A Tool for Assessing Students’ Reading Abilities
Erik Kanebrant
, Katarina Heimann M
, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis
, Arne J
Caroline Liberg
Asa af Geijerstam
, Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd
and Johan Falkenjack
Department of Computer and Information Science, Link
oping University, Link
oping, Sweden,
Department of Swedish, G
oteborg University, G
oteborg, Sweden,
Department of Education, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Reading Assessment, Vaocabulary Assessment, Teacher and Student Feedback.
We present T-MASTER, a tool for assessing students’ reading skills on a variety of dimensions. T-MASTER
uses sophisticated measures for assessing a student’s reading comprehension and vocabulary understanding.
Texts are selected based on their difficulty using novel readability measures and tests are created based on the
texts. The results are analyzed in T-MASTER, and the numerical results are mapped to textual descriptions
that describe the student’s reading abilities on the dimensions being analysed. These results are presented to
the teacher in a form that is easily comprehensible, and lends itself to inspection of each individual student’s
The importance and teaching effect of finding the
right reading level for each student, i.e. to find the
”zone of proximal development” (ZPD), is a well-
known fact from both a theoretical and an empiri-
cal perspective (Vygotsky, 1976). The task of find-
ing appropriate texts for different groups of students
gets, however, more demanding from grade 4 and on-
wards. To begin with, the texts become longer and
more complex in their structure. Students who have
a reading ability solely adjusted to more simple texts
will get into problem. A little higher up in school
around grade 7, the texts become more and more sub-
ject specific, which is especially visible in the vocab-
ulary. Text structure and vocabulary are, thus, two
very important aspects that can cause problems for
students who are not so experienced readers.
Our long term goal is to support reading for ten to
fifteen year old Swedish students. The means for this
is a tool that assesses each individual student’s read-
ing ability, presents the results to the teacher to facil-
itate individual student feedback, and automatically
finds appropriate texts that are suitable and individu-
ally adapted to each student’s reading ability.
In this paper we present a fully functional tool for
Swedish that presents a profile of a student’s reading
comprehension and vocabulary understanding based
on sophisticated measures. These measures are trans-
formed to values on known criteria like vocabulary,
grammatical fluency and so forth. Four main aspects
of the reading process are in focus in this study; the
student’s reading comprehension, his/her vocabulary
understanding, levels of text complexity, and the sub-
ject area the text deals with. We will first in Sec-
tion 2 present the models of reading upon which the
tests are based, how the tests are constructed and how
text complexity is measured. In Section 3 we present
the experiments that have been conducted this far.
Section 4 presents the actual toolkit and Section 5
presents some conclusions and future work.
Common to models of reading in an individual-
psychological perspective is that reading consists
of two components: comprehension and decoding,
e.g. Adams (1990). Traditionally the focus has been
on decoding aspects, but in later years research with a
focus on comprehension has increased rapidly. Some
studies of comprehension concern experiments where
different aspects of the texts have been manipulated in
order to understand the significance of these aspects.
In other studies interviews with individuals or
group discussions are arranged in order to study how
a text is perceived and responded to and how the
reader moves within the text, e.g. Liberg et al. (2011);
Kanebrant E., Heimann Mühlenbock K., Johansson Kokkinakis S., Jönsson A., Liberg C., af Geijerstam Å., Wiksten Folkeryd J. and Falkenjack J..
T-MASTER - A Tool for Assessing Students’ Reading Abilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0005410902200227
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 220-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Langer (2011). This last type of studies is very often
based on a socio-interactionistic perspective. What
is considered to be reading is, thus, extended also to
include how you talk about a text when not being
completely controlled by test items. In such a per-
spective it has been shown how students build their
envisionments or mental text worlds when reading
by being out and stepping into an envisionment of
the text content, being in and moving through such
an envisionment, stepping out and rethinking what
you know, stepping out and objectifying the expe-
rience, and leaving an envisionment and going be-
yond (Langer, 2011, p. 22-23). These so called
stances are not linear and for a more developed reader
they occur at various times in different patterns dur-
ing the interaction between the reader and the text,
i.e. the reader switches between reading e.g. ”on the
lines”, ”between the lines”, and ”outwards based on
the lines”.
In a socio-cultural perspective the focus is made
even wider and reading is perceived as situated social
practices. The term situated pinpoints that a person’s
reading ability varies in different situations and with
different text types and topics. A model of reading
as social practice is proposed by Luke and Freebody
(1999). They map four quite broad reading practices
that they consider to be necessary and desirable for
members of a Western contemporary society: coding
practices, text-meaning practices, pragmatic practices
and critical practices. The first two practices could
be compared to what above is discussed as decod-
ing, comprehension and reader-response. The last
two practices on the other hand point to the conse-
quences of the actual reading act, which at the same
time is the raison d’etre of reading: there can be no
reading without having a wider purpose than to read
and comprehend. These practices concern on the one
hand how to ”use texts functionally” and on the other
hand to ”critically analyse and transform texts by act-
ing on knowledge that they represent particular points
of views and that their designs and discourses can be
critiqued and redesigned in novel and hybrid ways”
(ibid p 5-6). A person with a very developed reading
ability embraces all these practices and can move be-
tween them without any problem. He/she is not only
able to decode and comprehend the text but also able
to use what has been generated from the text and to
take a critical stance, all this in order to extend his/her
knowledge sphere. All these perspectives taken to-
gether give both a very deep and a very broad under-
standing of the concept of reading. In order to mark
this shift from a narrower to a much more widened
concept, the term reading literacy is often preferred
over reading, see e.g. OECD (2009, p. 23).
When assessing students reading ability the types
of texts and reading practices tested have thus a much
broader scope today than earlier. It facilitates a more
delicate differentiation between levels of reading abil-
ity. Two well-tested and established studies of read-
ing ability in the age span focused here are the inter-
national studies of ten year old students (PIRLS) and
fifteen year old students (PISA). Both these studies
are based on a broad theoretical view of reading, i.e.
reading literacy. The frameworks of PIRLS and PISA
concerning both the design of tests and the interpre-
tation of results in reading ability levels will there-
fore be important sources and resources for construct-
ing students’ reading ability profile in this study, see
e.g. Mullis et al. (2009); OECD (2009).
2.1 Testing Reading Comprehension
The test of students’ reading comprehension in this
study will include, in accordance with a broad view,
different text types of different degrees of linguistic
difficulty, where the students are tested for various
reading practices within different topic areas. In the
construction of this test at least three degrees of lin-
guistics difficulty will be used. Accordingly at least
three prototypical texts will be chosen per school sub-
ject area. Each of these texts also includes testing dif-
ferent aspects of vocabulary knowledge.
Items testing the following reading processes are
furthermore constructed for each of these three texts,
cf. Langer (2011); Luke and Freebody (1999); Mullis
et al. (2009); OECD (2009): 1) retrieve explicitly
stated information, 2) make straightforward infer-
ences, 3) interpret and integrate ideas and informa-
tion, and 4) reflect on, examine and evaluate content,
language, and textual elements. In accordance with
the procedure used in the international study PIRLS,
these four reading processes are collapsed into two
groups in order to reach a critical amount of data to
base the results on, see below.
2.2 Vocabulary Tests
In assessing the vocabulary knowledge of students,
we have focused on the receptive knowledge of sub-
ject and domain neutral lexical items in Swedish nov-
els. The tests intend to cover a part of the lexical
knowledge divided into ages 10-15 years, in 7 sepa-
rate levels. Each level is represented by tests covering
reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge.
We have used a reliable approach in creating vo-
cabulary tests by compiling text corpora at each level
adapted to the age of the students. These corpora are
then used to generate seven separate frequency based
Table 1: A description of subject specific and subject neutral content words.
Word categories Explanation Example (from tests for 10-14 year olds)
Subject neutral words
1. Most frequent The most common words, which could
appear in any text.
Person, sun, run, talk, nice, fast
2. Middle-less frequent Less frequent words above the 2000
most frequent words in age adapted
Disappointment, realize, decide, desperate,
3. Genre typical (aca-
demic, news etc.)
Academic words in school context,
newspaper genre, descriptive texts
Explanation, development, consider, consist
of, type of, particularly
Subject/domain specific words
4. Every day words
Words which have a common every day
meaning but also a subject or domain
specific meaning.
Mouth (of a person), mouth (of a river), bank
(of savings), bank (of sand), arm (a body
part), arm (a weapon)
5. Subject typical Words common to a type of text, cf.
natural science.
Motion, radiation, pollution
6. Subject specific Often only appears in one type of text
as unique words, a text in a biology text
Assimilation, digestion, photosynthesis
vocabulary lists.
When studying and analysing vocabulary in texts,
words may be divided into subject-neutral and
subject-specific words. Subject specific words are
known as those words which would typically appear
in texts regarding specific subjects, school subjects or
domains in general. The categories are described in
a further developed category scheme partly inspired
by previous research by Nation (2014); Lindberg
and Kokkinakis (2007); Kokkinakis and Fr
(2013). Each of these groups can then be divided into
several sub-categories, as described in Table 1.
Words represented in each category are content
words, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
These words are selected since they represent im-
portant parts of the knowledge as opposed to func-
tion words which are used to connect words into sen-
tences. Function words tend not to vary too much and
are normally not perceived as the most difficult words
since they are quite common.
To select test items for the vocabulary test, the fre-
quency based vocabulary list from each level of age is
used as a point of departure. The 2000 most common
tokens, category 1 in Table 1, are deleted from the list
by comparing with other frequency based vocabulary
lists. Then, 50% nouns, 25% verbs, 25% adjectives
and adverbs are selected from that list, starting out
with the most frequent of category 2 in Table 1.
A synonym list of equivalent words and defini-
tions is used to select 15 appropriate test items accom-
panied with 1 correct answer and 3 possible distrac-
tors. Distractors are words other than the correct an-
swer. As many as possible of the distractors are words
similar to the test item orthographically (in writing)
or phonologically (in sound). Previous research has
proven that test takers tend to select distractors with
any of the two similarities when not knowing the cor-
rect answer. Test items are finally composed of the
vocabulary test in context. This means that a sentence
in the text corpus is used to give a better example on
how a test item is used.
2.3 Text Complexity
The traditional way of measuring text complexity and
expected readability is to consider the Flesch-Kincaid
or Flesch Reading Ease measures (Flesch, 1948), or
for Swedish the LIX value (Bj
ornsson, 1968). The
underlying very simplified hypothesis is that short
sentences indicate an uncomplicated syntax, and that
short words tend to be more common and conse-
quently easier to understand. The measures men-
tioned are found to have bearing on entire texts, as
they are based on average counts, but do not suite an
inspection of isolated sentences or on a more scientif-
ically grounded analysis of texts.
The SVIT model (Heimann M
uhlenbock, 2013)
on the other hand includes global language measures
built upon lexical, morpho-syntactic and syntactic
features of a given text. It takes into account linguis-
tic features appearing at the surface in terms of raw
text, but also at deeper language levels. The first level
includes surface properties such as average word
and sentence length and word token variation calcu-
lated with the OVIX (word variation) formula (Hult-
man and Westman, 1977). At the second level we
find the vocabulary properties which are analysed in
terms of word lemma variation and the proportion of
words belonging to SweVoc a Swedish base vocab-
ulary (Heimann M
uhlenbock and Johansson Kokki-
nakis, 2012). The third, syntactic level, is inspected
by measuring the mean distance between items in the
syntactically parsed trees, mean parse tree heights,
and the proportions of subordinate clauses and modi-
fiers. Finally, the fourth level, idea density present in
the texts, is calculated in terms of average number of
propositions, nominal ratio and noun/pronoun ratio.
All features taken into account when analysing the
texts in T-MASTER are listed in Table 2. Some of
them are quite straightforward, while others need an
The Lemma variation index is a better way to
count the vocabulary variation in a text, as compared
to the OVIX formula. With the LVIX formula, all
word forms of the same lemma are tied together into
one item. For Swedish, being an inflected language,
there are for instance 8 inflected forms of a noun. It is
likely that if a student knows the meaning of the base
form of a given word, the meaning of most of its reg-
ular inflected forms can be deduced. Moreover, it is
calculated with a formula that minimizes the impact
of hapax legomenon, i.e. words occurring only once
in a corpus.
Words considered as Difficult words are those not
present in category (C), (D) and (H) in the SweVoc
wordlist. In category (C) we find 2,200 word lem-
mas belonging to the core vocabulary. Category (D)
contains word lemmas referring to everyday objects
and actions. Category (H), finally, holds word lem-
mas highly frequent in written text.
The syntactic features MDD, UA, AT, ET and PT
refer to properties in the dependency parsed sentences
in the text.
The Nominal ratio is achieved by calculating the
proportion of nouns, prepositions and participles in
relation to verbs, pronouns and adverbs.
Table 2: SVIT features.
Level Feature Abbrev
Mean sentence length MSL
Mean word length MWL
Lemma variation index LVIX
Difficult words DW
Mean dependency distance MDD
Subordinate clauses UA
Prenominal modifier AT
Postnominal modifier ET
Parse tree height PT
Idea density
Nominal ratio NR
Noun/pronoun ratio NPN
Propositional density Pr
We have developed a first series of reading tests with
texts and questions measuring reading comprehension
and vocabulary knowledge. The tests comprise fiction
texts and are expected to match three different levels
of reading proficiency in the 4th, 6th and 8th school
grades respectively. (The same test is used for the
hardest grade i test and the easiest grade i+ 1 test giv-
ing seven levels in total.)
The tests were carried out in a total of 74 schools
and more than 4000 students in three different cities
in Sweden. The size of a class is around 20 students,
but differs enormously, from as low as 5 students to
more than 40 in one class. Each student did a series of
three tests, with texts and vocabulary on three levels
of difficulty. The tests were conducted in the grade
order 6, 4 and 8.
3.1 Initial Text Selection
Twenty-two texts from the L
aSBarT corpus (Heimann
uhlenbock, 2013) and 31 texts from a bank of Na-
tional Reading Tests were examined both qualita-
tively and quantitatively. They were all manually
checked with regard to subjects and choice of words,
and texts that could be considered offensive or obso-
lete were discarded. The ambition was to find suit-
able portions of narrative texts depicting a sequence
of events that would allow construction of test ques-
After the initial filtering, 6 texts from the L
corpus were selected for the 6th grade, and 8 texts
from a bank of national reading tests for grades 4
and 8. The texts varied in length between 450 and
1166 words and were graded into levels of diffi-
culty after multivariate analysis with the SVIT model.
Earlier experiments showed that for the task of dis-
criminating between ordinary and easy-to-read chil-
dren’s fiction, linguistic feature values at the vocabu-
lary and idea density levels had the highest impact on
the results of automatic text classification (Heimann
uhlenbock, 2013). We therefore chose to reward
the features mirroring vocabulary diversity and diffi-
culty, in addition to idea density, when the metrics did
not unambiguously pointed towards significant differ-
ences at the syntactic level. Based on the SVIT model
we selected 7 texts for use in the first tests that were
later reduced into 6, see below.
3.2 Some Findings
We will not present all results from the experiments in
this paper, only some findings that assess the quality
of the tests.
We find that students perform better on simpler
than on more difficult text, which corroborates the
SVIT model. For the tests conducted in grade 6,
many students acquired top scores and therefore two
of the texts from grade 6 were also used for grade
4 providing a stronger correlation between the stu-
dents’ results and the text’s difficulty. We saw an
even stronger correlation between text complexity, in-
dicated by SVIT, and response rates of the weakest
students, i.e. those whose overall test results were <
2 standard deviations below the average. This ob-
servation held for all three school levels. Given that
the SVIT measures were used as benchmark in the
initial levelling phase, we believe that our findings
strongly support the hypothesis that these measures
are able to grade a text’s complexity and hence read-
ability (M
uhlenbock et al., 2014).
There is, further, a statistically significant corre-
lation between the students’ results on the vocabu-
lary tests and the reading tests for all six levels. This
shows that the tools and theories used to develop the
tests are applicable. Note that the vocabulary test
comprises domain neutral every day words from the
same corpus as the readability texts. The purpose is
to assess a general vocabulary competence.
To conduct the tests and provide feedback we have
developed a tool for teachers that has been distributed
to all teachers with students that did the tests (Kane-
brant, 2014). The tool has only been used once, for
fiction texts, but is currently used for social science
texts and will be used for natural science texts after
which we hope to make it publicly available. It allows
teachers to get results on reading ability for each indi-
vidual student. The tool is password protected to en-
sure that results only can be accessed by the teacher.
The response texts intend to describe the reading com-
prehension competencies and vocabulary knowledge.
There are other assessment systems available for
. LetsGoLearn
is one interactive tool shar-
ing our idea of having students read texts and answer
questions and use that as a basis for the assessment.
The main differences are in how the tests are devel-
oped and texts selected. T-MASTER, for instance,
uses tests that consider contextual issues in more de-
tail and select texts using novel, and complex, read-
ability measures.
The current version of the system supports two
kinds of users, students and teachers. The system
is implemented as a Java web application and is ac-
cessed as a webpage using a web browser. All tests,
approved-list.html gives one overview
responses and analyses are stored in a database that
allows for easy modification of tests, additional anal-
yses and facilitates security. To gain access to the sys-
tem one must be given login credentials beforehand.
In creating these credentials the user is also assigned a
certain role within the system, either as a student or a
teacher. Every user will use the same login page and
is after submitting their login information redirected
to the part of the system relevant to their role.
The students can use the system to take reading
comprehension and vocabulary tests in order to as-
sess their reading level concerning several different
factors. Each test consists of a text of a certain subject
accompanied by a reading comprehension test and a
vocabulary test. The test forms are presented on the
screen while the text can be supplied on paper or on
the screen. The tests are not supposed to be memory
tests, it is, thus, important to ensure that the students
can read the text over and over again, even if the text
is on the screen.
The teacher can log in to the system to receive
feedback in the form of a generated text describing
the reading level of their students for the specific texts
they have been tested on.
T-MASTER has been used to give feedback to all
teachers that participated in the first test series, which
was done only on paper. Out of 126 teachers 74
(60%), have been using the tool to get student feed-
back. It is not that surprising that not all teachers have
used the tool. Although we do not have data on indi-
vidual teachers, students in grade 6 will not have the
same teacher in grade 7, i.e. the teachers can not use
the result to help a student. Teachers in grade 8 will
only have the students one more year. Teachers in
grade 4, on the other hand, will have the same stu-
dents for another 2 years and we believe that more or
less all of those teachers have used the tool. We also
included a questionnaire asking teachers if they liked
the tool. Unfortunately, only four teachers responded
and needless to say, they liked the tool and found it
easy to use. Currently another 4500 grade 4, 6 and 8
students use it to do the tests in order to automatically
create individual reading profiles.
4.1 Student Perspective
For each subject and school year there are 2-3 diffi-
culty levels. For each difficulty level the student will
read a text and take both a reading comprehension test
and a vocabulary test. Furthermore there are differ-
ent sets of texts for each school year, so student A
will read texts from a different set than student B. The
texts of one set correspond to the same difficulty level
as the texts from another set. At the top of the screen
Figure 1: Student test page for the reading test. The first
item is an example to illustrate how the students are sup-
posed to fill in the form. The first item, termed Fr
aga 1 can
be translated as: ”Question 1: Whom decides which penalty
to be imposed on someone in society” and the fours possi-
ble answers are (from left to right) ”A police”, ”A judge”,
”A prosecutor”, ”A victim”.
there is a progress bar showing the students progres-
sion in the test set he or she has been assigned.
Each test consists of 10-15 multiple choice ques-
tions where the student can mark one answer, see Fig-
ure 1. When submitting a test the student will receive
a message asking the student whether he or she wants
to have a second look at the answers or to submit
the test. To facilitate receiving complete test sets the
system will prompt the students that there are unan-
swered questions; You have X unanswered questions.
After submitting the first test for a text, the reading
comprehension test, the student will be moved on to
the vocabulary test of that text. After having submit-
ted both tests the student is given the choice to either
log out to continue at a later point or move on to the
next test. This procedure will continue until the stu-
dent has submitted the tests for each of the difficulty
levels he or she is assigned in the current subject. If
the browser for whatever reason is closed during a test
the student will after logging in again be forwarded to
the test after the last submitted one in the series.
4.2 Teacher Perspective
When logging on to the system the teacher will see a
list of all the students of his or her class that have re-
sults stored in the system, see Figure 2. Privacy is im-
portant, especially allowing researchers access to the
results without revealing individual students ID, but
at the same time allowing teachers to monitor indi-
vidual students. Therefore, the list comprises student
IDs only. The teacher will have a list not accessible in
the system where all the IDs are connected to specific
students thus keeping the students’ data anonymous
Figure 2: Teacher start up page. The text in the box can
be translated as: ”The students are organised according to
the student ID’s that the teacher gave them when they did
the tests. Only the teacher that can identify an individual
student.ElevID can be translated to ”Student ID” and visa
resultat can be translated to ”show results”.
in the system.
Clicking on a student’s ID will generate a list of
tests the student has taken. The teacher can then ei-
ther access each result individually or all at once. The
result is presented as a text describing the student’s
performance viewed from several aspects of reading
comprehension and vocabulary capacity, as presented
Each item in the reading comprehension test is as-
signed a certain type of reading process. The system
recognizes the four types of processes used. They are
collapsed into two groups, termed local (retrieve ex-
plicitly stated information and make straightforward
inferences) and global (interpret and integrate ideas
and information and reflect on, examine and evalu-
ate content, language, and textual elements), as de-
scribed above. The reading comprehension scores are
collapsed into ve levels. The vocabulary test is sim-
ply scored based on how many correct answers the
student supplied and grouped into three levels.
Thus, our tests can extract five levels of read-
ing comprehension and three levels of word under-
standing, i.e. all in all fifteen different levels for each
subject giving the teacher a very detailed descrip-
tion of a student’s reading strengths and weaknesses.
The fifteen levels of achievement are collapsed into
four achievement levels
: 1) (L)ow reading ability, 2)
(Av)erage reading ability, 3) (H)igh reading ability,
and 4) (Ad)vanced reading ability, see Table 3.
The generated feedback consists of two main
parts, see Figure 3. The upper half is a descrip-
tion of the text’s readability level and style as pre-
There is a fifth group, D, including those students that de-
viates from what can be expected. They are very few, to-
gether D1 and D2 account for less than 4%.
Table 3: Types of reading comprehension and vocabulary understanding.
Reading comprehension
Vocabulary understanding
Low Medium High
A few questions correct: both local and global L L D1
Half of the questions correct: local > global L Av Av
Half of the questions correct: global > local L Av Av
Most questions correct: local > global D2 H Ad
All global correct and most local D2 H Ad
Figure 3: Excerpt from feedback text.
sented above, Section 2. The lower half, after ”Re-
sultat” comprise three parts: a descriptive text on how
the student handles questions concerning their abil-
ity to retrieve explicitly stated information and make
straightforward inferences, another similar text on the
students comprehension of questions that are oriented
towards interpreting and integrating ideas and infor-
mation and reflect on, examine and evaluate content,
language, and textual elements and finally a text gen-
erated from the vocabulary test score that describes
the students vocabulary. The text in the lower part in
Figure 3 can be translated as:
The text read by the student is long and has a
complex sentence structure. The word variation
and amount of difficult words is high. When the
student has read this text he/she shows a reading
profile where the most prominent features are that
the student answered a large amount of the ques-
tions correctly but manages the text based ques-
tions slightly more often than the interpreting and
reflecting ones. Thus, the student works with the
text more on the surface by mostly finding details
and obvious connections between closely related
aspects in the text. Less often does the student man-
age to go deeper and integrate aspects from other
parts of the text and examine parts of it or the text
as a whole. The student has good knowledge on the
tested words. The vocabulary of the student corre-
sponds to his/her age. The student can many dif-
ferent words as well as different meanings of single
words. The student seems to know enough words to
understand the content in a text adapted for his/her
This text is generated based on the scores obtained
by the questions, grouped according to which aspect
they cover, giving one of the fifteen levels discussed
In the second part of this study, pedagogical rec-
ommendations are also included, adjusted to individ-
ual students’ results (see e.g. Deshler et al. (2007);
McKeown et al. (2009); Palincsar and Herrenkohl
(2002); Shanahan (2014)): For students with low
reading ability, it is suggested that the teacher mod-
els reciprocal teaching. For students with an aver-
age reading ability reciprocal teaching is suggested,
where students successively take more responsibility
in talking about the text. For students with high read-
ing ability, structured talk about a text in groups of
students is suggested. For students with advanced
reading ability, it is suggested that they are given more
challenging texts and therefore may need to take part
in one or all of the above described types of teaching
Examples of different reading techniques are
given in these recommendations. The teacher is also
urged to observe students’ reading behavior in other
reading situations, and to look for to what degree
students seem to integrate appropriate reading tech-
niques into their reading, and use them as strate-
gies (Goodman, 2014).
We have presented T-MASTER, a tool for automatic
grading of students’ reading abilities along a vari-
ety of reading didactic dimensions. T-MASTER fa-
cilitates teachers’ ability to give individually adapted
support for students by providing a refined picture of
their reading ability along four dimensions: the sub-
ject treated by the text, a text’s difficulty, the student’s
vocabulary understanding and the student’s ability to
engage in various reading processes.
T-MASTER has been used to present reading abil-
ity results to teachers for more than 4000 students
having read fiction texts and is currently used to con-
duct readability tests for another 4000 students on so-
cial sciences texts.
The toolkit is developed for Swedish and at
present we have no plans on adapting it to other lan-
guages. Given that language specific resources are
readily available, this can easily be done. There are,
for instance, plenty of resources for English making it
easier to analyse language complexity.
Future research includes developing a module that
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