general information about the respondent (higher
education institution, department, age, gender,
student / teacher), on indication of the experience of
LMS, SN use and on evaluation preferences in the
use of ICT in learning.
Second group of questions is directed on
comparison of various ways of learning process
organization (in a classroom, in LMS, in SN) in 12
criteria. The questions of exactly this group in our
research enable to reveal the relation of students and
teachers to various ways of e-learning organization
and to compare it to traditional face-to-face
education. Despite the fact that learning in the
classroom, in SN and in LMS are different forms of
interaction for students and teachers, we tried to find
common criteria for comparing these different ways
of learning. In the survey, respondents ranked
learning in a classroom, in SN and LMS in each of
12 criteria from 1 to 5 ("1" - low rating, "5" - high
rating). So, in their ranking respondents compared
learning in a classroom, SN and LMS in each
criterion. This approach enable to reveal rating of e-
learning technologies in the context of the
educational experience of the respondents, including
traditional face-to-face education.
In the first group there were analyzed the
answers to the following questions:
1. If in the teaching situation you necessarily
need to use only one of the two platforms,
which one will you choose?
2. If you do not want to use LMS training, what
are the reasons?
3. If you do not want to use SN training , what are
the reasons?
4. Explain your preference for a particular
platform (LMS, SN, other websites)?
To the question " If in the teaching situation you
necessarily need to use only one of the two
platforms, which one will you choose? " are the
following answers (in percentage of the total
quantity of responses in each group):
Table 1: Preferences of students and teachers.
Teachers Students
SN 39% 50%
LMS 39% 19%
Other 11% 6%
No answer 11% 25%
The majority of students made higher evaluation
of SN, but teachers made equal evaluation of both
Questions are directed to identify the factors
affecting the assessment of users:
• If you do not want to use LMS training, what are
the reasons?
• If you do not want to use SN training , what are
the reasons?
Different answers were offered to both questions.
Respondents could choose several variants. The
answers are given in percentage of the total quantity
of responses in each group.
Table 2: For what reasons do not use LMS.
Teachers Students
You have to learn how to use 7% 9%
Platform is inconvenient / unusual 11% 16%
Use takes time 18% 3%
Use other platform 10% 10%
Classic methods of teaching are enough 10% 14%
No answer 54% 53%
In both groups the majority of the respondents
refused to answer this question. The main reason for
teachers - it takes a lot of time to use this platform. It
is explained by necessity of developing a large
number of materials, including not only the demo,
but also tests, independent tasks and general
evaluation system. For students the most important
factor is the strangeness / LMS inconvenience and
time spending is less significant. Also, there are
differences in the evaluation of classic methods of
teaching: great amount of students adhere to them.
Almost all respondents know this platform: lack of
LMS knowledge or lack of experience in it said only
1% of the teachers and 2% of the students. In the
free response, some teachers pointed less
opportunity of communication, "the students are
used to networking in an informal way (closer to the
logic of MOOC), I'm afraid that Moodle will be
perceived by them only as a checking element of
"accountable" learning experience." In the free
response, students also pointed the lack of
interactivity, "like a dead LJ" (approx. author Blog
Hosting "Live Journal"). Students also pointed
technical problems "cannot always go to the
website" and expressed doubts about its
effectiveness as an educational tool: "Students do
not check themselves, but just looking for answers
on the internet and write down there."
Table 3: For what reasons do not use SN.
Teachers Students
You have to learn how to use 2% 1%
Platform is inconvenient / unusual 2% 2%
Use takes time 4% 12%
Use other platform 8% 10%
Classic methods of teaching are enough 3% 3%
No answer 76% 68%