Prospects for the Development of E-learning Technologies
Artem Feshchenko, Galina Mozhaeva, Ivan Kulikov and Nadezhda Zilberman
Faculty of Philosophy, Tomsk State University, Lenin Avenu-36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: E-learning, Social Networks, Learning Management Systems, Ways of Learning.
Abstract: One of the latest innovations in the technology of e-learning is the use of social networks (SN) for the
creation and distribution of educational content and organization of communication of teachers and
students. Orientation of the younger generation of students in the regular use of the SN in their daily,
academic and professional life casts doubt on the prospects of the development of traditional learning
management systems (LMS). The article examines the attitudes of students and teachers to the possibilities
in learning LMS and SN, compared the advantages and disadvantages of the various e-learning
technologies. The study analyzed the results of the survey respondents from 25 universities of the Russian
Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. For the analysis of the responses were used statistical treatment of data
and content analysis. The study identified features of the application in the training of LMS and SN,
different attitudes of students and teachers to the LMS and SN.
In modern education the important place is taken by
e-learning, which development is largely defined by
the evolution of technologies. New information and
communication technologies find applications in
education very quickly, but the efficiency and
effectiveness of their use is not always obvious. One
of the latest innovations in the technology of e-
learning is the use of social networks (SN) for the
creation and distribution of educational content and
organization of communication of teachers and
students. Orientation of the younger generation of
students in the regular use of the SN in their daily,
academic and professional life casts doubt on the
prospects of the development of traditional learning
management systems (LMS) (Dan Pontefract,
Richard Culatta 2009). Various experience in the
usage of SN education has accumulated and
analyzed in recent years in the world (Dabbagh
Kitsantas, 2012; Bogdanov, Limpens, Li, El Helou,
Salzmann, Gillet, 2012; Meishar-Tal, Kurtz,
Pieterse, 2012). But these studies don`t cover the
experience of educational institutions of the CIS
countries in the use of SN in training. Therefore, the
aim of this article - is to identify the relationship of
Russian students and teachers to the possibilities of
use LMS and the SN in learning, the merits of
advantages and disadvantages of these two different
In this study, using survey data on "E-learning
technologies in high school" (May 2014), in which
were 363 participants: 90 teachers and 274 students
from 25 universities of the Russian Federation,
Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
The research includes survey, statistical data
processing, content analysis and comparative
analysis of the results. For data collection were used
Google Forms, and for their processing - specialized
software «Statistica v6.1.Ru». On basis of the survey
results there were constructed table of relative (%)
and absolute (quantity) frequencies, contingency
tables (cross tabulations). The survey results were
compared in MS Excel. To conduct content analysis
was used Wordstat v1.1.
For the research there was developed a survey
with 68 various questions: with single- and multiple
choice, in an open form (essay). The survey was
available on open access and transferred to
respondents through social networks, LMS and e-
mail. The survey was offered to students and
teachers who had learning experience in LMS and /
or SN.
First group of questions is directed on gathering
Feshchenko A., Mozhaeva G., Kulikov I. and Zilberman N..
Prospects for the Development of E-learning Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005410102080212
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 208-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
general information about the respondent (higher
education institution, department, age, gender,
student / teacher), on indication of the experience of
LMS, SN use and on evaluation preferences in the
use of ICT in learning.
Second group of questions is directed on
comparison of various ways of learning process
organization (in a classroom, in LMS, in SN) in 12
criteria. The questions of exactly this group in our
research enable to reveal the relation of students and
teachers to various ways of e-learning organization
and to compare it to traditional face-to-face
education. Despite the fact that learning in the
classroom, in SN and in LMS are different forms of
interaction for students and teachers, we tried to find
common criteria for comparing these different ways
of learning. In the survey, respondents ranked
learning in a classroom, in SN and LMS in each of
12 criteria from 1 to 5 ("1" - low rating, "5" - high
rating). So, in their ranking respondents compared
learning in a classroom, SN and LMS in each
criterion. This approach enable to reveal rating of e-
learning technologies in the context of the
educational experience of the respondents, including
traditional face-to-face education.
In the first group there were analyzed the
answers to the following questions:
1. If in the teaching situation you necessarily
need to use only one of the two platforms,
which one will you choose?
2. If you do not want to use LMS training, what
are the reasons?
3. If you do not want to use SN training , what are
the reasons?
4. Explain your preference for a particular
platform (LMS, SN, other websites)?
To the question " If in the teaching situation you
necessarily need to use only one of the two
platforms, which one will you choose? " are the
following answers (in percentage of the total
quantity of responses in each group):
Table 1: Preferences of students and teachers.
Teachers Students
SN 39% 50%
LMS 39% 19%
Other 11% 6%
No answer 11% 25%
The majority of students made higher evaluation
of SN, but teachers made equal evaluation of both
Questions are directed to identify the factors
affecting the assessment of users:
If you do not want to use LMS training, what are
the reasons?
If you do not want to use SN training , what are
the reasons?
Different answers were offered to both questions.
Respondents could choose several variants. The
answers are given in percentage of the total quantity
of responses in each group.
Table 2: For what reasons do not use LMS.
Teachers Students
You have to learn how to use 7% 9%
Platform is inconvenient / unusual 11% 16%
Use takes time 18% 3%
Use other platform 10% 10%
Classic methods of teaching are enough 10% 14%
No answer 54% 53%
In both groups the majority of the respondents
refused to answer this question. The main reason for
teachers - it takes a lot of time to use this platform. It
is explained by necessity of developing a large
number of materials, including not only the demo,
but also tests, independent tasks and general
evaluation system. For students the most important
factor is the strangeness / LMS inconvenience and
time spending is less significant. Also, there are
differences in the evaluation of classic methods of
teaching: great amount of students adhere to them.
Almost all respondents know this platform: lack of
LMS knowledge or lack of experience in it said only
1% of the teachers and 2% of the students. In the
free response, some teachers pointed less
opportunity of communication, "the students are
used to networking in an informal way (closer to the
logic of MOOC), I'm afraid that Moodle will be
perceived by them only as a checking element of
"accountable" learning experience." In the free
response, students also pointed the lack of
interactivity, "like a dead LJ" (approx. author Blog
Hosting "Live Journal"). Students also pointed
technical problems "cannot always go to the
website" and expressed doubts about its
effectiveness as an educational tool: "Students do
not check themselves, but just looking for answers
on the internet and write down there."
Table 3: For what reasons do not use SN.
Teachers Students
You have to learn how to use 2% 1%
Platform is inconvenient / unusual 2% 2%
Use takes time 4% 12%
Use other platform 8% 10%
Classic methods of teaching are enough 3% 3%
No answer 76% 68%
In both groups the majority of the respondents
refused to answer this question. Teachers did not
identify significant shortcomings of the system
itself, but pointed the self-sufficiency of classic
methods of teaching. Students say about spending a
lot of time on using of this platform. It can be
explained by the fact of inclusion here personal
communications, in which it is necessary to be
involved, inspite of educational process. Teacher`s
comments: "social network focused on free
communication, and are not focused on learning"
and students`: "I want to divide private and
educational space", "I do not want to see me online"
support this hypothesis. In general, both groups
made evaluation of SN use, in the free response 6%
of the respondents pointed the reasons of non-use
instead of use of this system: "I want to use / want
and use", etc.
At the end of the survey it was presented open-
ended questions: Explain your preference for a
particular platform (LMS, SN, and other websites).
This article considers the responses, referring only
the LMS (all answers were given about LMS
«Moodle») and SN (most replies mentioned network
"Vkontakte"). This question was answered by 34
(38%) teachers and 76 (27%) students. In these
responses there were those who are not substantively
relevant, for example, "do not know", ")", "Moodle",
"social network", etc. The method of analysis used
in this step - content analysis. As the unit was
selected a block of text containing one explanation
(reason, merits and demerits) preference of a
particular system. Next units were grouped into
categories according to semantic criteria. The results
are given in percentage of the quantity of responses.
Teachers pointed advantages and disadvantages of
Table 4: Advantages of LMS (teachers).
Organization of educational process 32%
Integration of University 6%
No distraction information 3%
Student and teacher communication 3%
Teachers point the great opportunities in
organization of educational process as the most
important advantage of use.
Table 5: Advantages of LMS (students).
Organization of educational process 18%
Student and teacher communication 7%
No distraction information 3%
Ease of use 3%
Students also pointed the advantage of LMS in
the educational process. It should be pointed out that
the semantic categories, in this part of the study, are
virtually identical in both reference groups. In the
group of students is added only one category of
"ease of use".
As disadvantage of LMS Moodle, teachers
complain about binding registration with the help of
an administrator.
Table 6: Disadvantages of LMS (teachers).
Registration with administrator 9%
No integration into the general development
strategy of the University
Can`t be used in several universities as a single
Unfriendly interface 3%
Communication student and teacher 3%
Technical problems 3%
Duplication necessity of information in SN 3%
The students pointed lack of system functionality
as disadvantage.
Table 7: Disadvantages of LMS (students).
Shallow functionality 9%
Unfriendly interface 3%
Unusual 3%
Technical problems 1%
Need to use browser 1%
Concurrent categories for students and teachers
are "Unfriendly interface", "Lack of communication
possibilities of the teacher and the student",
"Technical problems in use." Unmatched categories
of teachers are mainly associated with the
organization of educational process: "Need to
registrate with the administrator", "No integration
into the general development strategy of the
University", "Can`t be used in several universities as
a single course", "Duplication necessity of
information in SN (either due to technical problems
or more efficiency of work)." Students pointed
disadvantages of the system: "The lack of
functionality", "The need to use browser" (the
absence of convenient mobile application), "Unusual
Both groups also commented on the advantages
and disadvantages of the use of SN. In advantages
the teachers say, first of all, the fact that SN - a place
where students are and you should "go for them." It
is also pointed the general availability and user-
friendly interface of SN, a great amount of available
Table 8: Advantages of social networks (teachers).
Students environment 29%
General availability 9%
User-friendly interface 6%
More info 6%
More motivation for students 3%
Organization of educational process 3%
Equal rights for students and teachers in the
creation of the content
Efficiency of communication 3%
For students the significant factor is
communication, the benefits of leading is the
category "Efficiency of communication", "The
ability to communicate with other participants," as
advantage is "Convenience" and "Habitualness of
the system."
Table 9: Advantages of social networks (students).
Efficiency of communication 18%
Regularity 15%
Communication with others 13%
Convenience 9%
Mobile applications 7%
Dialogueness 4%
More information 3%
Organization of educational process 3%
User-friendly interface 3%
Upgrade 1%
Availability at any time 1%
Pastime 1%
Categories of teachers and students agree about
more information, more opportunities for the
organization of training activities and efficiency of
communication. At the same time, students are
significant categories of communication, regularity /
convenience and technical capabilities of the
platform. And for the teachers the most important
category - subject-subject communication, that is the
teacher - student (on-line student, increasing the
motivation of students, equal rights for student and
teacher in the creation of content). In this case it is
possible to say about "communicatively oriented"
students and "student-oriented" teachers.
Categories of teachers and students in the
assessment of the shortcomings of social networks
as a tool for the educational process are not the
same. Teachers noted the need to prepare for
working with social networks, as well as openness to
learning materials. Students see the flaw in the
presence of distracting information from school, lack
of proper information and training necessary to be
online, which would require entry into the personal
Table 10: Disadvantages of social networks (teachers).
Need practice 3%
Public display 3%
Table 11: Disadvantages of social networks (students).
Many distractions 7%
Few educational information 1%
Everyone can see online 1%
Second group of questions is directed on of LMS
and SN in 12 criteria. To get objective assessments
in the analysis, we took into account only the
answers of respondents who had experience in the
LMS and the SN: 36 teachers and 141 students.
Table 12: Evaluation of LMS and SN.
Teachers Students
Equal in
SN and
igher i
in LMS
Equal in
SN and
11 56 33 42 16 42
11 50 39 41 38 21
Convenience of
the system
50 22 28 55 14 31
50 50 0 63 9 28
Frequency of
78 5 17 57 15 28
22 22 56 45 21 34
39 17 44 47 14 39
61 17 22 45 16 39
Convenience of
39 28 33 41 22 17
50 0 50 74 3 23
28 0 72 43 14 43
56 0 44 52 11 37
The majority of students made higher evaluation
of SN in 10 criteria and only in the criteria of
"Motivation" and "Understanding" the same quantity
of students think that the possibilities of LMS and
SN are equal. Students made high evaluation of
LMS in the criteria of "Concentration " (38%), but
even here the majority of respondents made higher
evaluation of SN (41%). Evaluation of teachers
differ. They suppose the SN are inferior to LMS
according to motivate opportunities and students`
concentration. For the rest of criteria the teachers
either make higher evaluation of SN, or make equal
evaluation of LMS and SN.
It should be pointed out that both reference groups
show similar activity in the responses. In their free
responses both teachers and students to a greater
extent presented the advantages of a particular
platform. Thus, teachers equally consider the use of
LMS and the SN as a tool for learning. They
attribute the advantage of this system in the
educational process: the arrangement of materials,
development of tests and tasks, the organization of
students' independent work, preparation of the
assessment system, work with the journal, activities
monitoring, etc. However, they voice concerns
relating for the time-consuming when using this
platform, and do not accept the system of
compulsory registration by the administrator. Social
networks, according to teachers, may be selected as
a learning tool mainly because the platform for
students is usual and every-day. It is also important
the general availability of network and the ease of
use / convenience of interface. There were not
obvious disadvantages of SN which were presented
in the responses.
It is obvious that none of the technologies does
not meet all the requirements of the teacher in the e-
learning process. Some functions (technical,
supervisory, organizational) has been successfully
implemented using LMS, others (communication,
motivation, individualized instruction) - the SN.
Thus, from the teachers` point of view, the prospects
for the development of e-learning technologies are
related, probably, not with the choice of either SN or
LMS` contradistinction, and their hybridization
(appearance of a new technology that combines the
functions of the SN and LMS) or symbiosis
(coexistence of the two systems, with which both
partners or one of them gets benefit from the other).
Students, to a greater extent, prefer to use SN,
considering the main advantage of the
communicative potential of the platform, as well as
its convenience and regularity. In this case
disadvantage is a lot of distractions. Students also
admit the advantage of LMS in the educational
process, but attribute shortcomings of the platform
in its lack of functionality, inconvenience and
strangeness. Thus, the Russian students tend to
attribute the prospects for the development of e-
learning technologies more in social networks than
in traditional LMS.
For further development of the research we aim
to check the data collected in Tomsk State
University using survey and interviewing of students
and teachers from other foreign universities. In our
opinion comparison of students and teachers in their
relation to the e-learning instruments in different
universities and countries enable to examine the
results by interaction of more respondents to the
research, to define perspective directions of e-
learning development taking into account opinions
of its participants.
Conclusions of this study will help us to
understand and improve our use of LMS and SN
tools in educational contexts. Our final goal is to
adapt our teaching strategies to the educational
needs of our students.
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