Table 1: Performance of the algorithm.
1 object
7 sections
2 objects
14 sections
3 objects
21 sections
15 ms 28 ms 40 ms
With multithreading
7 ms 11 ms 14 ms
According to the results, it should be noted that
offered method for determination the direction and
velocity of the objects based on the phase correlation
demonstrates high efficiency on the test images.
Reliability and performance of the algorithm fully
comply with the conditions of use in machine vision
systems for real-time control of technological
processes associated with the analysis of fast-
moving objects.
As is known from mechanics, solid body moving in
three-dimensional space, can have a six degrees of
freedom maximum: three translational and three
rotational. Degrees of freedom are a set of
coordinates that certainly defines the position of an
object in an associated coordinate system.
Log, like a solid body moving in the plane of the
conveyor, has four degrees of freedom (two
rotational and two translational) This limitation
should be considered in solving the problem of
measuring the volume of logs by observing their
movement in front of the camera. It is possible to
simplify the problem by assuming that the log
moves along rigid rails, i.e. it does not have the
ability to move sideways and rotate, then it has only
one degree of freedom. When using such
simplification, in the sequence of images would be
observed the shift with a constant orientation,
wherein only the instant amplitude varies from
frame to frame. But the fact is that in the real
conditions of logs transportation such ideal type of
movement does not exist. Therefore, it is recognized
as necessary that the log has four degrees of freedom
and all four components of the movement must be
taken into account to accurately measure log’s
length; or at least we can consider the log as material
point with one degree of freedom in the main
approximation (and make corrections due to its
vibrations in other directions when its main
movement is calculated with proper accuracy).
Task of determining the movement of the log can
be formulated as follows: if the log’s shift on the
image is defined by offered method for two
neighboring frames, and its value can be written as a
vector with coordinates (x, y), then how the value
characterizing the physical movement of the log can
be obtained from the resulting vector? How to get
the four-dimensional vector from the two-
dimensional? How to solve a system of two
equations and four unknowns?
In the photo and video camera, an image is
formed under the law of the central projection. As
we know, such a mapping of three-dimensional
space on a plane is not unambiguous because all
three-dimensional points lying along a single ray are
projected at one point on two-dimensional image. In
other words, once we got the log’s image, i.e. from
three-dimensional space transformed into a two-
dimensional, we lost a lot of information related to
the depth of the observed scenes and objects in it.
Recovering of this information is not possible
while using only one camera. The only way of
further developing for this task is to use multiple
cameras for reconstruction of the log in three-
dimensional space. In that case the information
about the depth of the scene and objects on the
image allows to convert the value of the motion
vector, obtained by the offered method, to the
physical movement of the log.
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