words exhibit very similar statistical properties, e.g.
serial numbers that are evenly distributed across doc-
uments. However, attributes with statistical properties
that could be available as background knowledge (e.g.
medical diagnoses) to an attacker need to be treated
with great caution and might require noise insertion.
In this paper, we evaluated the practical usability of
searchable encryption for data archives in the cloud,
illustrated by embedding an implementation of Goh’s
searchable encryption scheme into MongoDB. We
found that the use of compression on the additional
data structures keeps the data size at tolerable lev-
els and relative to the number of embedded search
keywords. Performance benchmarks revealed that for
insert operations under typical network parameters,
the additional overhead for insert operations is neg-
ligible compared to unencrypted operation. Search
queries however exhibit a considerable impact for en-
crypted operation, as search operations are linear to
the number of documents in Goh’s scheme. However,
the measured durations of encrypted queries could
be acceptable for interactive use where the added se-
curity is required. To evaluate the security proper-
ties of searchable encryption, we presented threats
to keyword confidentiality as an attack-defense-tree
model, which applies to most searchable encryption
schemes. The most relevant threat comes from in-
ference attacks, which are possible if the keywords
exhibit strong statistical properties which can be ex-
tracted using background knowledge. In such cases,
noise insertion techniques can be used to mitigate
such attacks.
Further research could investigate the performance
more recent constructions of searchable encryption
schemes with constant search complexity (e.g. (Ka-
mara et al., 2012)) and schemes that provide extended
search capabilities, such as range queries (see e.g.
(Boneh and Waters, 2007; Wang et al., 2011)).
The authors would like to thank Martin Kreichgauer
for providing the prototypical implementation of the
Z-IDX scheme and the MongoDB integration.
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