steps is 7.25°.
The average of the measured height is (196.2 ±
2.1 µm) for a theoretical height of 194 µm, the
average of the measured length is (1539.6 ± 4.1µm)
for a theoretical one of 1541.8 µm.
These results are very good for an initial
Figure 15: Profile of the measured steps after fabrication.
This paper presents the design of an original fiber-
optic displacement sensor, which will be used to
measure the linear displacement of an axis
performing a helical movement.
First, the geometric model of the sensor principle
was presented in order to obtain the theoretical
geometric parameters. These parameters lead to the
optimal cones-assembled grating, masterpiece of the
long-range displacement measurement principle.
Then, a 10 steps grating prototype of the sensor
was fabricated using a high precision turning
machine with the help of a single crystal-diamond
tool on an aluminium alloy in order to obtain high
precision in the fabricated dimensions, as well as
high reflectivity which ensures good sensor
sensitivity and linearity.
The conical grating prototype was characterised
using Nanofocus
µscan optical profilometer and
the measured parameters are close to the theoretical
In a near future, this grating will be used together
with two fiber-optic probes to measure on-line the
translation of an axis along several millimeters when
the measuring head of the spindle rotates at 360°
during the translation.
The Authors would like to thank Cetim (Centre
Technique des Industries Mécaniques) for the
support of this work.
The authors would like to thank B. Bosschaert,
N. Delias and P. E. Karcher, students in Univeristy
of technology of Compiègne, for their help in the
fabrication of the conical grating.
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