6.1 Reflections on the Approach
The project is still under development and bound to
the generation of straightforward REST APIs with fo-
cus on data and ability to manipulate it. The API mod-
eler can add attributes to resources, which will also be
included in the JSON representation. Furthermore,
the generators produce only Java source code right
now. In a production environment, support of other
languages and platforms might be necessary. Imple-
menting new generators and managing them requires
moderate additional work.
Without a proper client the usage of REST and es-
pecially hypermedia provided in the response is not
guaranteed. The server response is defined by our un-
derstanding of REST and it includes hyperlinks to re-
lated resources or actions. Clients could skip this ad-
ditional information and ignore the hypermedia prin-
ciple completely. One of the biggest issues is the com-
pleteness of RDSL, which can not be assured. With
new features (e.g. client source code, testing, de-
veloper console) there is a chance of a rule-breaking
modification, which could result in rewriting the DSL,
the generators, and everything depending on it. This
was confirmed by two students, who tried to add the
support for NoSQL database and API testing.
6.2 Outlook
Ongoing work focuses on the developmentof a graph-
ical editor as Eclipse plugin in order to define at least
the finite state machine of the application. Future
work will be done mainly in the area of generat-
ing source code for mobile applications. As already
shown in Fig. 4 we target the mobile platforms iOS
and Android. The goal is to generate libraries to sim-
plify the communication to the RESTful API by pro-
viding business classes and methods to wrap all HTTP
requests. Another goal is to generate a Web-based
administration interface for inspecting and modifying
the current status of the backend.
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