respecting an extensive SLA. Plug4Green is re-used
as a IaaS VM manager in the presented work (see
section 2.2.1). A similar tool is OpenStack Neat.
Finally, the question of how to incentivize DCs
in order to modify their behaviour according to the
availability of renewable energy arises: It relates to
both, to work in the area of SLA induced workload
planning as well as energy aware contracts of DCs
with their power providers. There is some research
of the authors about how to turn SLAs into
GreenSLAs in order to increase the flexibility of the
DC, e.g. (Botero et al., 2013); and we build on this
knowledge base to a high degree. Using SLAs as
constraints to operate DC services like in
(Sakellarriou et al
. 2009) helped a lot understanding
the problem of job scheduling but fell short of the
incentive aspect. Apart from the relation between the
data center and its customers, in order to make DCs
be interested in following renewable power patterns,
they need to have corresponding contracts with their
energy service providers. There is a lot of literature
about different options how to make any type of
customer comply with demand response schema like
in (Aalami et al., 2010, Chao, 2011). But regarding
the specific also technical challenges of integrating
DCs in demand response schemes, again the authors
need to refer to their own work, e.g. (Basmadjian et
al., 2013, Berl et al., 2013).
This paper presented a vision on how to maximize
the share of renewable energy sources when
operating a DC given the conditions of a smart city
aiming at a local low-carbon power supply. It was
shown that this is not only technically feasible but
that there are also design options for the relation
between the DC and the smart city which offer
incentives for the DC to participate in the scheme.
However, the approach is obviously dependent
on the individual technical infrastructure and the real
applications running in the DC as well as on
financial and geographical conditions of the smart
city where it is located. In order to evaluate the
feasibility of the presented approach complementing
trials in a real environment are necessary. These are
planned for the second phase of the project.
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