easier for them to be more integrated in the city. If
these services are to be of any benefit they must
meet some quality requirements. This paper has
presented an environment for the quality assessment
of services developed for IPavement. In addition,
details on a case study carried out have been
provided, to show the practical application of the
quality assessment of a service.
During the development of the environment for
the quality assessment of the services of IPavement,
it was shown that the type of device employed to use
the IPavement services could affect the different
aspects related to quality of service. It was thus
determined that a quality assessment for an
IPavement service should consist of various
assessments (one by type of device). After this,
during the case study, it was observed:
Quality assessment of the IPavement services
is independent of the technology and
IPavment services shoud have techincal
Evaluation is largel manual because there
aren't tools to automate the assessment.
Easy to introduces errors by the evaluator.
Bearing all these considerations in mind, we are
working on the following lines:
Increasing the set of devices on which to carry
out the simulation and assessment of the
Automatising the assessment tasks as far as
possible, aiming to reduce the time frames and
improve the reliability of the results.
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the (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER
and Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo
within in the National Plan for Scientific Research,
Development and Technological Innovation 2008-
2011 TSI-020302-2011-6), by the BIOPAVEMENT
project (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
CDTI-MINECO y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo
Regional FEDER IDI-20120804) and by the
GEODAS-BC project (Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo
Regional FEDER, TIN2012-37493-C03-01).
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