the correspond-
ing values of KL-divergence. The ranking of the val-
ues of KL-divergence in increasing order derives the
desired ranking list of the documents.
This section describes our method for the clusters’
creation, taking into account the different interpreta-
tions a query could have. We attempt to form clusters
of documents, that each answers to a specific expan-
sion of the query, that is clusters that answer to a spe-
cific interpretation of it.
5.1 Document Representation
In order to represent the contents of the documents in
results’ list we use, this time, only lexical language
models. We made this choice because the language
models are calculated relying on the query expansions
as will be explained in this and the following section.
Again from the results’ list we use the top N
documents, this is collection D. As in the previous
method, we break the documents into sentences and
each sentence into tokens, which subsequently are
POS-tagged, lemmatized and reduced in size as we
keep lemmas of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Again,
the processed collection D we call it collection D’.
5.2 Expanding the Query
Query expansion is the process of reformulating
the issued query to improve retrieval performance
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011). In our
method, we expand the queries employing an idea
based on a already existing method. The idea is to
replace the initial query with a set of queries (collec-
tion Q), each one containing a different combination
of senses of the query terms (Makris et al., 2012).
The query expansion procedure operates as fol-
lows: Firstly we tokenize and label with POS-tags
the query terms, and we keep only lemmas of nouns,
verbs and adjectives as we did for the collection D.
The next step is to issue each of these terms into
WordNet. This results in a set of senses for every
query term. For every sense WordNet gives a defi-
nition for it, called gloss. We process these glosses
in order to extract from them lemmas of nouns, verbs
and adjectives with the same procedure described pre-
viously. The final step to create the collection Q of
expanded queries is to consider all possible combina-
tions of senses for every term and add the extracted
terms from glosses to the initial query. Before clus-
tering, we need to compute language models over the
documents in collection D’ and for that we need a
fixed vocabulary V. We want to form a cluster for each
expanded query, so we choose to use as fixed vocabu-
lary the terms contained in each expanded query. The
language models of documents are estimated as de-
scribed in Section 3.
5.3 Clustering
After we have computed the language model of each
expanded query and of the documents as described in
the previous subsection, we use a clustering method
similar to the one described in subsection 4.2.
if KLD(q
) t then d
Q & d
Here, the Kullback-Leibler divergence values are
calculated over the language model of every expanded
query and every document in order to evaluate which
probability distributions of the documents are similar
to the expanded query’s distribution. The result of this
process is a cluster for every expansion of the query.
These clusters may be overlapping. Since the length
of the fixed vocabulary V is generally quite short, we
evaluate our clustering method for different values of
the parameter t.
5.4 Ranking
At this stage we have as many clusters as the ex-
panded queries. The last step is to rank our results.
First we rank the documents in each cluster according
to the Kullback-Leibler divergence values calculated
previously. The documents are sorted in ascending
order. Finally, we rank the clusters. In order to re-
duce the computational cost we rank the clusters and
consequently the expanded queries, according to the
number of documents each cluster has. The intuition
behind this choice is that we choose to place at the
top positions the expanded query for which most of
the documents in collection D have information.
To carry out our evaluation, we explored the same 70
web queries for both our of methods from the TREC
WebTracks(2011, 2012). We selected the queries with
the best characteristics in order to perform our exper-
iments. All tracks use the 1 billion page ClueWeb09
( dataset and con-
tain a diversity task that contains a ranked list
of documents that covers the query topic avoid-
ing information redundancy. For every result there
is a relevance judgement by NIST assessors in-
dicating their relevance with their query topic.
Also we have employed the search engine In-
dri ( and for each
query we retained the top 50 results for both evaluat-
ing methods. In all of the figures that follow, vertical
axis represents the a-nDCG values, while horizontal
axis represents the rank position of documents in fi-
nal results’ list.
6.1 Evaluating the First Method
We created clusters of similar documents and the up-
per bound of KL-Divergence value, parameter t, was
experimentally tested and took the value of t=10.0.
We evaluated our results keeping 20%, 40%, 60%,
80% and 100% of the terms/senses in the fixed vocab-
ulary V. We compared our techniques: semantic (se-
mantically enhanced) and lexical (lexical enhanced)
with an approach that used k-means as clustering al-
gorithm (we did that to test the effect of the clustering
Finally we assessed the performance of the pro-
posed methods by comparing their rankings with the
initial rankings of search engine Indri. We mea-
sured the efficiency of the proposed methods using
(i) the relevance judgements and (ii) the a-nDCG (a
-normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) measure
(Clarke et al., 2008) with a=0 where the value of 1.0
is a good indicator.
Figure 1 contains the results for our method when
we kept the 60% of the terms/senses, as this is the best
case. The results of the other four examined cases are
very close to the presented one.
According to the results our method exceeds base-
line. Also k-means is better than our clustering
method. This is an indicator that a less ”strict” value
of t is needed. Results show, also, that semantically
enhanced language models do not give as good results
as lexical language models do at the top rank posi-
tions. We claim that, this indicates that semantically
enhanced language models are more sensitive when
calculating them.
Figure 1: Average a-NDCG value for every rank position
keeping the 60% of terms/senses.
6.2 Evaluating the Second Method
With this method we created clusters for every expan-
sion of the queries. Because of the short length of
the fixed vocabulary used, the value of t=10.0 could
be considered quite ”strict”. For this reason we evalu-
ated our method for the following values of parameter
t: 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0 and 20.0.
Figure 2 contains the results of our method. This
method, also, exceeds baseline and shows that value
16.0 gives the best results, which confirms our argu-
ment about the need of a less strict and not very tol-
erant value for parameter t. We should also note that
this method is suitable for queries that their terms are
contained into WordNet.
Figure 2: Average a-nDCG value for every rank position.
Finally, we compared the best results of the two
proposed methods. Figure 3, shows that clustering in
a query-dependent way gives a better ranking com-
pared with the case of clustering independently to
the query. This could be considered justified, since
clusters’ formation based on query’s interpretations is
more adjustable and less sensitive to the choices of
the documents’ authors. Also, our clustering algo-
rithm gives better results than k-means when applied
to the second proposed method.
Figure 3: Average a-nDCG value for every rank position
when comparing the two proposed methods.
Previous results show that in all cases, our pro-
posed methods perform better than the baseline of
Indri search engine. That is encouraging and shows
that our methods have many good results to demon-
strate. In order to improve our results our next step
is to improve the performance of the semantically en-
hanced language models, as we claim that is a valu-
able tool and could even exceed the performance of
lexical language models. Also, we intend to do further
research on the performance of our clustering method
and compare it with more clustering algorithms. We
believe that our methods could give important results
when comparing our results with the application of
different language models, smoothing methods and
redundant elimination methods.
In this paper we presented two novel frameworks that
improve the results’ list of a query. The first method
creates overlapping clusters using our proposed clus-
tering method and lexically or semantically enhanced
language models. Additionally, it removes the redun-
dant content from the clusters. The second method,
we propose, creates a set of overlapping clusters,
where each cluster answers to one of the interpreta-
tions of the initial query. The novelty of these frame-
works is the suggested clustering method, that utilizes
the asymmetry of KL-Divergence, the way of seman-
tic enhance of language models, the use of a query
expansion technique in order to form clusters, that
each answers to an interpretation of the initial query
and also the application of a redundant elimination
method over clusters. The experimental results indi-
cated that the proposed methods perform quite well in
relation to the state of the art techniques.
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union (European Social Fund ESF) and Greek na-
tional funds through the Operational Program ”Edu-
cation and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strate-
gic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Fund-
ing Program: Thales. Investing in knowledge society
through the European Social Fund
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