Review-based Entity-ranking Refinement
Panagiotis Gourgaris, Andreas Kanavos, Christos Makris and Georgios Perrakis
Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Inference Network, Knowledge Extraction, Opinion Mining, Re-ranking Model, Searching and Browsing,
Text Mining, Web Information Filtering and Retrieval.
In this paper, we address the problem of entity ranking using opinions expressed in users’ reviews. There is an
abundance of opinions on the web, which includes reviews of products and services. Specifically, we examine
techniques which utilize clustering information, for coping with the obstacle of the entity ranking problem.
Building on this framework, we propose a probabilistic network scheme that employs a topic identification
method so as to modify ranking of results based on user personalization. The contribution lies in the construc-
tion of a probabilistic network which takes as input the belief of the user for each query (initially, all entities
are equivalent) and produces a new ranking for the entities as output. We evaluated our implemented method-
ology with experiments with the OpinRank Dataset where we observed an improved retrieval performance to
current re-ranking methods.
The rapid development of web technologies and so-
cial networks has created a huge volume of reviews
on products and services as well as opinions on events
and individuals. Opinions are considered as an im-
portant part in human activity because of their affect
on decision-making. Specifically, consumers are used
to being informed by other users’ reviews in order to
carry out a purchase of a product, service, etc. One
other major benefit is that businesses are really inter-
ested in the awareness of the opinions and reviews
concerning all of their products or services and thus
appropriately modify their promotion as well as their
further development.
Concerning consumers, one has to refer to many
reviews so as to create an overall evaluation assess-
ment for a set of objects of a specific entity. From
these reviews, there must be an adequate extraction of
several opinions for utilizing an observable conclu-
sion for each one of the objects. The purpose of this
extraction is the classification of specific objects and
the latter discernment of those that are notable. At this
point, it is clear to mention that this multitude of opi-
nions creates a challenge for both the consumer and
the entity ranking systems. As an example, suppose
that we are interested in purchasing a smartphone de-
vice; this drives us in searching for device reviews
that are written by users based on their experiences of
corresponding products. Potential consumers usually
look for specific features (or else named aspects) in
a product, e.g. ios or android operating system, bat-
tery life, number of camera megapixels, etc. As a re-
sult, consumers usually refer to reviews of other users
searching for devices with positive opinions regarding
these specific features and characteristics.
The above procedure is really exhausting and
time-consuming. But as a matter of fact, the develop-
ment of computational techniques for assisting users
to utilize all opinions, is a very important and inte-
resting research challenge. In (Ganesan and Zhai,
2012), authors depict the setup for an opinion-based
entity ranking system. The intuition behind their work
is that each entity can be represented by all the re-
view texts and that the users of such a system can
determine their preferences on several attributes dur-
ing the evaluation process. Thus, we can expect that
a user’s query would consist of preferences on mul-
tiple attributes. For the previous example regarding
smartphone devices, one potential user’s query could
be “ios system, large battery life, 32 megapixels”, ex-
pressing user’s preferences in three different aspects
of the mentioned entity. A solution to the problem
of assessing entities can be its transformation into a
matching preferences problem, where we can employ
any standard information retrieval model. That is,
given a query from the user, which consists of key-
words and expresses the desired features that an en-
Gourgaris P., Kanavos A., Makris C. and Perrakis G..
Review-based Entity-ranking Refinement.
DOI: 10.5220/0005428604020410
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 402-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tity should have, we can evaluate all candidate entities
based on how well their opinions match user’s prefer-
The setup presented in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012)
is an information retrieval approach which uses the
importance of aspect keywords on review texts. We
investigate the behavior of entity ranking following
the information retrieval approach. We strive to use
the ratings of aspects in order to identify entities con-
taining similar aspect reviews among the users and
use this information to make a better entity ranking.
Finally, we consider that not all aspects are equally
important to be used in the assessment of the entities.
Furthermore, in our work, we enhance the work
presented in (Makris et al., 2013), as we propose a se-
mantically driven Bayesian Inference Network, incor-
porating semantic concepts (as extracted in (Makris
and Panagopoulos, 2014)) so as to improve the ran-
king quality of documents. Concerning Bayesian Net-
works, they are progressively being used in a vari-
ety of areas like Web Searching (Acid et al., 2003),
(Teevan, 2001), Bioinformatics (Niedermayer, 2008)
and other. A major subclass of Bayesian Networks is
the Bayesian Inference Network (BIN) (Turtle, 1991)
that has been employed in various applications (Abdo
et al., 2014), (Ma et al., 2006), (Teevan, 2001).
Building on this idea, we utilize schemes that take
into account clustering about the opinions emerging
in reviews. We also propose a probabilistic network
scheme (based on Inference Network modeling), that
employs a topic identification method. The rest of the
paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, related
work as well as contribution is presented. In Section
3, we present the extensions regarding ranking tech-
niques. Subsequently, in Section 4, we describe our
re-ranking proposed system. In following, Section 5
presents a reference to our experimental results; we
therefore give a presentation of our results. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper and provides future
steps and open problems.
As we have already stated, in our manuscript, we try
to address the problem of creating a ranked list of enti-
ties using users reviews and at a latter stage, to present
a re-ranked list according to their selections. As a
result, the aspect-oriented or feature-based opinion
mining as defined in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012) is em-
ployed. Along this line of consideration, each entity is
represented as its total review texts and users express
their queries as preferences in multiple aspects. More-
over, in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012), authors presented
a setup for entity ranking, where entities are evalu-
ated depending on how well the opinions expressed
in the reviews are matched against user’s preferences.
They studied the use of various state-of-the-art re-
trieval models for this task, such as the BM25 retrieval
function (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009), the Dirich-
let prior retrieval function (Zhai and Lafferty, 2001),
as well as the PL2 function (Amati and van Rijsber-
gen, 2002). Also, they proposed some new extensions
over these models, including query aspect modeling
(QAM) and opinion expansion; the latter expansion
model introduced common praise words with positive
meaning for favoring texts and correspondingly enti-
ties with positive opinions on aspects.
In (Makris and Panagopoulos, 2014), they further
improved the setup by developing schemes, which
take into account sentiment and clustering informa-
tion about the opinions expressed in reviews; also au-
thors propose the naive consumer model as an un-
supervised schema that utilizes information from the
web so as to yield a weight of importance to each of
the features used for evaluating the entities.
Regarding reviews, a great deal of research has
been utilized in the classification of reviews to posi-
tive and negative ones, based on the overall sentiment
information contained. There have been proposed
several supervised (Dave et al., 2003), (Pang and
Lee, 2004), unsupervised (Nasukawa and Yi, 2003),
(Turney and Littman, 2003), as well as hybrid (Pang
and Lee, 2005), (Prabowo and Thelwall, 2009) tech-
niques. In addition, there has been much research in
the direction of employing users reviews for provi-
sioning ratings in according aspects (Lu et al., 2009),
(Wang et al., 2010). These methods are relevant to
the one proposed here as with the use of aspect based
analysis, the ratings of the different aspects from the
reviews can be consequently extracted. However, our
approach differs in the applied methodology as we do
not explicitly utilize any of the modeling capabilities
that these theories provide.
A very related research area is opinion retrieval
(Liu, 2012), which aims to identify documents that
contain opinions. An opinion retrieval system is usu-
ally created on top of the classical recovery models;
relevant documents are initially retrieved and con-
currently some opinion analysis techniques are being
used so as to export documents with emerging opi-
nions. The field of expert finding can be considered
as another related research area. Particularly, a ranked
list of persons that can be regarded as experts on a cer-
tain topic (Fang and Zhai, 2007), (Wang et al., 2010)
can be recovered. In particular, we are trying to ex-
port a ranked list of entities, but instead of evaluating
the entities based on how well they match a topic, we
can use the opinions for the entities and as a result to
observe how well they match the user’s preferences.
Concerning the ranking quality of documents, au-
thors in (Lee et al., 2011) enrich the semantics of
user-specific information and documents targeting at
efficient implementation of personalized searching
strategies. They adopt a Bayesian Belief Network
(BBN) as a strategy for personalized search since they
provide a clear formalism for embedding semantic
concepts. Their approach is different from ours, as
they use belief instead of inference networks and then
they employ the Open Directory Project Web direc-
tory. In (Abdo et al., 2014), the authors enhance the
BINs using relevance personalization information and
multiple reference structures applying their technique
to similarity-based virtual screening, employing two
distinct methods for carrying out BIN searching: re-
weighting the fragments in the reference structures
and a group fusion algorithm. Our approach aims at a
different application and employs semantic informa-
tion, as a distinct layer in the applied inference net-
Alongside this line of research, there are ap-
proaches that exploit information from past user
queries and preferences. Relevant techniques range
from simple systems implementing strategies that
match users’ queries to collection results (Meng et al.,
2002), to the employment of the machine learning
methods exploiting the outcomes of stored queries,
so as to permit more accurate rankings (Liu, 2011).
There is also a related, but different to our focus, work
(Brandt et al., 2011) combining diversified and in-
teractive retrieval under the label of dynamic ranked
retrieval. In contrast, in (Makris et al., 2013), they
initially proposed transparent embedding of seman-
tic knowledge bases to improve search engine results
re-ranking; for this purpose they created a new proba-
bilistic model which takes as input different semantic
knowledge bases. Here in this paper, we insert doc-
ument clustering based on entity identification in the
belief network making it possible to identify the in-
terest of users to thematic groups of results. This is
a novel approach on exploiting semantic knowledge
on belief networks applied for information retrieval
The main contribution of the proposed method is
the incorporation and further examination of cluster-
ing techniques regarding the opinions emerging in re-
views; also the proposal of a probabilistic network
scheme based on Inference Network modeling in or-
der to modify the ranking of results as the users select
entities. The method exploits the user’s belief from
the selected entity through the constructed network,
to the other entities that contain the senses of the se-
lected one. The re-ranking of the results is based on a
vector which contains a weight for each entity repre-
senting the probability of the entity to be relevant for
the user. Our method constructs a probabilistic net-
work from the entities, the clusters of the entities as
well as the aspects; so when the users select an entity,
the weights of the entities, which are in the same clus-
ter, take larger values and thus are ranked higher. De-
tailed experiments with the proposed method show in-
creased performance in comparison to the one-phase
rankings (without re-ranking module) of the result set.
We present a methodology for extracting weights and
therefore effecting the Ranking List taken from the
system. There are two perspectives we try to address.
The first one concerns information extracted from the
reviews that already exist in our database. The se-
cond deals with personalization from the viewpoint
of query introduced real time by the user.
3.1 Opinion-aspect Query Expansion
We can utilize opinion expansion in query q with use
of the WordNet. We consider query q
as that part of
the overall query concerning a single aspect.
In addition, we form Q
which is the set of
, q
, . . . , q
}, where each query has value q
, st
, st
, . . . , st
} and t
is treated holistically in the
form of the term q
. Also, st
i j
are the synonyms of the
opinion term t
and k is their number.
The aspects are handled in a similar way. As a
matter of fact, each time there is a reference in an as-
pect, the reference would concern its synonyms too.
Finally, we introduce collections Dq, where Dq
the collection of reviews that contain terms from q
3.2 Query Personalization
The intuition behind this method is that the aspects
do not have the same meaning when applied to the
query. More precisely, the same takes place for q
The assumption we make is intuitive that the first as-
pect applied by the user, is the most important. So the
aspects introduced ultimately have less importance.
3.3 RRR Weighting
Two weights are used as re-ranking factors, termed as
RRR1 and RRR2 throughout our study. Initially, for
the RRR1 weight, we formulate the importance of a
specific aspect a
in the original collection C. We use
the information |C
f i
| which is the number of docu-
ments containing a
0 log
(1 +
f i
) 1 (1)
For the second re-ranking factor, RRR2, we uti-
lize the Poisson discrete distribution. It expresses the
probability of a given number of events to occur in
a fixed interval of time, if these events occur with a
known average rate λ and independently of the time
since the last event.
(X = k) =
× e
where λ here is constant with value 1.8. The idea here
is that aspects with given position in the query k are
introduced to the system. The event of its occurrence
in place k is what needs to be evaluated. By selecting
a fixed λ, we favour aspects that are between places 1
and 2.
In order for a user to utilize the services provided
by our inference network model, they simply need to
give their feedback concerning a specific query, con-
sisting of a combination of different aspects. Every
time the user clicks on a result (entity in our example),
the inference network is utilized producing the new
improved ranking list according to their choice. In
particular, the system works in a real-time and in par-
allel basis, namely re-arranging the initial order and
the algorithm introduced is presented in detail in the
following sections. Both the re-ranking method and
the network were inspired by (Makris et al., 2013).
4.1 The Re-Ranking Method
Our refinement method improves the initial ranking
based on the user’s selections; our personalization
re-organizing step is utilized accompanied by the
input produced by each and every user. This step runs
iteratively every time the user makes a selection. In
particular the proposed network is utilized, either in
combination with the initial ranking returned by the
search engine or with the previous ranking of the re-
sults in the re-ranking process (if we have a series of
re-rankings). The above options are expressed by the
following equation. These were also used, though not
entirely in the same way, in (Makris et al., 2013) (see
also (Antoniou et al., 2012)):
(n PreviousRank
+ 1) × (1 + β × R
where R
denotes the re-ranking weight provided by
the network for e
(its computation is described in
the next section), PreviousRank
stands for the pre-
vious rank position for entity e
utilized from the
BM25 procedure algorithm (IR model) incorporating
our RRR weights, n is the number of results retrieved
and β is a user defined weight factor. Intuitively, when
the factor β is changed, the re-ranking process results
in major rank changes.
Equation 3 is used for the composite case where
the new ranking system is composed with the previ-
ous ranking of search results. In the new ranking pro-
duced, the results are ranked according to the above
calculated score. When the user selects further re-
sults, the same procedure is followed with the differ-
ence that the ranking produced by the previous phase
is used as input for the next reordering.
Even though we assume that most results se-
lected by a user are relevant, our scheme incorporates
smoothly the previous ranking, hence it is robust to
user misselections. A misselection of a result leads
to the inclusion of its relevant information to the ran-
king process, but still can be made to not affect sig-
nificantly the produced ranking.
4.2 Re-Ranking Weight Calculation
Our inference network, as depicted in following
scheme, consists of four component levels (two of
them are the same): the entities level (implement-
ing user’s personalization assuming that each entity
corresponds to a unique document), the clusters level,
the aspects level (query level) and a fourth level that
represents the entities as well as the weights they are
assigned by the re-ranking procedure. The final level
can be considered to play the role of the query layer in
the traditional inference network model and its pres-
ence signifies that we are interested to model specific
re-rankings based on users’ queries.
The proposed inference network is implemented
once for the specific dataset and its structure does
not change during re-ranking. The entities level con-
tains a node e
for each entity of the query’s results.
For each entity the user selects, we assign weights to
corresponding clusters Cl
as we incorporate a fuzzy
clustering algorithm where each entity can be placed
to more than one cluster (with weight corresponding
to its contribution to this specific cluster). The cluster
entities level
clusters level
aspects level
entities level
Figure 1: Inference Network.
nodes are implicitly connected with the aspects a
more precisely, in this level we take into considera-
tion the probabilities that we will describe in the next
section. Finally, from the aspect nodes, we expose in-
formation regarding the entity nodes belonging to the
last level of our proposed network. The formed net-
work is a four level, unidirectional graph in which the
information flows from the initial entity node of the
first level to the cluster nodes and then through the as-
pect nodes to the entity nodes of the last level (from
top to bottom).
The contribution in our network is the addition of
the aspects level (or else the query expansion) based
on users entity’s selection. As it is presented in the
Figure 1, the entity nodes are connected to their dif-
ferent aspects through directed arcs. The existence of
a directed path between a cluster node and an aspect
node denotes that this aspect is appearing in the re-
spective cluster and more specifically that the specific
aspect has been observed in the specific entity reviews
collection. The last level’s entity nodes are same with
the nodes of the first layer, but with a slight differ-
ence; they represent the same entities but regarding
different aspects (we present this fact by connecting
the aspect nodes with the entity nodes of the last layer
with different lines, just to depict the fact that we are
interested in different aspects). The aspects level mo-
dels the needs of a user; that is the aspects the user
looks for. The aspect nodes are connected to every
node of the last level representing an entity where this
aspect appears. In addition, these entity nodes have an
accumulated belief probability that is used for the pro-
posed re-ranking procedure. The value of this belief
is estimated based on the different emerging aspects
of the entity and denotes the conceptual similarity be-
tween the entity and the information need of the user.
4.3 Estimation of Probabilities and
Rearrangement of Results
The proposed inference network is based on that
proposed in (Turtle, 1991) but with a slight differ-
ence; there, an information retrieval model is pro-
posed while in our manuscript a re-ranking model is
utilized. More specifically, we have only employed
it as a weight propagation mechanism using the ma-
chinery for computing the beliefs at the last level of
the network, thus providing a set of prior weights for
the entities of the first level. That is, as a user selects
an entity, the corresponding entity is assigned a prob-
ability and as a result we compute the alternation of
the beliefs at the last level. This belief is transferred
through the network to the aspect nodes and then to
the final layer representing the entity nodes and alter-
nates the results through the re-ranking process.
For the estimation of the nodes probabilities for
the constructed inference network, we begin by as-
signing weights to the root nodes (entities). We en-
able the entity node that matches the user’s selection;
the specific entity will trigger the cluster nodes the en-
tity belongs to and as a result, the arcs starting from
this entity node take a prior probability. More specif-
ically, each entity node has an initial probability that
denotes the chance of the selection of that correspond-
ing entity from the user. For each entity e
this initial
probability will be:
) =
, i = {1, . . . , n} (4)
where n is the number of the different entities. This
probability will change into 1 for the selection denot-
ing user belief. In addition, for our specific dataset
and for each entity e
that participates to all clusters,
the probability of a cluster Cl
will be:
, e
, . . . , e
) =
, j = {1, . . . , k} (5)
) × w
i j
where k is the number of the different clusters and w
i j
is the contribution of the entity e
in the cluster Cl
The aspects probabilities at third level are calculated
as follows:
) =
m j
m j
, m = {1, . . . , l} (7)
m j
t f (a
, e
t f (a
, e
× p(e
) × w
i j
where l is the number of the different aspects, wa
m j
the number of aspects and t f (a
, e
) is the term fre-
quency of aspects a
related to the entity e
. The enti-
ties probabilities at fourth level are calculated as fol-
, a
, . . . , a
) =
t f (a
, e
t f (a
, e
Finally, the whole probability of each entity is cal-
culated by the following equation, that is the transfer
of user’s belief through the network:
, a
, . . . , a
, Cl
, . . . , Cl
, e
, . . . , e
) =
, a
, . . . , a
) ×
, e
, . . . , e
) ×
This is the belief which is then put in equation 3,
providing the user with a re-ordered list.
5.1 Experimental Setting
In order to assess our methods performance, we com-
pared the initial ranking taken from the ideal ranking
based on the ratings of the aspects that users had given
with the ranking of the results after the application of
the proposed methods. The experiments were carried
out using the OpinRank Dataset, which was presented
in (Ganesan and Zhai, 2012) and consists of entities,
which are accompanied by reviews of users from two
different domains (cars and hotels); the reviews come
from the sites and re-
spectively. Particularly for our evaluation, we use the
reviews from the domain of the cars which includes
car models as well as the corresponding reviews for
the years 2007 (227 models), 2008 (228 models) and
2009 (143 models). In our set of experiments, we per-
form 100 queries and we evaluate the performance of
our schemas so as to produce the correct entity ran-
king, calculating the nDCG at the first 10, 20 results
as well as 50 results.
We used the Normalized Discounted Cumula-
tive Gain (nDCG) measure (Kalervo Jarvelin, 2000),
which quantifies the gain of a document based on its
position in the result list. The nDCG measure is based
on the relevance judgments of the documents of the
result list. Formally, the nDCG is computed at posi-
tion p as:
= rel
where rel
are the document relevance scores from re-
views and IDCG
is the ideal DCG. The ideal DCG
is the DCG values when sorting the documents using
the relevance judgments.
We set the experiment posing each query and ran-
domly selecting a relevant document. Then using the
selected result, we perform re-ranking in the result
list. The re-ranking performance is measured using
nDCG for the initial ranking and after the re-ranking
5.2 Results
From Equations 1, 2 and Section 4, we created Ta-
bles 1, 2 and 3 as well as corresponding graphical
representations in Figures 2 to 10 for the domain
of the cars for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. The
experiments depict that RRR1 weighting scheme has
superior performance from the formula that uses the
Poisson discrete distribution. This does not mean nec-
essarily that Poisson distribution is always worse but
probably that the proper choice of λ has to be care-
fully performed (perhaps using extra experiments)
tailored to the dataset used and also accompanied
with classification techniques. The RRR3 results pre-
sented, are produced by weighting the entities with
both the RRR1 and RRR2 weights. It is clear, as we
have assumed, that the re-ranking network performs
better than all the other simple ranking methods.
Table 1: Average of nDCG@10 for years 2007, 2008 and
Method nDCG
BM25 0.879
BM25 + RRR1 0.895
BM25 + RRR2 0.879
BM25 + RRR3 0.893
BM25 + Network 0.915
Table 2: Average of nDCG@20 for years 2007, 2008 and
Method nDCG
BM25 0.879
BM25 + RRR1 0.894
BM25 + RRR2 0.878
BM25 + RRR3 0.893
BM25 + Network 0.913
Table 3: Average of nDCG@50 for years 2007, 2008 and
Method nDCG
BM25 0.880
BM25 + RRR1 0.892
BM25 + RRR2 0.879
BM25 + RRR3 0.890
BM25 + Network 0.905
In the following Figures 2 to 10, we present the
comparisons in the performance of the simple BM25
model with the weighting scheme RRR1 as well as
the re-ranking network. We can observe that for all 3
years, the re-ranking model and the weighting scheme
outperforms clearly the classic BM25 model.
In this work we have presented entity ranking tech-
niques using opinions expressed in users’ reviews.
Figure 2: Measurements of the nDCG@10 for year 2007.
Figure 3: Measurements of the nDCG@20 for year 2007.
Figure 4: Measurements of the nDCG@50 for year 2007.
We examined three weighting schemas that incorpo-
rate clustering information for coping with the ob-
stacle of the entity ranking problem. Implement-
ing the aspects expansion, we aim in more meaning-
ful queries incorporating additional semantic infor-
mation; by that we address the problem of the ini-
tial limited collection of corresponding queries. In
addition, we propose a probabilistic network scheme
that employs a topic identification method so as to
modify ranking of results based on users personal-
ization. Based on this technique, our proposed sys-
tem rearranges the results; also without need of stor-
ing the navigation history of each specific user, we
achieve a significant improvement on the ranking of
the results in terms of user preferences. The eval-
uation of our proposed implemented methods was
Figure 5: Measurements of the nDCG@10 for year 2008.
Figure 6: Measurements of the nDCG@20 for year 2008.
Figure 7: Measurements of the nDCG@50 for year 2008.
examined through experiments with the OpinRank
Dataset where we observed an improved retrieval per-
formance to current ranking methods.
Regarding future work, there is the attractive is-
sue of studying an information retrieval model that
favors texts (and correspondingly entities) with posi-
tive opinions on aspects while imposes penalties for
negative opinions. Furthermore, another interesting
point is the incorporation of other knowledge bases
besides WordNet, such as YAGO and Wikipedia so
as to further enhance our inference network by em-
bedding in it additional semantic concepts. Further
study and work is imminent on the Poisson weight.
Ranking systems based on reviews provide us with
the ability to pre-decide for all possible queries form.
Since given aspects are extracted, inserted queries are
Figure 8: Measurements of the nDCG@10 for year 2009.
Figure 9: Measurements of the nDCG@20 for year 2009.
Figure 10: Measurements of the nDCG@50 for year 2009.
known a priori. Using this knowledge, we can ex-
amine additional characteristics out of them and as a
result to incorporate new weighting information re-
trieval techniques in such ranking systems.
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