difficulties. The big and first one is reading Japanese
characters. Japanese characters are the construction of
hiragana (phonetic character), katakana (another type
of a phonetic character), kanji (Semantic character)
and other characters. In the period of elementary
school, pupils learn 48 characters of hiragana, 48
characters of katakana and 1008 characters of kanji.
Almost all pupils learn hiragana and katakana easily.
However, the huge number of kanji is difficult to
learn for some pupils in normal classes. (Murayama,
S., Aoki, K., 2012)
The next one is the difficulties about recognizing
the sentence structures. In Japanese sentences, there
is no spacing between words. For easing the
difficulties about reading kanji characters, we can
replace kanji characters with the hiragana characters.
We can write hiragana characters that represent the
pronunciation of the kanji characters at the side of the
kanji characters.
We recognize the words constructing the Japanese
text in the help of kanji. There are a large number of
words starting from the character of kanji. We
recognize the chunk of characters that constructs a
word for the complex of hiragana, katakana and kanji.
Replacing kanji characters with hiragana
characters, we have the sequence of hiragana
characters only. In a long sequence of hiragana, it is
difficult to recognize the chunk of characters
constructing a word. It has no problems of this kind
to write hiragana characters at the side of kanji
In an elementary school, pupils learn hiragana and
katakana at first. In the first stage in elementary
schools, the Japanese text-books have a space
between words for the ease of understanding the
structures of the sentences. However, normal
Japanese texts have no space between words.
Every pupil has those two difficulties at first. In a
long school life, they acquire the skill to conquer
those difficulties. Anyway, those two difficulties are
large barriers for reading and understanding Japanese
Every infant has no knowledge about the Japanese
characters. Every pupil has a little knowledge about
the huge number of kanji characters at first. Then,
they learn hiragana, katakana and kanji characters in
a long elementary-school life.
In Japanese elementary schools, reading difficulty
means two years delay of reading abilities. A few of
pupils with dyslexia learn in special support
education classes or schools. However, there are
many pupils with reading difficulties in normal
elementary schools. Of course, some pupils have
difficulty about remembering kanji characters. Most
of the pupils remember kanji characters gradually.
However, pupils with a learning disability tendency
have difficulty with reading Japanese sentences in the
case that they can remember the kanji characters. In
the case, they may be dyslexia.
There may be many causes of the difficulties on
reading Japanese texts. We do not discuss the causes.
We only pay attentions to the methods for easing their
difficulties. We call their difficulties as “reading
difficulty” in this paper.
The research about teachers shows that the pupils
with ADSH tendency have difficulty about following
the characters sequentially and recognizing the
grammatical structures (Murayama, Aoki, 2009). Of
course, there are many types of reading difficulties.
There are many causes of the reading difficulties. The
resulting reading difficulties show the similar
symptoms. They are the difficulties about following
the characters sequentially, recognizing grammatical
structures and reading kanji characters.
We have developed a visual text presentation
system for persons with reading difficulty in windows
environments. The system records every operation of
a user. With the recorded operations, we assess the
difficulty of the user.
The Japanese text presentation system was
proposed and implemented for the pupils with reading
difficulties (Aoki and Murayama 2012). The system
provides the multi-level highlighting. The system
makes the precise record of the operations. With the
operational record, we can assess the reading abilities
and difficulties on objective base.
For treating the problems caused with the usage of
ICT devices and helping a user, the ICT systems must
recognize the user’s activities. In the Japanese text
presentation system, the activities of a user are key
touches, eye movements, and read aloud voices.
The pupil may leave the ICT system. Our system
does not have arms. It cannot prevent to leave the
pupils from the front of the ICT system. However,
teachers can treat this kind of problems. Many pupils
use the ICT system well. However, many simple
problems prevent to use the system well.
This paper proposes the method to recognize the
activities of the user with the read aloud voices for
decreasing the work of teachers who help the pupils
with or without reading difficulties.
First, this paper proposes the Japanese text
presentation system with user’s activity recognition
based on the read aloud voices. Then, we discuss
precisely the plan of the Japanese text presentation
system recognizing reading activities with read aloud
voices in a normal Japanese class room. Next, we
discuss the implementation of the system. Then, we