by using workflow automation. WRM is which need
for change is identified and also improved workflow
maintenance and ultimate implementation is covered
(Jamaiah H. Yahaya and Syafrani Fithri, 2012).
Healthcare especially cardiology department is
rising rapidly in developing and also in established
countries. Patients’ increase in waiting time is
identified as the “growth of length of time when
patient move in hospitals and when patient leaves
hospitals”. The time required for registering,
appointment, emergency cure, lab testing,
procedures, and distribution of the results for tests.
(Romanow, 2002). Electronic histories of patient
and associated inter-operating systems are also topic
of interest according to this study. BPR performs
many improvements which are possible by
automated patient records, and inter-operating
systems.(Juha, 2007)
Many adverse events are triggered because of
incorrect resource allocations, and complicated or
poorly presented rules and procedures (Blais, 2008).
Methods should be developed for decreasing load in
all departments focusing in operating rooms.
(Cleary, 2004). High amount of saved money and
resources are necessary because eighty precent of
money are used for patient care (Kumar, 2004). In
BPR method, clinical process are mapped and
decomposed into activities that are involved in the
process. These mapped process is termed “as-is”
process. Avoidable steps are identified in this
procedure. We also identify all non-value added
activities, delays and bottlenecks (Patwardhan,
2008). After that, the new clinical process are named
as “to-be” process (Netjes, 12 2010). In some issues,
modification of the process is not enough and may
needed to be redesigned or even remove wasteful
activity completely (Brock ,1997).
3.1 Cardiology Hospital Profile
The case discussed over here is a cardiology hospital
named “Rawalpindi Armed Forces Institute of
Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases
“(AFIC-NIHD) which is operational from thirty five
years. This modern cardiac hospital has two hundred
and fifty beds. It is situated in the heart of
Rawalpindi. This cardiac hospital provides facility
of being treated to citizens of Rawalpindi Islamabad,
Peshawar and Kashmir.
3.2 Current Workflow Description
In cardiology hospital doctor advise the patient for
admission and /or cath lab process, Patient or
patient’s families go to admission counter.
Admission officer confirms availability of beds
according to availability. Allotting of bed and case
observation is done by Admission officer. And in
ward, duty medical officer check the case sheet. He
checks the patient and asks nurse for treatment.
Nurse gives treatment to patient.
Cath lab treatments like balloon angioplasty,
closure, stenting and pacemaker are needed for
treatment. After examination, patient gets admitted
in ward. Blood and urine Samples are transported to
laboratory for examination. And result Report is
made. Before starting treatment, Patient is kept in
special unit for at least six hours. After treatment
process, ICCU a bed is prepared for patient. At the
time of discharge, discharge summary is prepared
by duty medical officer. Then this is transferred to
doctor for consultation and confirmation. After this
procedure discharge summary is sent for keying.
Billing department receive case sheet by transport.
Billing department make up bill. Patient relatives
pay bill at billing counter. They fill up feedback
form if they consider it necessary.
3.3 Operational Analysis of Current
First of all complexity appears due to structure of
hospitals, because in hospitals there are many
primary wards and secondary units away from one
another. Patient journey covers almost all the units
for getting treatment. Many other complications
occur during treatment are discussed here.
In emergencies situations and also in morning
timing an interruption appears in admission
procedure when patient enters into the hospital
because there is availability of LAN by which
obtainability of the beds can be easily checked.
Transportation process of patient is delayed
because of the problems in transport staffs. So
there is a need of maximum staff for taking up
patient to any section and sub section easily for
Research samples are directed to laboratory by
workers or by the help of couriers. Due to which
handoff delays appear.