tity should have, we can evaluate all candidate entities
based on how well their opinions match user’s prefer-
The setup presented in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012)
is an information retrieval approach which uses the
importance of aspect keywords on review texts. We
investigate the behavior of entity ranking following
the information retrieval approach. We strive to use
the ratings of aspects in order to identify entities con-
taining similar aspect reviews among the users and
use this information to make a better entity ranking.
Finally, we consider that not all aspects are equally
important to be used in the assessment of the entities.
Furthermore, in our work, we enhance the work
presented in (Makris et al., 2013), as we propose a se-
mantically driven Bayesian Inference Network, incor-
porating semantic concepts (as extracted in (Makris
and Panagopoulos, 2014)) so as to improve the ran-
king quality of documents. Concerning Bayesian Net-
works, they are progressively being used in a vari-
ety of areas like Web Searching (Acid et al., 2003),
(Teevan, 2001), Bioinformatics (Niedermayer, 2008)
and other. A major subclass of Bayesian Networks is
the Bayesian Inference Network (BIN) (Turtle, 1991)
that has been employed in various applications (Abdo
et al., 2014), (Ma et al., 2006), (Teevan, 2001).
Building on this idea, we utilize schemes that take
into account clustering about the opinions emerging
in reviews. We also propose a probabilistic network
scheme (based on Inference Network modeling), that
employs a topic identification method. The rest of the
paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, related
work as well as contribution is presented. In Section
3, we present the extensions regarding ranking tech-
niques. Subsequently, in Section 4, we describe our
re-ranking proposed system. In following, Section 5
presents a reference to our experimental results; we
therefore give a presentation of our results. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper and provides future
steps and open problems.
As we have already stated, in our manuscript, we try
to address the problem of creating a ranked list of enti-
ties using users reviews and at a latter stage, to present
a re-ranked list according to their selections. As a
result, the aspect-oriented or feature-based opinion
mining as defined in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012) is em-
ployed. Along this line of consideration, each entity is
represented as its total review texts and users express
their queries as preferences in multiple aspects. More-
over, in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012), authors presented
a setup for entity ranking, where entities are evalu-
ated depending on how well the opinions expressed
in the reviews are matched against user’s preferences.
They studied the use of various state-of-the-art re-
trieval models for this task, such as the BM25 retrieval
function (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009), the Dirich-
let prior retrieval function (Zhai and Lafferty, 2001),
as well as the PL2 function (Amati and van Rijsber-
gen, 2002). Also, they proposed some new extensions
over these models, including query aspect modeling
(QAM) and opinion expansion; the latter expansion
model introduced common praise words with positive
meaning for favoring texts and correspondingly enti-
ties with positive opinions on aspects.
In (Makris and Panagopoulos, 2014), they further
improved the setup by developing schemes, which
take into account sentiment and clustering informa-
tion about the opinions expressed in reviews; also au-
thors propose the naive consumer model as an un-
supervised schema that utilizes information from the
web so as to yield a weight of importance to each of
the features used for evaluating the entities.
Regarding reviews, a great deal of research has
been utilized in the classification of reviews to posi-
tive and negative ones, based on the overall sentiment
information contained. There have been proposed
several supervised (Dave et al., 2003), (Pang and
Lee, 2004), unsupervised (Nasukawa and Yi, 2003),
(Turney and Littman, 2003), as well as hybrid (Pang
and Lee, 2005), (Prabowo and Thelwall, 2009) tech-
niques. In addition, there has been much research in
the direction of employing users reviews for provi-
sioning ratings in according aspects (Lu et al., 2009),
(Wang et al., 2010). These methods are relevant to
the one proposed here as with the use of aspect based
analysis, the ratings of the different aspects from the
reviews can be consequently extracted. However, our
approach differs in the applied methodology as we do
not explicitly utilize any of the modeling capabilities
that these theories provide.
A very related research area is opinion retrieval
(Liu, 2012), which aims to identify documents that
contain opinions. An opinion retrieval system is usu-
ally created on top of the classical recovery models;
relevant documents are initially retrieved and con-
currently some opinion analysis techniques are being
used so as to export documents with emerging opi-
nions. The field of expert finding can be considered
as another related research area. Particularly, a ranked
list of persons that can be regarded as experts on a cer-
tain topic (Fang and Zhai, 2007), (Wang et al., 2010)
can be recovered. In particular, we are trying to ex-
port a ranked list of entities, but instead of evaluating
the entities based on how well they match a topic, we