Motivational Factors and the Intention of Use of a Virtual Learning
A Preliminary Study about an e-Learning Application Developed by
the Brazilian Ministry of Education
Élton Carneiro Marinho
, Mônica Ferreira da Silva
, Donaldo de Souza Dias
Eber Assis Schmitz
, Antônio Juarez Alencar
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PPGI – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Núcleo de Computação Eletrônica – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), High School.
Abstract: This research aims to verify the impact of motivational factors on the intention of use of a Virtual Learning
Environment. The environment studied was an e-government web application used by The Brazilian Ministry
of Education offered to Brazilian high schools. In this preliminary approach, a case study was done in a private
school in Rio de Janeiro followed by an experiment with 20 of its students. Qualitative and quantitative data
allowed to endorse some of the results. Previous studies have indicated that teenagers tend to be motivated by
playful environments, pointing to the importance of the perceived enjoyment factor. Nevertheless, in this
study the perceived usefulness factor appeared as the greatest motivator for the intention of use of the adopted
technology. The results of this study will be beneficial for increasing our understanding of new generation
adoption of technology.
Like many other sectors, the education sector has
being modified and improved by the use of
technology. Nowadays the use of Virtual learning
Environments or Blended Environments are
becoming ordinary, especially for the new generation.
Teenagers are enrolling in educational courses with a
high technological expectation. The aim of this
research is to throw some light and to arise some
questions about which are the relevant factors when
dealing with technological adoption by this new
Technology adoption has been the subject of
many studies (Davis, 1986; Dias, 2001; Silva, 2006;
Raaij, Schepers, 2008; Ghosh, Pries, 2013). The
motivation for this research is to understand the
behavior of teenaged students in relation to a Virtual
Learning Environment. The target population was
specified as Brazilian teenaged students.
The Brazilian Ministry of Education built an e-
government platform called e-Proinfo (MEC, 2013).
The studied group was composed by first and second
year high school students. This article is based on the
following question: “How do motivational factors
impact the intention of use of a Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) by school students?”
This investigation focused three important
motivational factors in technology adoption (Davis,
1986; 1989; Fishbein, Ajzen, 1975):
• perceived enjoyment
• perceived usefulness
perceived ease of use
The research aims to investigate how these factors
are perceived by the high school students of a private
school in relation to the VLE offered. It intends to
analyze the impact of these factors on the intention of
use of that environment.
This research could be classified as a multi-method
approach. It´s composed of a case study and an
see Figure 1. It intends to study the
Carneiro Marinho É., Ferreira da Silva M., de Souza Dias D., Schmitz E. and Alencar A..
Motivational Factors and the Intention of Use of a Virtual Learning Environment - A Preliminary Study about an e-Learning Application Developed by the
Brazilian Ministry of Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0005429104770482
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 477-482
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Transformative Multi-method Research Design.
phenomenon of technology adoption from different
and complementary perspectives which according to
Creswell (2008) is a transformative multi-method
research approach. It collects two types of data
satisfying different perspectives. The qualitative
phase consists of a case study focused on the
organizational perspective, i.e., the school’s point of
view, and the quantitative phase consists of an
experiment focused on the student’s perspective. A
comparison of these two different perceptions of the
same phenomenon was made in this study.
The case study method allows a more detailed and
qualitative approach while the experiment method
makes possible a more quantitative and objective
analysis (Dias, Silva, 2010).
The case study was composed of the following:
an interview with the pedagogical coordinator
of the private school
some visits to observe the school routine
objective interviews with the pedagogical team
In addition, documents describing the school’s
educational system were analyzed.
Twenty students from first and second year high
school of the investigated school volunteered in the
experiment. The experiment focused the same
motivational factors as the case study. Some open
questions were added in order to confirm the
measured factors.
This work is part of an ongoing research towards
investigating teenaged students’ behavior in adopting
educational technologies (Marinho et al., 2013,
A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a web
application where educational contents can be
assembled with a variety of different accessing tools
(Santos, 2002; MEC, 2013). A VLE helps to manage
a repository of educational contents and student
evaluations. A constant monitoring of the progress
made by participants can be done. The VLE can be
used as an addition to classroom learning (blended
learning) or only virtually. Many classes may occur
at the same time.
Forums, chat rooms, text messaging, videos and
calendars are some of the tools offered by a VLE
which promote interaction among participants in a
more ludic way. A VLE also manages different types
of participants; among others, it can be used by
students, teachers, and coordinators.
This technology allows us to enhance the
traditional education practice or to completely
transform the process of teaching and learning
through a technology rich environment (Bray,
Tangney, 2013) that brings enjoyment to how
education is experienced.
Li et al. (2008) present a survey with some
important technological aspects supporting e learning
nowadays. Li et al. (2009) show some future
technologies that can enrich the learning process.
Many researchers have investigated user behavior
when faced with a new technology. TAM,
Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1986), is a
very robust theory since a lot of empirical studies
verified its constructs in relation to different settings,
persons, ages, and times (Dias, 1998, 2001; Dias et
al., 2005; Silva, Dias, 2004; Silva, 2006; Raaji,
Shepers, 2008; Ghosh, Pries, 2013). TAM is an
applied study of the attitudinal components of the
Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) study. This psychological
human behavioral model describes human behavior
as a variable dependent on the intention of behavior.
Following this model, the intention of behavior is
affected by an attitudinal component and a normative
B BI = w1.A + w2.SN (Fishbein, Ajzen, 1975),
B behavior
BI behavior intention
A attitude attitudinal component such as
beliefs/perceptions of consequences that would
interfere in the final attitude
SN subjective norm normative component
implying how social context affects intention of a
certain attitude
w1 e w2 components’ weights
Davis (1986) drops down the normative
component of the Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) model
and its weights. Two basic factors were selected by
Davis (1986) to compose these attitudinal
components when referring to technology adoption:
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Previous studies (Dias, 2001; Bray, Tangney,
2013) have indicated that teenagers tend to use the
web environment in a more playful way. Thus, an
antecedent included in this research was perceived
enjoyment in order to verify teenagers perception.
The intention of behavior factors followed the
theoretical model shown in Figure 2. Actual use could
not be evaluated because the VLE was only available
to the students during the experiment.
The perceived usefulness of a VLE is defined as
“the degree to which an individual believes that using
a particular system would enhance his or her job
performance” (Davis, 1986).
The perceived ease of use of a VLE is defined as
“the degree to which an individual believes that using
a particular system would be free of physical or
mental effort” (Davis, 1986).
The perceived enjoyment of a VLE is defined as
“the extent to which the activity of using the computer
is perceived as being enjoyable in its own right, apart
from any performance consequences that may be
anticipated” (Davis, Bagozzi, Warshaw, 1992).
The VLE used in this experiment was a virtual
collaborative learning environment developed by the
Brazilian Ministry of Education. It intends to promote
a pedagogical use of information technology in public
high schools. It allows the creation, management and
development of many pedagogical elements, such as
online courses, research projects, collaborative
projects, and so on.
This VLE is offered by The Brazilian Ministry of
Education (MEC, 2013). The name of the course
content is “Qualification in Digital Technology”. The
topics addressed are distance education, network
societies and data processing evolution. It aims to
prepare students to help each other in using schools
The “Qualification in Digital Technology” is
composed by four modules:
the operational system
computers maintenance
Forum, chat rooms, text production and collective
text production are some of the available
technological options.
This VLE can be categorized as an asynchronous
and web-based learning solution (Li et al., 2008). It
allows users to learn according to their own schedule.
The case studied is a thirty-seven years old
traditional private school in the west zone of Rio de
Janeiro which began with 300 students in its high
school and which now has more than 2,000 students.
The interviewed pedagogical coordinator has worked
at the school since its creation.
The school has its own educational system. It also
has a site that was developed on its own. The site
contains information on both the academics and the
administration which is available to students and
classes have a traditional format. The school
Figure 2: Technology Acceptance Model and Perceived Enjoyment Antecedent.
has some technological support used to help teachers
on their classes: a multimedia kit with a computer and
a data show is available to teachers if they want to
expand their approach to a topic.
The school computer laboratory contains 25
computers with internet connection. This laboratory
was used during the experiment.
Demographic information such as age and gender
were collected as it was necessary to know the student
profiles. All students were volunteers without prior
knowledge of the VLE. The experiment occurred
during class breaks which lasted thirty minutes. In the
beginning of the experiment the computers were all
logged into the VLE.
After some initial explanation of the experiment’s
objectives, the students were asked to perform five
tasks. These tasks stimulated the navigation around
the environment. After that, the students could
navigate freely in the VLE for an unstipulated amount
of time.
At the end of the experiment, the students had to
fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained
12 statements on different aspects of the research.
Each aspect related to a motivational factor described
above. The statements were given in random order.
For each statement, the students had to choose a
value on a Likert scale of seven points. This Likert
scale varied from “(1) totally disagree” to “(7) totally
agree”. The factor presented good coefficient of
internal consistency using Cronbach’s Alpha (Hair et
al., 1998), as show in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Cronbach’s Alpha.
Four open-ended questions and a field for
comments were also given to the students. The
questions were also related to the motivational
factors. The whole process was accompanied by the
researcher and his assistant in order to observe the
participants’ behavior.
The demographic profile of the experiment
participating students is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Demographic variables.
Considering their use of technology and access to
the internet, the profile of the interviewed students in
our sample is the following:
All have access to a computer and internet
connection at home
90% have cell phones with internet access
80% access the internet on a daily basis
For each statement, an average was calculated by
dividing the sum of the answers given to each
statement by the number of valid respondents, as
shown in Figure 5.
The factor with highest average (5.70) was
perceived usefulness showing that students were most
motivated by using of the VLE. In addition, this
information was confirmed by the answers given to
the open-ended question corresponding to this factor.
Perceived enjoyment obtained the lowest average:
4.68. The timing of the experiment could have
affected this result as it was done during the students’
break time between classes, which is only 30 minutes,
a time the students want to enjoy themselves.
Some students praised the different ways of
navigating, but others struggled to locate items on the
screen. One student didn’t see the navigation options
of the VLE because it was hidden under a fixed
operational system actualization window.
Students demonstrated good interaction with
computers. None of them related any difficulty in
their use. They also showed a great ability to focus on
a goal. To finish the experiment, the students spent an
average of 10 minutes. Recalling that the interval
used for the experiment was 30 minutes, the majority
of the students showed interest in the topic addressed
by the course. In the open-ended questions, only five
of them declared that they didn’t want to participate
in the course.
Figure 5: Obtained average values.
In this study, perceived usefulness was identified as
the greatest motivator to make students adopt this
technology. This endorses previous studies with
adults (Dias, 1998; 2001; 2005; Dias et al., 2005;
Silva, 2006; Raaij, Schepers, 2008; Ghosh, Pries,
The experiment had only 20 students from a
specific area of Rio de Janeiro. This research cannot
be considered conclusive but reinforces the evaluated
factors. It also enables insights to arise.
Although Dias (2001) makes us aware of the
importance of the perceived enjoyment factor in a
teenaged group, in this research this factor had the
lowest average among the observed factors. This
result can be explained by the students’ anxiety in
finishing the tasks. They also didn’t spend much time
exploring the technological tools offered. They didn’t
use some playful options such as chat or simulators.
One of the tasks of the experiment was to browse
the VLE for some biographical information. This task
forced students to use a content visualization tool in
the VLE. This tool was praised by the students for its
content and presentation format.
The low Intention of use value could be explained
by the lack of time spent on the experiment and lack
of training given to the students on the VLE.
Therefore the students lacked sufficient contact with
all offered technological tools.
Sometimes in the environment, a navigation tab
was disposed on the bottom of the screen. Usually,
the operational system showed some alerts in this area
too. This kind of alert window inhibited the students’
visualization of an important part of the offered
content. For example, the use of a plug-in was
required on one of the computers during the
experiment. This alert window overlapped the
navigation tab’s visualization.
Students received a great quantity of information
in a short period, it could have generated a cognitive
overload that may explain the increased focus on
doing the tasks. Future research can use VLE training
as a moderator variable for the studied motivational
In general, students who took part in the
experiment were daily internet users. The offered
technology is not new to them. Future studies could
verify the previous computer knowledge of
participants, especially previous experience using the
environment studied.
Survey information was collected from students
of a private institution. Similar studies are suggested
with students of public institutions in order to
compare and validate results. The existence of
relevant differences could be verified in such a
As observed by Dias (2001), motivational factors in
the use of a technology show a significant difference
between adults and youths. In a study with teenagers,
it was expected that the perceived enjoyment would
have been the most important factor to impact the
intention of use.
Nevertheless, perceived usefulness appeared to be
the most important factor in this experiment. It could
be explained by the group’s great ability to focus on
a goal and by the short period of time in which the
experiment took place.
The perceived enjoyment factor had the lowest
average in the evaluated factors. This could be
associated with the speed of the execution of the task
and the lack of freely using the VLE’s playful tools.
This research is part of an ongoing investigation
about teenaged students’ perception of technology
adoption (Marinho et al., 2013, 2014). Presently, a
larger sample size is being collected to endorse or to
refute the results of this preliminary study through a
linear regression analysis with the three motivational
factors as predictors and a correlation analysis
between intended and actual use.
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