heterogeneous platforms. The latter ultimately paves
the way for features such as automatic code genera-
tion and the loose coupling of REST-based services.
Many other aspects will benefit from a stringent
standardisation and an accompanying enhancement in
REST service testing. Security is one such facet. A
stable and reliable foundation for building REST ser-
vices is the basis for a deep integration of security
means into REST services, which is a required prereq-
uisite in order to provide an answer to the challenging
security demands in cross-organizational distributed
services systems (Gorski et al., 2014a).
This specification does not constitute the ulti-
mate standard for building REST-based Web Ser-
vices. Some definitions might be arguable or need to
be discussed in more detail by future standardisation
activities. Some aspects have even been left out of
scope such as security, caching, versioning, stream-
ing and error treatment. Nevertheless, such kind of
technical documentation is a crucial basic assistance
for software developers and architects to design inter-
operable REST-based service applications.
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