system resources, such as CPU, memory and disk.
Resource allocation is a really challenging task
because of the different pricing models the providers
use. In general, cloud hosting providers must offer a
good pricing model that does not bring any loss to
neither the provider nor the consumer and maximizes
the social surplus of the corresponding market. It is
not usually easy to reach a point where both sides
agree with the price set. A user is always willing to
pay a lower price for the resources requested, whereas
a provider should not want to go beyond the lowest
price that gives him no profit (Andra 2013).
Currently, there are many cloud vendors that
follow a fixed pricing strategy, meaning that
customers pay for what they use but not for what the
cloud services value (Vinu Prasad et al.). One of the
most common pricing schemes of this category is the
“pay-as-you-go” model, which charges the users for
just the services they need, paying only for the
required computing instances and just for the time
they use them. In the case they need more resources,
they simply request them from the provider
(Grossman 2009). Another fixed pricing model is
based on subscription, setting a standard price for the
required resources according to a longer period of
subscription (Al-Roomi et al. 2013). However, these
static approaches of pricing have some limitations,
due to the fact that they reserve computational
resources in advance and it is often hard to satisfy
both the cloud vendors’ and cloud users’
Hence, dynamic pricing is usually the key solution
to the above problems. It is a method in which the
price for each bundle of resources is based on a
number of factors, such as availability, time, the
service features and according to the forces of the
demand and supply of a real-time market (Andra
2013, Al-Roomi et al. 2013). Mihailescu and Teo
(2010) proposed such an auction-based pricing
strategy for federated clouds, in which resources are
shared among many cloud service providers.
Rohitratana and Altmann (2012) used an agent-based
simulation of four different pricing models that
indicated that the Demand-Driven (DD) pricing
scheme was the best approach in ideal cases. Li et al
(2011) introduced a real-time pricing algorithm for
cloud computing resources. It analyzed some history
utilization data and it found the final price that was
mostly beneficial for the provider because it reduced
its costs, allowing at the same time resources to be
used more effectively. Moreover, there are some
pricing methods that are mostly driven by
competitors’ prices (Rohitratana and Altmann 2010)
and some others based on the amount of money users
are ready to pay (Ruiz-Agundez et al. 2011). All of
the above pricing methods are fair enough for the
customers’ side.
Both of the above categories of pricing models,
especially the dynamic one, take into consideration
some of the service’s most important characteristics.
The construction of price indices is generally used for
this purpose, seeking to estimate the extent to which
each characteristic affects the total price of a service
bundle. Among the most common and widely used
approaches is the hedonic pricing method (Triplett
2004). It was primarily developed seeking to capture
the effect of environmental and housing attributes in
the context of the housing market (Goodman 1978)
and to adjust for quality change for automobiles
(Griliches 1961). In (Chanel et al. 1996) a price index
for paintings, based on regressions using the full set
of sales, was constructed and the idea that goods are
valued for their utility-bearing characteristics can be
found in (Rosen 1974). As far as information and
communication technologies are concerned, hedonic
price indices have been widely used for personal
computers (Pakes 2002, Berndt et al. 1995) taking
quality changes into account and for microcomputers
and printers using evidence from France (Moreau
1996). A hedonic pricing approach has been also
proposed in (Jörg et al. 2014) to estimate price
evolution of telecommunication services based on
data across Europe and in (Siham et al. 2012) the
hedonic pricing method was applied to make cloud
pricing plans more transparent.
Hedonic methods refer to regression models in which
a product’s (or a service’s) prices are related to
product characteristics and the observed price of a
product (service) is considered as a function of these
characteristics. The main assumption hedonic
methods are based on, is that a service is a bundle of
characteristics and that consumers just buy bundles of
product characteristics instead of the product itself. A
hedonic method decomposes the item being
researched into its constituent characteristics, and
obtains estimates of the contributory value of each
characteristic, provided that the composite good can
be reduced to its constituent parts and that the market
values those constituent parts.
According to the definition of (Triplett 2004): “A
hedonic price index is any price index that makes use
of a hedonic function. A hedonic function is a relation
between the prices of different varieties of a product,