In this paper we considered an encrypted and dis-
tributed solution allowing to store users’ data in dif-
ferent providers’ data centers offering storage ser-
vices with different prices and SLAs. To eliminate
user lock-in and to liberate user data from a unique
provider, we proposed a new efficient and scalable
solution based on b-Matching theory to optimize the
storage cost and the data failure at the same time. The
b-Matching algorithm works in tandem with a replica-
tion solution allowing to efficiently increase the data
availability of end-users. This replication algorithm is
based on a simple and fast approach giving near opti-
mal solutions even for large problem instances.
In future work, we will reinforce our mathematical
model of data chunk placement based on b-Matching
theory, to consider network constraints when users are
involved in PUT and GET operations. This may lead
cloud consumers to combine requests of compute (as
EC2 instances (EC2, 2014)) services with storage ser-
vices (as Google Drive (Google, 2014)) at the same
time. Thus, we will reinforce our broker’s function-
alities to give cloud consumers various means to con-
sume proposed cloud resources in a more secure man-
ner with reduced cost.
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