Development of the Fiber-Optic Sensor with a Large Surface Area to
Measure Radioactive Contamination in Soil at Nuclear Facility Site
Arim Lee, Chan Hee Park, Rinah Kim, Hanyoung Joo and Joo Hyun Moon
Department of Nuclear, Energy System Engineering, Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Fiber-optic Sensor, Decommissioning, Nuclear Facility Site, Residual Radioactivity.
Abstract: Once decommissioning of a nuclear facility is completed, it shall be confirmed if its site meets the site
release criteria. For this the residual radioactivity in the site should be measured and assessed. This paper
developed and characterized the fiber-optic sensor with a large surface area for measurement of
radioactivity in soil at nuclear facility site, which is less time-consuming due to ease of measurement. The
fiber-optic sensor consisted of a radiation sensing probe including scintillator panel and light guide and a
transmission optical fiber. The light measuring system was assembled combining it with photomultiplier
tube, pre-amplifier, multichannel analyser and display. Several measurements using the light measuring
system showed that, as for measuring time for measurement of cesium-137 source, 1,800 sec was the optical
measurement duration, and as for reflector, aluminium foil was the best.
Once decommissioning of a nuclear facility is
completed, it shall be confirmed if its site meets the
site release criteria for site release or clearance of
items from regulatory control. For this, the residual
radioactivity in the site should be measured and
The residual radioactivity assessment consists of
(1) taking samples from contaminated area, (2)
measurements of radioactivity in the samples and (3)
statistical analysis of the measurement data. The
appropriateness of taking samples is a key factor in
determining the assessment’s reliability.
Radioactivity in soil is commonly measured by
using a small portable radiation detector or in-situ
gamma spectroscopy, which takes a long time.
Therefore, this paper developed and characterized
the fiber-optic sensor with a large surface area for
measurement of radioactivity in soil at nuclear
facility site, which is less time-consuming due to
ease of measurement.
To identify what types of radiation are emitted from
soil at nuclear facility site, related documents and
radiation survey records of TRIGA research reactor
site in Korea were examined. In the middle of
decommissioning of nuclear facilities, cesium-137,
cobalt-60, iodine-129, -131, and thorium are usually
radionuclides of main concern. (Lawrence E. Boing,
2013). TRIGA site radiation survey records showed
that cesium and cobalt were main radionuclides in
soil at the site as shown in Table 1. (Gyenam Kim,
2003). Based on the examinations, cesium-137,
gamma emitter, was selected as a representative
radionuclide to be detected by using the fiber-optic
sensor developed in this paper.
Table 1: Main radionuclides in soil at TRIGA site.
Radionuclide Radioactivity(Bq/kg)
Co-60 644.4 ± 42.6
Cs-134 88.7 ± 4.1
Cs-137 88.7 ± 4.1
Sr-90 <9.7
Cr-51 <5.9
Fe-59 <4.2
LYSO:Ce was selected as scintillator suitable for
measuring gamma ray emitted from cesium-137. Its
characteristics are listed in Table 2(Chan Hee Park
et al, 2014). As shown in Fig.1, sensing probe of the
fiber-optic sensor was rectangular solid shape, made
Lee A., Park C., Kim R., Joo H. and Moon J..
Development of the Fiber-Optic Sensor with a Large Surface Area to Measure Radioactive Contamination in Soil at Nuclear Facility Site.
DOI: 10.5220/0005431101710175
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (OSENS-2015), pages 171-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-092-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)