ASHYI-EDU: Applying Dynamic Adaptive Planning in a Virtual
Learning Environment
Jaime Pavlich-Mariscal
, Yolima Uribe
, Luisa Fernanda Barrera León
, Nadia Alejandra
, Angela Carrillo-Ramos
, Alexandra Pomares Quimbaya
, Monica Brijaldo
, Martha
, Rosa Maria Vicari
and Hervé Martin
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Departamento de Informática Teórica, Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
RS, Brasil
Laboratoire d’ Informatique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Adaptation, Personalization, Virtual Learning Environment, Education.
Activity planning is an essential element in the teaching-learning process, since it can ensure that adequate
activities are utilized to convey the information to students. The common practice in course planning is that
the teacher selects the same set of activities for every student in the classroom. However this does not address
the students’ heterogeneity in learning styles, knowledge, and personality. To address this problem, this paper
proposes ASHYI-EDU, a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with dynamic adaptive planning. ASHYI-
EDU is able to capture distinctive student characteristics and provide students with plans that are especially
tailored for their particular characteristics. This paper also presents an ongoing case study that utilizes ASHYI-
EDU in a university course.
Formal educational processes require several ele-
ments to foster student competencies and abilities.
One key element is the plan of activities that students
need to perform in a course. This plan should satisfy
two main requirements: its activities must be aligned
with the course goals and they have to be aligned with
the students characteristics, so that students can ef-
fectively learn the course contents (Sangineto et al.,
To create a course plan, teachers usually develop
a unique plan of activities that must be followed by
every student in the classroom. Although this is a
widely utilized practice, it may not guarantee that
the courses’ learning goals are satisfied by every stu-
dent. The reason is that students are heterogeneous;
they have different personalities and learning styles,
which means that activities should be aligned with
these characteristics to properly convey the informa-
tion to students. In addition, students have different
degrees of competencies, and abilities, which means
that some students may require additional remedial
activities to properly accomplish the course goals.
Overall the common way of planning a course
may not be the optimal way to ensure effective learn-
ing in students. To address this issue this paper
presents ASHYI-EDU, a Virtual Learning Environ-
ment that assists teachers to create especially-tailored
plans for every student, taking into account their spe-
cific personalities (Yang and Chen, 2013), learning
styles (Mohamad et al., 2013), competences (Ry-
tikova and Boicu, 2014a), and abilities (Li et al.,
2008a). The word "ASHYI" from ASHYI-EDU is a
Quechua word that mean to search, to investigate. The
combination with "EDU" conveys the idea of search-
ing, investigating to provide education.
Although there are other approaches to create
adapted plans in educational environments (Li et al.,
2008b; Bahmani et al., 2011; Rytikova and Boicu,
2014b), their planning process takes into account
either context, student personality, learning styles,
learning context, but not all of them simultaneously.
Some of them focus on coarse-grained learning ele-
ments, such as courses or learning units, but not fine
grained activities. In addition, some approaches only
rank learning activities but they do not elaborate an
adapted plan for each student.
Pavlich-Mariscal J., Uribe Y., Barrera León L., Mejia-Molina N., Carrillo-Ramos A., Pomares Quimbaya A., Brijaldo M., Sabogal M., Vicari R. and Martin
ASHYI-EDU: Applying Dynamic Adaptive Planning in a Virtual Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005430400520063
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 52-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The main contributions of ASHYI-EDU are: a
more detailed analysis of of user and context informa-
tion to perform dynamic adaptive planning and taking
into account the student evolution during the course
execution. Student evolution is relevant, since stu-
dents may learn new abilities or competences dur-
ing the course. As students changes their attributes,
the plans currently assigned to them may not be the
optimal. To address this situation, student plans in
ASHYI-EDU are dynamic, which means that when-
ever students change their characteristics, ASHYI-
EDU creates a new plan that is better suited to these
new student conditions.
ASHYI-EDU also is able to determine whether a
student requires a remedial activity or not, to com-
pensate the lack of certain competences or abilities
that the student requires to complete certain course
activities. Moreover, ASHYI-EDU not only is able to
select the best suitable activities for each student; it
is also able to select the best resources available for a
specific activity, based on context (e.g. access device,
The remainder of this paper describes ASHYI-
EDU and an ongoing case study to validate the ap-
proach. Section 2 discusses similar approaches for
activity planning. Section 3 briefly explains ASHYI,
the high-level architecture that is the base for ASHYI-
EDU. Section 4 explains ASHYI-EDU in detail. Sec-
tion 5 describes the case study to validate the ap-
proach. Finally, section 6 concludes and discusses
future work.
Automatic planning is a topic widely addressed in
the literature. This section analyzes three main cate-
gories: generic planning, planning oriented to specific
context, and approaches for planning in personalized
Table 1 summarizes the main features of related
work. The ‘+’ symbol means that the feature is sup-
ported by an approach; ‘-’ means that it is not sup-
ported, while ‘?’ means it is not clear whether the
feature is supported or not.
Several works address the planning problem with
a general-purpose approach. The work of (Coles
et al., 2010) (1) propose a tool to create plans, based
on partial order planning withing the framework of
forward search to reduce the ordering constraints that
may arise when creating a plan or sequence of activ-
ities. The plan can be modified over time. The work
of (AnousouyaDevi et al., 2012) (2) presents an ap-
proach to address non-predicable actions using a tem-
poral planning algorithm. The approach of (Plaku
and Hager, 2010) plan collision-free trajectories for
robots, based on the STRIPS algorithm (Fikes and
Nilsson, 1972). The work of (Geib and Goldman,
2009) is PHATT, a tool creates a model that takes into
account the negative experience of the user in the exe-
cution of a plan. The approach of (Geib and Goldman,
2009) (3) creates a stochastic model for the execution
of a plan, based on AND/OR, negative experience and
multi-goal agents.
In regard of automated planning to different do-
mains, the work of (Oh et al., 2009) (4) addresses
meeting planning, focusing on maximizing satisfac-
tion of participants. This planner takes into account
what happens before, during, and after the event. This
approach also calculates the time required by each
activity to minimize wait time between them. The
work of (Guoqi et al., 2010) (5) focuses on task de-
composition as the main concern to plan activities
in a multi-agent environment. This decomposition
takes into account time and order relations between
tasks to identify and resolve conflicts between agents.
The approach of (Johnson and Sieber, 2009) (6) ad-
dresses planning for tourists that travel through dif-
ferent places, to determine the impact of external pro-
cesses and specific planning decisions. This approach
takes into account socio-economical and contextual
elements, such as weather, recycling, etc. The work
of (Marki et al., 2012) (7) present a planning approach
that takes into account the motivation of the user to
execute upcoming activities based on their results in
previous activities and the discomfort originated from
their performance. The approach of (Nijland et al.,
2012) (8) propose a planner for people’s daily agenda.
In this case, most activities are planned in advance,
so planning, re-planning, and programming are per-
formed in different times. The planner takes into ac-
count a person’s data (gender, age, income, education,
occupation, etc.) and creates a plan that also includes
activities that are not explicit in the agenda, but that
may be of importance to the user.
Several works address planning in the educational
context. The work done by (Rytikova and Boicu,
2014b) (9) creates a course from resources provided
by the teacher. The course is presented to each stu-
dent depending on their course competences, which
are obtained through an initial test. The approach of
(Bahmani et al., 2011) (10) propose a tool to recom-
mend courses to students, based on some student at-
tributes and context. Several agents interact to find
the best study plan for a given student.
Even though these approaches contribute in differ-
ent contexts and with different methods to the prob-
lem of activity planning, when they are used to plan
student activities they have some limitations. For in-
stance, they do not facilitate the inclusion of new vari-
ables, such as student personality, learning styles or
learning context, to increase the precision of the ac-
tivity assignment. Besides, some proposals do not
include mechanisms to dynamically change the plan
according to the evolution of the individual. Finally,
some of these approaches do not establish methods
to increase the possibility of success using remedial
activities. All of the above issues are directly ad-
dressed by ASHYI-EDU. ASHYI-EDU has compre-
hensive profile information about activities and stu-
dents to better determine the most alike activities to
students. ASHYI-EDU is able to dynamically adjust
the plan, based on the student evolution and context
changes, and it is able to include remedial activities,
if the student needs them during the execution of the
Table 1: Related Work.
Approach Activ.
Agents User’s
Context User
(1) + ? - - + ?
(2) + ? - - + ?
(3) + ? + + + +
(4) + + - + + -
(5) + ? + - - -
(6) ? + - - + -
(7) + - - + + +
(8) ? + - - + +
(9) + - - + + +
(10) - ? + - + +
This section briefly describes ASHYI, a high-level
architecture to perform adaptive planning that is the
base of ASHYI-EDU. For more details about ASHYI,
the reader can refer to (Jaime Pavlich-Mariscal,
2015). The main elements of ASHYI are: roles, activ-
ities, resources, context, users, and a generic planning
The main roles in ASHYI are: the Administra-
tor, who characterizes the application domain, defines
the main activities that can be performed and the user
characteristics; the Planner, who guides the planning
process and solves conflicts that the system may not
be able to solve; and, the Executor, who performs the
activities in a plan that the system creates according
to his/her specific characteristics and context.
Activities are the main actions that can be per-
formed in a plan. They form a hierarchical struc-
ture of composite activities (contain sub-activities)
and atomic activities (have no sub-activities). Activi-
ties may have pre and post conditions that determine
the requisites to execute them and the effects they pro-
duce in the environment, respectively.
Resources are physical or logical elements that are
employed to perform certain activities. Among other
attributes, resources have keywords to identify them
and a specification of the way to locate them (e.g.
URLs for logical resources).
Context includes all the external elements that
may affect the interaction between users and the sys-
tem. The main identified elements are: location, time
(e.g. season, time of the day), location infrastructure
(e.g. computer availability, Internet connection, etc.),
communities (i.e. groups of persons to which the user
belongs), environment (e.g. weather, luminosity, am-
bient noise, etc.), regulations (i.e. rules, laws, stan-
dards that affect the individual), access devices (e.g.
hardware, software, etc).
The user profile characterizes the people who uti-
lize the system. The main information in a profile
are: demographic data, preferences (for different ac-
tivities, information display, etc.), interests (things the
user wants to do), predilections (perceptions that the
user likes), and habits (actions the user performs fol-
lowing a pattern).
The planning process in ASHYI,comprises three
main stages: (1) environment configuration, (2) activ-
ities planning, and (3) activities execution. Stage (1)
defines the specific domain characteristics to perform
the planning process. In particular this stage defines
the specific resources, activities and their pre and post
conditions that will be utilized in the adapted plans.
Stage (2) utilizes user, and context profiles to de-
termines the sequence, dependencies, and conflict res-
olution between activities in a meta-plan, i.e., a struc-
ture that describes all of the possible plans that could
be assigned to users. According to the specific user
and context information, the system must select a sub-
set of the meta-plan that is the best suitable plan for
each user, i.e., the adapted plan.
Stage (3) is the process in which the user executes,
step by step, his/her adapted plan. The user executes
each activity in turn. The results are evaluated by the
system to determine the user’s performance. The sys-
tem may determine that the user has changed and be-
cause of that, the user may need a better adapted plan.
In that scenario, the system should automatically cre-
ate a new adapted plan for that user.
To validate ASHYI, the framework was instantiated
into a specific domain (education). The result is
ASHYI-EDU, a dynamic adaptive planning system
for virtual learning environments. ASHYI-EDU is a
Java-based application that enhances Sakai (Apereo-
Foundation, 2014), a virtual learning environment
software, to provide personalized education to stu-
ASHYI-EDU addresses several issues in the
teaching-learning process. First, teachers need to
develop plans that convey knowledge, abilities, and
competencies to students. Those plans comprise sev-
eral learning activities that students must perform to
reach specific learning goals in a course. Since stu-
dents are heterogeneous, they may benefit more from
some type of activities and less from others.
For instance, some students prefer to learn by ex-
ecuting practical activities, while others would learn
better by doing theory-intensive activities. Some stu-
dents may prefer to learn by visual means (e.g. dia-
grams, images, etc.), while others may prefer to ob-
tain the information in textual means.
Consequently, to provide the best learning path to
each student requires that the teacher creates different
plans, each of them providing the best activities for
each student, depending on their specific characteris-
tics and preferences.
In practice, this is a complex task. A teacher
would have to: (1) Understand the specific character-
istics and preferences of each student, (2) determine
the best activities for each student depending on the
information of (1) to create a custom plan for each
student, and (3) monitor the execution of each custom
plan. Without the help of technologies, the above task
would be very time consuming for teachers.
The above issues are the motivation to develop
ASHYI-EDU. ASHYI-EDU provides a set of tests
to assess student characteristics and preferences. It
characterizes activities, based on their suitability for
different student attributes and automatically creates
plans with activities that are the most suitable for the
students’ learning processes.
ASHYI-EDU is able to recognize changes in the
student attributes, usually yielded by the successful
learning of specific abilities or competences. Using
this information, ASHYI-EDU can automatically cre-
ate a new plan that is more suitable to the student.
Moreover, the system is also able to provide reme-
dial activities to the student if he/she needs them to
successfully complete the rest of the activities in the
Figure 1 summarizes ASHYI-EDU planning and
(1) Configure virtual learning
(3) Course planning
(5) Complete tests
(7) Create adapted plan
(9) Activity execution
(11) Update student profile
(2) Course structure, activities,
(4) Meta-plan
(6) Student profile
(8) Adapted plan
(10) Activity results and feedback
(12) Updated student profile
Figure 1: ASHYI-EDU planning and execution.
execution. The first activity is to (1) configure the vir-
tual learning environment, in which the teacher spec-
ifies the course structure and all the possible activities
and resources that can be utilized to fulfill those goals
(2). The second activity is the course planning itself
(3), in which the system automatically selects activi-
ties and creates a meta-plan (4), i.e., a structured de-
scription of all the possible adapted plans that could
be assigned to students. When students are going to
interact with the course, they have to complete per-
sonality and learning style tests (5), which provide the
information for their profiles (6). The system auto-
matically assigns (7) students a custom plan (8) that
is best suited for their characteristics. The last activity
is the execution (9), in which the student performs the
assigned activities, the teacher evaluates the results of
the activities (10) and updates the student profile (11).
If the student profile (12) changes, the system auto-
matically creates a new plan (7).
The rest of this section describes each of the above
elements in detail.
4.1 Configure Virtual Learning
This activity is performed before beginning any
course in the system, and focuses on creating all of
the essential course elements: learning units, learning
goals, activities, and resources.
ASHYI-EDU assists teachers in creating the
above elements by providing the basic data structures
to specify learning units and learning goals, and pro-
viding a searchable repository of activities that the
teachers must fill before initiating any course.
4.2 Course Planning
After the basic course structure is created and a suf-
ficiently large pool of activities has been created, the
teacher must perform two main activities: preselect-
ing activities and resources and creating a meta-plan
Select and send
query, based on
Select and send
Figure 2: Overview of PUMAS-LITE.
that describes all of the possible plans that could be
executed by students. Both activities are described as
4.2.1 Activity and Resources Selection
One of the key elements in course planning is the
selection of all of the activities and resources that
are aligned with the course goals and learning units.
ASHYI-EDU provides a repository of activities and
resources that teachers can fill to utilize in one or more
courses. Since the repository can be shared by multi-
ple users, other teachers may contribute with activities
and resources that can be aligned with the learning
goals of the current course. To properly preselect the
available activities and resources, ASHYI-EDU pro-
vides PUMAS-LITE, a java-based subsystem that uti-
lizes agents to search the repository according to dif-
ferent criteria: keywords, learning goals, among oth-
PUMAS-LITE is a lightweight version of
PUMAS (Carrillo-Ramos et al., 2007), a multi-agent
system for knowledge management and adapted
information retrieval with a focus on ubiquitous
environments. PUMAS provides four multi-agent
systems that support the location of resources in an
ubiquitous system: a multi-agent system in the client
device, another one on the server-side that performs
adaptation and search, a third one that acts as a
middleware between the two, and the last one that
performs adaptation.
PUMAS was instantiated into the educational do-
main as PUMAS-LITE, focusing only on the server-
side multi-agent system. Figure 2 is an overview of
PUMAS-LITE. There are five agents:
Context Agent, which is aware of the user execu-
tion environment and reacts to its changes. There is
one Context Agent per user.
Representative Agent, which represents the stu-
dent within PUMAS-LITE and manages the student
profile. There is one Representative Agent per user.
Intermediary Agent that is in charge of receiv-
ing and collecting queries from different representa-
tive agents, selects those queries and pass them to
a Router Agent. There can be several Intermediary
Agents in the same platform.
Router Agent that is in charge of receiving
queries from the Intermediary Agent and searching
for an information source that could totally or par-
tially satisfy the query. Once the source is found,
the router agent communicates with the Information
Source Agent to retrieve the answer to the query.
Information Source Agent, which contains the
information required to answer a given query. This
agent explicitly searches among the activities and re-
sources of the information source, manages their lo-
cation, and provide the required answers to the Router
Agent interaction occurs under two main pro-
Query, in which the Representative Agent re-
ceives the query from the user. The latter enriches the
query date with the user profile (provided by the Rep-
resentative Agent) and the context data (provided by
the Context Agent). The Intermediary Agent receives
the enriched query, which categorizes the query ac-
cording to its type (SQL, keyword search, etc.). The
Router Agent receives the categorized query and finds
the relevant information sources and sends the query
to the corresponding Information Source Agent.
Results Retrieval, in which the Information
Source Agent executes the query and sends the re-
sults back to the Router Agent, then to the Intermedi-
ary Agent and to the Representative Agent. The latter
asks the Context Agent to determine if there were any
context changes. If there are no context changes, the
results are returned to the user, otherwise the query is
run again with the new context information.
4.2.2 Meta-Planning
PUMAS Lite selects a set of candidate activities for
the given course goals. The next step is create a meta-
plan, a compact structure that contains all of the ac-
tivities and is organized in such a way that all of the
adapted plans can be extracted from that structure.
In many cases, activity planning through algo-
rithms, such as GraphPlan, requires each activity to
have pre and post conditions, which are the conditions
required to perform the activity and the assertions that
must be true after successfully executing the activity,
respectively (Blum and Furst, 1997). In these kinds
of algorithms, the activity precedence is not known
before the planning algorithm is executed.
However, in the educational context, to define pre
and post conditions can be a tricky task. Teachers
must define several activities and ensure that they can
Figure 3: Meta-plan example.
be chained in many different ways to have a suffi-
ciently broad set of different plans for the various stu-
dents in their courses. Moreover, in the educational
context pre and post conditions are often not strict. In
many situations course activities can be performed by
students even though they may have not fully meet the
activities’ requirements. In other cases, when course
activities require more strict pre-conditions, the stu-
dent may perform remedial activities before executing
the course activity
Taking all of the above into account, ASHYI-
EDU’s meta-plan uses a non-strict approach for pre
and post conditions and a slightly more structured
way to organize activities in the meta-plan. The es-
sential premise is that course goals are accomplished
in a specific sequence during the course. Therefore,
the precedence of course activities is given by the
goals to which they are aligned.
It is important to note that each activity may have
different alternative resources (e.g. files, URLs) that
the student may utilize in case the main resources are
not available. To represent this information in the
meta-plan, each node in the graph corresponds to a
combination of a given activity with one of the main
or alternative resource. In other words, the graph may
contain one or more nodes that correspond to the same
activity, but utilizing different resources.
To better illustrate the approach Figure 3 shows
an example of a meta-plan in ASHYI-EDU. Activ-
ities and resources are organized in a multi-partite
graph, in which each partition is denoted as a column.
Orange-colored nodes correspond to course activities,
while blue-colored ones correspond to remedial activ-
ities. A course activity partition is a column in the
graph containing orange-colored activities that focus
on the same course goal. A remedial activity partition
is a column of blue-colored activities that is placed in
between course activity partitions. The green node at
the left side of the graph is not an activity, but the
start node in the graph, the node from which all of the
adapted plans will begin.
Each partition is fully connected with the next par-
tition. In other words a course activity partition is
fully connected to the next remedial activity partition
and each remedial activity partition is fully connected
to the next course activity partition.
In addition, each course activity partition is also
fully connected to the next course activity partition.
In other words, a course activity partition that corre-
sponds to a given course goal is fully connected to the
course activity partition of the next goal. For simplic-
ity, these connections are not shown in the figure.
4.3 Creating Adapted Plans
The meta-plan holds all of the possible adapted plans
for the course. After creating the meta-plan, the next
step is to obtain an adapted plan for each student. An
essential piece of information in this stage is the stu-
dent profile.
To obtain this information, ASHYI-EDU mea-
sures personality traits and learning styles of the stu-
dents. To measure personality, ASHYI-EDU uti-
lizes the Myers Briggs personality test (MentiScore-
Solutions-Limited, 2014), which profiles students ac-
cording to 16 personality traits. A student may
express these personality traits in different degrees.
To measure learning styles, ASHYI-EDU utilizes
the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire
(Alonso et al., 2009).
After the student answers the above tests, the stu-
dent profile is complete and ASHYI-EDU is able to
create the adapted plan for the student.
Recall that an adapted plan corresponds to a path
from the start node on the left side of the meta-plan
graph to any node in the last column of the right (see
Section 4.2.2). Figure 4 depicts an adapted plan ob-
tained from the meta-plan and a student profile. The
best plan for a given student corresponds to the short-
est path in the meta-plan graph, represented as the
non-gray nodes and the green connections. For illus-
trative purposes, the nodes in the optimal route are
zoomed in, but in the real application they have the
same size of the other nodes. The function that de-
termines the weights depends on student and activity
information. Therefore, edge weights will be differ-
ent from one student to another and the optimal path
might differ from one student to another. This ensures
that each student will obtain a personalized learning
The learning plan determines the order in which
activities should be performed by the student, starting
from the activities on the left side and ending on the
activities on the right side. Sometimes, activities may
require the student to previously develop some abili-
ties or competencies to properly execute those activ-
ities. ASHYI-EDU is able to detect when a student
Figure 4: Adapted Plan Example.
does not meet those requirements, and plans accord-
ingly. In those cases, ASHYI-EDU will include re-
medial activities in the plan, so that the students can
develop those missing abilities and competencies be-
fore performing the activity that requires them.
Another important feature is that ASHYI-EDU
takes into account the changes in the student during
the execution of the plan. For instance, a student may
learn new abilities or competencies after successfully
executing a given activity. The adapted plan created
by ASHYI-EDU assumes that the student success-
fully executes every activity. Changes in his/her pro-
file after each activity are taken into account to deter-
mine the affinity with the remaining activities in the
If, for some reason, the student does not success-
fully executes an activity, ASHYI-EDU is able to cre-
ate a new plan that takes into account this situation
(see Section 4.6).
4.4 Matching Students to Activities
To determine the best learning plan for a given stu-
dent, ASHYI-EDU must select the most suitable ac-
tivity for the student to accomplish each learning goal.
This selection is based on the affinity between the stu-
dent and each activity. This affinity if obtained from
the edge weights in the meta-plan graph. The weight
of an edge between two nodes in the graph represents
the affinity between the student and the activity to
which the edge is pointing (i.e., the activity on the
right side of that edge).
To calculate the edge weights, ASHYI-EDU uti-
lizes a distance function that yields a value that is in-
versely proportional to the degree of affinity between
a student and an activity. Consequently, the shortest
path in the meta-plan will yield the set of activities
that have the most affinity to a given student.
The distance function takes as input a student vec-
tor and an activity preconditions vector. Both vec-
tors have the same structure, summarized in Figure
5. Each vector has 55 components, each one repre-
senting a specific attribute. The values range from 0,
Figure 5: Student and Activity Vector.
which means the total absence of a given attribute, to
1, which means a strong presence of the attribute. The
first 4 components correspond to learning styles, the
next 16 components are personality traits, the next 19
are abilities, and the last 16 are competencies.
For students, the vector components represent the
degree of a certain learning style, personality trait,
ability, or competency is present in each student. For
instance, a value close to 1 in a learning style means
that the student has a strong preference to learn using
that style. Similarly, a value close to 1 in a person-
ality trait means that the student strongly manifests
that trait. A value close to 1 in an ability or compe-
tency means that the student has significantly devel-
oped that activity or competency.
In an activity, the vector represents a non-strong
set of preconditions. To be more precise, the activity
vector represents the degree of suitability of the ac-
tivity for students who have a certain set of attributes.
For instance, a value of 1 in a learning style or per-
sonality trait means that the activity is highly suitable
for students who have a high preference for that learn-
ing style or strongly manifest that personality trait. A
high value in an ability or competency means that it is
highly recommendable that the student develops that
ability or competency to successfully execute the ac-
Some vector components have continuous values
between 0 and 1 (learning styles), while others may
assume only the values 0 or 1, but no values in be-
tween (personality traits, abilities, and competencies).
Because of these differences, the distance function d
is a weighed average of different distance functions:
d(S, A) = w
(S, A) +w
(S, A) +
(S, A) +w
(S, A)
Where S is the student vector, A is the activity vec-
tor, d
is the euclidean distance between learning style
components of S and A, d
is the euclidean distance
between personality trait components of S and A, d
the Jaccard (Candillier et al., 2008) distance between
ability components of S and A, d
is the Jaccard dis-
tance between competency components of S and A,
and each w
corresponds to the weight of each dis-
tance metric in the final result.
Figure 6: Adapted Plan as a List.
4.5 Adapted Plan Execution
Figure 4 is an example of the way ASHYI-EDU dis-
plays an adapted plan for a student. The adapted
plan corresponds to the optimal route in the meta-plan
graph and represents the set of activities that are more
alike to a student.
The student can also visualize his/her own adapted
plan as a list, as shown in Figure 6 (the figure is
cropped for space reasons). Different icons denote the
various states of each task. Pending activities have an
hourglass icon. Available activities are marked with a
pen icon. Activities that have been finished have ei-
ther a happy face or a sad face icon, depending on the
teacher’s feedback.
The student can execute this plan following these
1. Access the activity form in Figure 7 and download
the resources to execute the activity, which can be
files or URLs.
2. Follow the instructions and execute the activity.
3. Access the activity form (see Figure 7) and com-
plete two fields: the file to upload with the an-
swer to the activity and the feedback to send to
the teacher.
4. The teacher evaluates the activity thereafter and
provides feedback to the student through the same
form. The teacher can indicate the skills and com-
petences achieved by the student, the grade, and
the feedback to the student.
5. The student then receives the teacher’s feedback
and can execute the activities that become avail-
able after the teacher’s evaluation.
6. The above steps are repeated until the student has
executed the entire adapted plan.
4.6 Context and User Changes and
In some cases, things may not occur according to
plan. For instance, the student may not successfully
execute an activity, which means that he/she does not
Figure 7: Activity Form.
learn the expected abilities or competencies. In other
cases, context changes may limit the access to certain
resources. For instance, the student may be trying to
access the activity resources from outside the univer-
sity and may not have access to services protected be-
hind the university’s firewall. These situations may
require to provide alternative activities or resources
so that the student can execute the plan successfully.
To address the above issues, ASHYI-EDU is able
to automatically detect changes in the student profile
or in the context and create a new plan. To perform re-
planning, ASHYI-EDU updates the user profile and
the meta-plan with the corresponding changes and ex-
ecutes the planning algorithm with this new data. The
result is a plan that is best adapted to the new scenario.
Currently, ASHYI-EDU is able to perform re-
planning based on the following scenarios:
1. The student did not learn the expected abilities or
competencies after the execution of a given activ-
ity. In this case, ASHYI-EDU updates the student
profile accordingly and creates a new plan that in-
cludes activities more alike to the student in this
new scenario. This new plan may also include ad-
ditional remedial activities.
2. The student is not able to access a given resource.
For instance, if the student is outside the univer-
sity and he/she needs to access an internal service
of the university that is protected by a firewall
from the outside. To address this case, ASHYI-
EDU disables the nodes that contain the inacces-
sible resources and executes the planning algo-
rithm again. Recall that multiple nodes in the
meta-plan graph may contain the same activity,
but with different resources (see Section 4.2.2).
Therefore, some activities can still be included in
an adapted plan if they are associated with avail-
able resources.
3. The teacher decides to cancel a specific activ-
ity or make it unavailable to students. In this
case, ASHYI-EDU removes all of the correspond-
ing nodes from the meta-plan graph and executes
the planning algorithm again. Recall that sev-
eral nodes in the meta-plan graph may have the
same activity, but different resources (see Section
4.2.2). Therefore, all of the nodes containing that
activity must be removed from the graph.
To validate ASHYI-EDU, we are currently develop-
ing a case study in a university course for students of
the career of Primary School Teacher. The course is
called "Learning to Learn in the Web". This course
utilizes blended learning and its goal is to give the
students tools to learn in the web.
This course is being taught each semester to differ-
ent groups of students.The case study spans through
three semesters. The first semester (Spring 2014)
included an offline course that did not use ASHYI-
EDU and relied only on manual procedures to create
adapted plans and interact with students. The sec-
ond semester (Fall 2014) includes an online course
that utilizes ASHYI-EDU to manage the entire course
planning and student-teacher interaction. The third
semester (Spring 2015) will include a course utilizing
ASHYI-EDU in the same way as the second semester.
5.1 Course Structure
Figure 8 denotes the structure of the course in all of
the three semesters. The course has several goals that
students should satisfy after finishing the course. To
satisfy those goals, the course comprises three learn-
ing units. Each learning unit has a set of goals that
must be satisfied and a meta-plan with the activities to
satisfy those goals. The first learning unit has 4 goals,
the second has 3 and the third one has 4. Each activ-
ity in the meta-plan is either a course activity aimed to
satisfy one of those objectives or a remedial activity.
5.2 Offline Course
This course is called offline because it was taught
face-to-face to students without the help of a virtual
Learning Unit 1
Goal 1
Learning Unit N
Goal M
Activity 1 Activity n
Figure 8: Course Structure.
Table 2: Student Characteristics in the Offline Course.
E1 7 8 12 8 ENTJ
E2 10 17 17 18 ENFJ
E3 17 16 18 17 ESFJ
E4 7 18 19 16 ENFJ
E5 12 12 10 6 ENFJ
E6 7 14 18 14 ENFJ
E7 14 15 16 17 ENTJ
E8 10 13 13 13 ENTJ
learning environment. The teachers evaluated stu-
dents and created adapted plans manually.
The course had 32 students, from which only 8
filled the tests to define their profiles. They were from
different careers: Middle School Spanish Teaching
Licentiate, Accounting, Psicology, and Information
Table 2 shows the characteristics of the students
who took that course. Columns 2 to 5 correspond to
learning styles scores, where the maximum value is
20. The last column correspond to personality traits,
where E means Extroverted, N means Intuitive, S
means Sensing, T means Thinker, F means Feeling,
and J means Judging.
As shown in that table, there are students who
have different learning styles and personality traits.
Most students have high preferences for Reflexive and
Theoretical styles, while fewer ones prefer Pragmatic
and Active styles.
Table 3 summarizes the results of the execution of
the first learning unit. Grades are in a scale of 0 to 5.
The teachers determined that the low performance of
some of them was because of lack of reading compre-
hension and writing skills. Therefore, they proposed
a set of remedial activities to address these issues.
5.3 Online Course
The online course was performed the following
semester after the offline course (Fall 2014). Most
of the online course is based on the offline course.
The online version adds more activities, so that each
learning goal can have several alternative activities to
achieve it.
Table 3: Results of the first learning unit.
Student Grade Grade Analysis
E1 3 Did not execute all activities
E2 3.2 Incomplete work. The student didn’t
do what was asked for
E3 1 Incomplete work. The student didn’t
do what was asked for, writing errores
E4 5
E5 5
E6 4.6 Does not clearly express ideas
E7 4.4 Does not clearly express ideas
E8 2.5 Incomplete work. The student didn’t
do what was asked for. Does not
clearly express ideas
The study of that semester involved all of the
course 29 participants: 6 men and 23 women. The
students were from different backgrounds: Education,
Accounting, Information Sciences, Psychology, Soft-
ware Engineering, Business Administration, and Mi-
A prototype of ASHYI-EDU was created, which
utilizes Sakai (Apereo-Foundation, 2014), a Java-
based virtual learning environment software. The im-
plementation of ASHYI-EDU relies on a modified
version of Sakai’s Lesson Builder component that in-
cludes dynamic activity planning to build learning
units and its lessons and a simple interaction facility
for students and teachers.
The development of the online course focuses on
automatically performing several tasks that were slow
or cumbersome in the offline course: i) providing
adapted plans according to the necessities of each stu-
dent, ii) automatically re-planning according to con-
text changes, and iii) register the interaction between
users and the system.
The ASHYI-EDU prototype provides several fea-
tures to facilitate the creation of dynamic adaptive
plans and monitor their execution. Recall Figure 3
that shows the meta-plan of a learning unit that is
built by the teacher. The teacher can create, modify or
remove activities from the meta-plan and the system
will automatically organize them according to learn-
ing goals and activity type (course or remedial).
A student that begins a course must complete the
Myers Briggs personality test and also the Honey-
Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire tests. ASHYI-
EDU uses this information to fill the student profiles
and to automatically create adapted plans for each stu-
ASHYI-EDU is able to provide different plans for
different students, according to their specific charac-
Figure 9: Adapted Plan for Student A.
Figures 9 and 10 correspond to adapted plans for
Student A and B, respectively. For space reasons the
chosen examples are not radically dissimilar but in
practice two students may have very different plans.
In this example they have two important differences:
Remedial activities: ASHYI-EDU did not plan
remedial activities for the Student A, while it planned
a remedial activity, called Information Search and Se-
lection (shown in blue) for Student B. This activity
aims to develop analysis and synthesis abilities in the
student. ASHYI-EDU assigned the remedial activity,
because the student lacked these abilities for the first
course activity.
Course activities: To accomplish the first learn-
ing goal (second column in both graphs), to analyze,
reflect and understand the information search pro-
cess, ASHYI-EDU assigned Student A a paper read-
ing activity to develop reading comprehension abili-
ties, while the Student B must perform information
search to learn critical thinking and analysis and syn-
thesis abilities. These activities were assigned accord-
ing to the student learning styles and personalities:
Student A: Learning Style: Active - level:
6, Pragmatic - level: 7, Reflexive - level: 15,
Theoretical- level: 12; Personality: INFJ; Skills: un-
derstanding, relate their reality with the environment,
interpret and analyze information, observation, gen-
erates own answers from their knowledge and experi-
Student B: Learning Style: Active - level:
15, Pragmatic - level: 19, Reflexive - level: 19,
Theoretical- level: 19; Personality: ENFJ; Skills:
understanding, observation, generates own answers
from their knowledge and experience, shows interest
and initiative to continue learning, agility and adapt-
ability, empathy, and global vision, interpersonal re-
lationships and managing emotions and feelings.
Figure 10: Adapted Plan for Student B.
5.4 Current Results
Students were interviewed to determine their satisfac-
tion with the online course. The overall responses
were positive. The students expressed that the course
helped them to understand the way they approach to
learning in the course, which learning styles are the
most important in their learning process, and the most
adequate activities for them. The students felt more
identified and comfortable with the activities that they
performed. Similarly, they felt that the inclusion of
remedial activities helped them to improve their per-
The online course has only been applied to one
group of students. The case study will yield more de-
tailed results after finishing the Spring 2015 course,
which will yield results that could be compared with
Fall 2014.
From the point of view of the teachers, one impor-
tant change is the amount of effort to create the course
content. While a traditional course may need only
one type of activity per learning goal, ASHYI-EDU,
requires several activities per learning goal. Another
important change is that teachers require to charac-
terize each activity to determine how alike are them
to specific types of students. The above requires a
high initial effort to create the course. However, the
repository provided by ASHYI-EDU has the potential
of reducing this effort by facilitating reuse of existing
This paper presented ASHYI-EDU, a system to per-
form dynamic adaptive planning in virtual learning
environments. ASHYI-EDU captures the essential
student characteristics through a series of tests and is
able to create adapted plans that are the most aligned
with those characteristics. ASHYI-EDU is also aware
of changes in context and is able to dynamically mod-
ify existing plans to make better plans for new con-
The feedback obtained from the students suggest
that ASHYI-EDU is effectively assigning the most
alike activities to each student, based on their specific
abilities, competencies, personality traits, and learn-
ing styles. The feedback of the students about reme-
dial activities suggests that the automatic assignment
of remedial activities effectively addresses learning
needs of the students. Overall, it means that ASHYI-
EDU has the potential of improving the teaching-
learning process.
It is important to note that the student-activity
matching process is as good as the information in the
student and activity profiles. Further validation of the
proposed approach requires: to ensure that the tests
utilized to build the student profile are the most ef-
fective ones to capture the student characteristics, and
that the activity profiles are effectively the most ade-
quate for certain types of students.
Overall, the proposed system is able to provide
a fine-grained personalized learning plan to hetero-
geneous students, which takes into account more in-
formation than existing approaches. Another advan-
tage over related work is the ability to re-plan based
on context and user information, while ensuring that
each student has the best learning plan possible at all
times. Lastly, the ability to select remedial activities
for students facilitate even more the learning process,
to ensure that student have the required abilities and
competences to complete all activities in a learning
Future work is to complete the first and second
semesters of the online course, analyze their results
and finish the validation of the proposed approach.
This paper is part of the project “ASHYI: Plataforma
basada en agentes para la planificación dinámica, in-
teligente y adaptativa de actividades aplicada a la ed-
ucación personalizada”, executed by the ISTAR re-
search group of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
cofinanced by Colciencias, project #1203-569-33545.
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