server and transmitted to all relevant stations. The
network traffic is estimated mainly as a result of bus
periodic frame (from bus to sever). All other frames
do not represent any load on the network because they
will be sent either at the beginning of the operation or
in case of changing bus route. A Comparison between
implementing transportation system based on
hardware unit viruses Android unit are presented. The
system was tested using NTI Fleet for a field test.
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rate), it can be noted that calculating the arrival time
using neural network algorithm gives better results
than Kalman filter and hybrid algorithm in most
different conditions. Hybrid neural network with
Kalman filter give better results than Kalman filter. In
case of heavy daily trip rates the hybrid algorithm
shows better results
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A.Nabeil, Eng. M.Sami, N.A.Nagdy and Eng. A.Hamdi.
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