Personalization of Virtual Coaching Applications using Procedural
e Zmugg
, Andreas Braun
, Peter Roelofsma
, Wolfgang Thaller
, Lisette Moeskops
, Sven
, Gabrijela Reljic
and Dieter W. Fellner
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Fraunhofer IGD, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Fraunhofer Austria, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Virtual Coaching, Procedural Modeling, Intelligent Environments.
Virtual coaching is an application area that allows individuals to improve existing skills or learn new ones; it
ranges from simple textual tutoring tools to fully immersive 3D learning situations. The latter aim at improv-
ing the learning experience with realistic 3D environments. In highly individual training scenarios it can be
beneficial to provide some level of personalization of the environment. This can be supported using procedural
modeling that allows to easily modify shape, look and contents of an environment. We present the applica-
tion of personalization using procedural modeling in learning applications in the project V2me. This project
combines virtual and social networks to help senior citizens maintain and create meaningful relationships. We
present a system that uses a procedurally generated ambient virtual coaching environment that can be adjusted
by training subjects themselves or in collaboration. A small user experience study has been executed that gives
first insight to the acceptance of such an approach.
The usage of virtual coaching has greatly increased
over the last few years, for various reasons. In
many cases it augments or even replaces traditional
coaching, in other instances it allows non-typical user
groups to access coaching resources; but most impor-
tantly, the demand of individuals for improving their
skill set has increased (Kozak et al., 1993; Rose et al.,
2000). Virtual coaching applications have a consider-
able diversity, ranging from simple text-based online
tools to immersive 3D environments that have been
confirmed to increase various metrics relevant to the
learning process and thus should be the preferred so-
lution (Ijsselsteijn et al., 2006). However, the cre-
ation of immersive learning environments typically
demands collaboration between designers of the 3D
world that may lack knowledge of the learning pro-
cess and creators of the coaching tools that might not
be able to design 3D environments. Such collabo-
rations increase costs and thus prevent wide-spread
usage of immersive virtual coaching. Another im-
portant factor is acceptance of the system, which can
be increased by providing personalization within the
training environments, e.g. creating the appearance
of their own premises. In this work we provide initial
results on the acceptance of a personalization tool for
virtual coaching system for elderly users.
Procedural modeling uses algorithms to automati-
cally generate 3D models from a limited set of high-
level instructions. While the initial investments in the
tools may be higher, it allows generating further mod-
els easily. In coaching applications this means that a
single procedural modeling tool allows the designers
to easily and rapidly design new immersive learning
environments, without requiring advanced knowledge
in 3D modeling. It is easy to modify existing proce-
dural environments, thus allowing a higher versatility
and adaptation of the model according to the desires
of the user as well as to the current learning situation.
V2me - Virtual Coach reaches out to me (V2me,
2013), is a collaborative European research project
that aims at providing a coaching platform for older
adults that allows them to create and maintain mean-
Zmugg R., Braun A., Roelofsma P., Thaller W., Moeskops L., Havemann S., Reljic G. and Fellner D..
Personalization of Virtual Coaching Applications using Procedural Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0005435600370044
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AgeingWell-
2015), pages 37-44
ISBN: 978-989-758-102-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ingful social relations. This improved social connect-
edness helps senior citizens to stay active and health-
ier for longer, as loneliness and lack of social ac-
tivities is a major contributing factor to depression.
Group therapies for teaching friendship skills have
proven efficient in the past (Stevens et al., 2006).
However, it is difficult and costly to provide such
measures for a larger population. An alternative ap-
proach is virtual coaching that is supported by a lim-
ited set of technical systems and can be provided to
a larger user group at decreased cost. This approach
has been evaluated in V2me. It was selected as a case
study to evaluate the advantages of the use of proce-
durally generated environments, which allow person-
alization of the content. These 3D environments are
generated and personalized through a separate proce-
dural scene editor, whose features are illustrated in
this paper. We envision that procedural modeling sys-
tems can help designers and care takers to quickly cre-
ate environments that closely resemble the actual en-
vironment of a system user. Therefore, a combined
system is presented that allows swift creation and
adaption of rooms through procedural modeling. In a
second step those rooms can personalized by adding
further items to the environment, adjusting their po-
sition and changing color and appearance of specific
In this paper we present the prototype tools that
are created for this purpose and how they are applied
in V2me. The system for procedural environment
generation has been evaluated by social science ex-
perts in a mutual workshop with potential users. We
present the initial findings of this study with a partic-
ular focus on the personalization aspects.
2.1 Virtual Coaching Applications
Virtual coaches have been in focus of research for
several decades. Heylen et al. gave an overview of
early examples (Heylen et al., 2009). The charac-
ter “Karin” is a virtual receptionist residing behind
the information desk at the lobby of the Virtual Mu-
sic Center (VMC) - a virtual replica of the theatre in
Enschede (Nijholt and Hulstijn, 2000). The dialogue
skills of Karin are based on an earlier non-embodied
dialogue system that interfaces to a database contain-
ing the information on the performances in the actual
theatre. A dialogue system allowed people to query
the information about performances and also to or-
der tickets. Another example, INES, is an intelligent
tutoring system primarily designed to help students
practicing nursing tasks with a haptic device in a vir-
tual environment (Heylen et al., 2005). INES takes
into account elements of the student’s character, his
or her confidence level, and the difficulty of the task.
It, moreover, gives appraisal of the student’s actions.
Carcasso proposed a natural human computer in-
teraction paradigm for persons with cognitive impair-
ments such as Alzheimer’s disease (Carrasco et al.,
2008). The paradigm consists of a realistic virtual
character, rendered on a television set, playing the
role of a virtual personal assistant that shows re-
minders, notifications, and performs short dialogues
with the user. In this paradigm, the television remote
control is used as a return channel to capture the user’s
responses. Roelofsma and Sevim (Roelofsma and Se-
vim, 2012) suggested a framework for virtual coach-
ing in changing lifestyles, including the domain of in-
trapersonal dilemmas that occur when people make
choices that are in the best interest of themselves at
the moment of choice, but not in the best interest
of themselves in the long run. This framework is
based on multiple selves’ theory that proposes a self-
perception of various personal roles, such as a planner
and a doer, which might have conflicting intentions
over time. Ortiz et al. performed an empirical study
with older adults and avatars, showing that subjects
follow instructions better, that they can understand the
facial impressions of an avatar even when having cog-
nitive impairments, and that interaction with an emo-
tionally responsive avatar was regarded as pleasant
(Ortiz et al., 2007). However, the presence had no per-
ceptible influence on recall. They suggest that appli-
cation of an avatar should depend closely on the spe-
cific task. In A
, 2013), virtual coaches are
connected to several sensors, which include an activ-
ity and a movement sensor, as well as blood pressure
and weight sensors. The Virtual Coach interacts with
the elderly persons in real time in their home environ-
ment and motivates the elderly to a healthy lifestyle.
2.2 Procedural Modeling
A conventional 3D model consists of geometry data
that describes the shape of objects and their pose (po-
sition + orientation) in a 3D scene. By contrast, a
procedural model is a computer program that gener-
ates this geometry data on the fly when it is run. Thus,
it describes the operations required to create an object.
A procedural model can, therefore, describe a whole
family of objects or scenes.
Procedural modeling is used in various kinds of
applications. First and foremost, it has become es-
sential for content creation for computer games and
motion pictures. Here, huge landscapes and urban
structures are often needed, and with the ever-growing
scale of such projects manual construction is becom-
ing increasingly infeasible. Most notably here is
Esri’s City Engine (Esri, 2015), which is used to gen-
erate large cities and buildings through split gram-
mars (Wonka et al., 2003; M
uller et al., 2006; Thaller
et al., 2013b; Zmugg et al., 2014).
As for coaching applications, it is important that
the users remain interested in the system, leading to
adaptation and personalization as important factors.
Modifications can happen on two levels. First, the
care givers may want to re-use existing environments
and adapt them to provide the users with new content.
And second, users may want to change parts of the
displayed environment to their personal preferences.
A procedural modeling system allows both: Changes
can be made at any point of the generated scene with-
out much effort. Changes of the environment can also
happen fully automatically based on different aspects.
For example, if there is a procedural model of a bed-
room for two people, it can be automatically enlarged
to fit for four people.
Procedural models are usually described in some
sort of scripting language; but this makes the system
not very accessible for non-expert users. Therefore,
an interface without scripting is necessary. The mod-
eling packages Houdini (Side Effects Software, 2015)
and Grasshopper (McNeel and Associates, 2015)
show a graph-based representation of the procedural
model. This graph helps to understand how the model
is built and what dependencies exist without showing
the underlying code. In our system, whose theoretical
foundations were initially presented by Thaller et al.
(Thaller et al., 2013a), neither the code nor the under-
lying dataflow graph are shown to the user, but depen-
dencies are illustrated by highlighting related parts in
3D. Furthermore, hierarchically arranged scenes can
be traversed in an intuitive manner. Our system uses a
dataflow graph only in the background, which is used
to generate the necessary script code automatically.
This happens completely transparent to the user.
V2me is a research project that provides a coaching
platform for older adults that gives lessons to maintain
or create meaningful relations. It is based on a specif-
ically designed social network that reduces cognitive
load during use. Simplified communication systems
allow the users to interact with their peers and poten-
tial new friends through a virtual friendship enrich-
ment course (Stevens, 2001). In order to increase
Figure 1: The Virtual Coach (source: (A
, 2013)) in a vir-
tual environment created with the editor, which is displayed
on the Home Platform.
the efficiency of these aspects, an immersive Virtual
Coach a 3D character that provides lessons, expert
information and links to different aspects of the sys-
tem functionality resides in the apartments of the
users. The virtual environment of this Virtual Coach
should be adaptive to the current situations, both in
regards of user input and expert presets that are stored
in the system or updated from a central web service
regularly. A major requirement for the created tools
was that they have to be used by non-technical per-
sonnel to allow independent creation of lessons and
environments. The system is modular and has three
main components. The Mobile Platform is a portable
tablet computer that is used independently by the par-
ticipant. It provides the Virtual Coach functionality
as text-and-audio representation and enables interac-
tion with other users. The Home Platform is a large-
screen PC. It communicates with the server to syn-
chronize content and host the 3D representation of the
Virtual Coach and environments. The Web Platform
is a web-based engine that allows family and friends
to communicate with network participants.
3.1 The Home Platform
The Home Platform visualizes the content created
from the procedural descriptions. The generated 3D
environments are the “home” of the Virtual Coach.
The Virtual Coach interacts with the user in the pro-
vided environments that can be, for example, a flat
(see Figure 1), or a park. The procedural environ-
ments are generated with a separate piece of software,
the Content Editor, which will be presented in the fol-
lowing Section 3.2.
The Home Platform is responsible for augmenting
all the actions done on the mobile device. The Mo-
bile Platform is able to trigger all animations defined
for the environment in the editor. Facial and body
animations and the text-to-speech engine of the Vir-
tual Coach can also be triggered independently. Upon
completion of a task by the user, the Virtual Coach
reacts with appropriate animations, such as clapping.
The Home Platform provides an immersive inter-
action environment for the users of the system. In-
stead of the small screen on the mobile device, the
larger screen provides a more sophisticated form of
interaction. This enables an engaging learning experi-
ence for the user that should result in increased partic-
ipation, improved learning speed, uptake and recall.
3.2 The Content Editor
We utilize the procedural modeling approach in the
Content Editor, which is used to generate environ-
ments for the Home Platform. This editor is based
on the Generative Modeling Language GML (Have-
mann, 2005) and uses procedural techniques in var-
ious ways to create non-static content that can be
personalized. These include procedural modeling of
backdrops, procedural scene graphs, procedural ob-
ject and camera animations, and personalization of
parameters and objects.
In combination, these techniques can be used to
generate 3D animated stories that can be personal-
ized for individual persons and used to guide, help,
and entertain the target group. This system is adapted
from one Zmugg et al. presented in the Cultural Her-
itage domain (Zmugg et al., 2012a; Zmugg et al.,
2012b). The different steps for the generation of pro-
cedural environments are discussed in the next sec-
tions. For V2me, we have created only a pilot pro-
totype of a procedural scene editor; as in many re-
search projects, much remains to be done to be pro-
duction ready, but the feedback we got confirmed that
the overall approach is understood and appreciated by
our pilot scene production team (see Section 4).
3.2.1 Modeling of Backdrops
Backdrops are the environment where the Virtual
Coach and other objects are positioned in (see the
flat in Figure 1). Backdrops can be generated interac-
tively without any need of scripting. The parametric
system is based on a set of basic modeling operations
and procedural assets. The modeling operations are
inspired by split grammars and feature several opera-
tions to partition existing shapes into smaller pieces.
Modeling usually proceeds in a coarse to fine manner,
meaning that an initial shape is sequentially refined
to achieve the desired result. To remain concise, the
modeling operations are not explained individually in
this paper. For a detailed explanation of the modeling
operations we refer to (Zmugg et al., 2012a).
Procedural assets are ready-made parametric
models. Our system features several libraries which
Figure 2: Selected steps from creating a circular building
using the procedural modeling engine. First and second
row: The the wall is subdivided into parts to define the space
for the parametric arch. Bottom row: Decisions made at
the beginning (number of sides, radius) can still be changed
later on, which allows change and personalization of proce-
dural models (Zmugg et al., 2012b).
include, for example, windows (like in (Thaller
et al., 2013c)), arches, or other architectural elements.
These models are, however, not static, instead they
provide parameters to approximate a wide range of
different elements. They, furthermore, adapt their size
dependent on the shape they are inserted into. An ex-
ample demonstrating procedural modeling operations
and procedural assets is shown in Figure 2.
3.2.2 Modeling the Scene Hierarchy
After generating and texturing the background, ele-
ments can be positioned in it. We use the concept of
procedural scene graphs, which was proposed in pre-
vious work (Zmugg et al., 2012b). A scene graph is
a hierarchical structure to describe dependencies be-
tween objects in environments. Every object in the
scene is represented by a node in the scene graph.
Each node (except for the root node) has one parent
and an arbitrary number of children. The parent-child
relation propagates all changes made to the parent to
all of its descendants. Technically, every node fea-
tures a 3D pose transformation (4×3 matrix) that af-
fects all its children. As a simple example, imagine a
vase that is placed on top of a table. Without a scene
graph, moving the table does not move the vase, and
vice versa. By using a scene graph, the node repre-
senting the vase can be made a child of the node rep-
resenting the table, and, therefore, moving the table
moves the vase too, while the vase, as the child of the
Figure 3: A camera flight on the Home Platform visual-
ized as a sequence of images. From the view on the Virtual
Coach the camera moves to a close-up view on the tablet
placed on the table.
table, can still be freely moved on the table.
The scene graph can be manipulated by the user
through 3D widgets. This way, e.g. furniture ob-
jects, collected from SketchUp 3D Warehouse (Trim-
ble Navigation Ltd, 2015), can be arranged in the 3D
scene. Technically speaking, the 3D model of the Vir-
tual Coach is part of the scene graph too.
3.2.3 Animating the Scene
Finally, animations can be defined for all the objects
arranged within the scene. To achieve animations,
key frames storing position and orientation can be de-
fined for any object in the scene graph. During ani-
mation, these key frames are interpolated, and can be
assigned to specific time slots. For these time slots
specific avatar animations can be set too. As an ex-
ample, the walking animation of the avatar can be ac-
tivated while the scene graph node, which contains
the avatar, moves in the scene. The view on the scene
during these animations is controlled via camera ob-
jects that can also be placed on scene graph nodes. By
animating camera objects, it is easy to produce cam-
era view transitions (see Figure 3). The time slots can
be queued and also arranged in parallel to create si-
multaneous animation time lines. The environments,
together with the defined animation time lines, can be
executed on demand on the Home Platform.
3.2.4 Personalization of the Scene
The curator mode for this system was introduced in
previous work (Zmugg et al., 2012b) in a Cultural
Heritage context. It can be utilized within an Ambient
Assisted Living context in a different, but related way.
The curator mode was designed to provide a museum
curator with a way to make final changes to the scene
layout. The scene is defined through a scene template
Figure 4: Different ways for furniture placement in a living
room realized through use of the personalization mode.
beforehand. This template encodes everything the cu-
rator is allowed to change and possibilities are delib-
erately limited so that they are shielded from acciden-
tally doing harm to the scene, and to work in a more
targeted and efficient way.
The situation within the V2me system is similar.
Caregivers can design environments and the animated
stories within them. Afterwards, the elderly people
could use this so-called personalization mode to per-
sonalize the environment. For instance, it is possible
to define within the template which parameters can
be edited by the elderly users. Take, for example, the
model from Figure 2. It may be allowed to change the
radius of this model freely, but the position and the
number of segments may be fixed or constrained. An-
other feature are the so-called drop targets, which are
positions for additional content. For example, around
a table a set of six drop targets with restricted move-
ment capabilities can be placed. The user can then
decide how many (up to six), and which chairs they
want to place around the table. This way, users can
create entirely different environments based on a sin-
gle template, by re-arranging objects and even placing
new objects in the scene, such as pictures on a wall
(see Figure 4). For the animations, which tell a story
through the procedural environment, to remain the
same, the configuration options of story-related ani-
mations and objects are not available or are restricted.
3.3 Workflow of Creating and
Personalizing an Environment
To give a concrete example we will briefly outline the
workflow (see Figure 5) of generating a personalized
environment using the tools presented. At first, the
basic apartment is created using procedural modeling.
This step can be performed either by a designer or by
a care taker that has been trained for this task. This
model can then be stored as a template and be fur-
ther used to create new apartments even quicker. To
create such models knowledge of the modeling tool
functionality is required.
The next steps are to be performed by a care taker
that has knowledge of the user’s environment. First,
different details are added to the scene. The next step
is adding furniture objects to the scene, such as chairs,
Figure 5: Workflow of creating and personalizing an envi-
tables, or plants. The 3D model of the Virtual Coach
is also placed in the scene. Afterwards, animations of
the before placed objects are defined in the scene. In
this step, the care taker will define where the avatar
should reside and perform most of his actions. This is
useful, e.g. to have the avatar appear in favorite places
of the user. This increases the feeling of immersion
for the user. Lastly, the care taker will define the cam-
era views and transitions to highlight specific parts of
the scene, or the actions and mimic of the avatar.
The last step is the personalization of the environ-
ment that happens in a co-creation step between user
and care taker in the personalization mode of the sys-
tem. Here, personal items can be placed or wrong
assumptions about preferences can be redeemed. The
environment is visible to both user and care taker and
changes are immediately represented. The final result
is an environment that closely approximates the ac-
tual surroundings without requiring the intervention
of seasoned designers in most steps of the process.
The concept for friendship coaching within V2me has
been adapted throughout the runtime of the project
(Muuraiskangas et al., 2012). At the end of the
project, a long term study was conducted with several
users in the Netherlands. In this scope, we wanted
to test various aspects of personalization of the sys-
tem and how procedural modeling can contribute to
this task. Interviews were conducted with all partic-
ipants, covering the aspects on how the quality of a
procedurally modeled environment is regarded, what
elements are required in the environment, and how the
environment can be improved.
4.1 Study Design
Three women and four men, ranging from 64 to 77
years in age, participated in the long term evaluation
of the V2me system. The subjects who participated
were living independently and alone. Subjects were
selected based on their score on the De Jong Gierveld
Loneliness Scale (de Jong Gierveld and van Tilburg,
2006) (scores should be moderate to high) and on
openness to technology (scores should be high). Sub-
jects received an instruction session after the V2me
system was installed in their homes. This system
setup included a predefined apartment environment
and stories featuring the Virtual Coach. The func-
tionalities of the personalization mode itself have not
been directly part of this study. The predefined setup
was used to assess the interest of the users in chang-
ing and personalizing the environment, hence using
the personalization mode in the future.
The loneliness intervention lasted for two months.
Afterwards, they received the loneliness and open-
ness to technology questionnaires again, and a semi-
structured interview was held about their experiences
with the Home Platform. In this interview they were
asked questions like what they thought of the Home
Platform and the interior of the dwelling, and what
they would like to see changed, if they could change
it. Because the participants are usually not used to
terms like procedural modeling, these questions had
to be designed properly to assess their interest in per-
sonalization features.
4.2 Interview Results
Regarding the quality of procedurally modeled envi-
ronments, each participant showed to have their own
preferences for this. One subject mentioned that “Its
very beautiful, very well made. (...) I like the in-
terior a lot. and “I love how the parquet has been
made”. Answering on the question what elements are
missing from the virtual environment the responses
varied from “the house lacks a lot of stuff” to “it
is too crowded”. Asking how the environment can
be improved, some participants would have preferred
the coach to reside in a more comfortable environ-
ment. They would “add a couch, a little lamp, so he
can sit down and read. or conclude that “he needs
a stereo set, a TV, and a leather couch. Or “he
could use a fridge or a TV. Or a stove in his kitchen.
Most participants would have preferred their coach to
have some company, including a female housemate,
or pets. Finally one participant wanted more interac-
tive elements in the environment, such as “a TV that
shows clips from Youtube or news items..
4.3 Discussion
The users were generally happy with the visual qual-
ity of the procedurally generated environment and the
existing objects added to it. Therefore, we can as-
sume that similar environments can be equally well
received. Preference plays a huge part in the ques-
tion how comprehensive the provided environment
was perceived. Some users found it to be limited, and
would have preferred additional personal items for the
coach. Providing more objects was the most com-
mon suggestion for improvement in the future. Here
it is important to create an interface that enables to
access this variety in a simple fashion. Additionally,
some more interaction for the coach should be added,
such as companions in the environment. This is more
difficult to accomplish, however the required anima-
tions and models can also be procedurally gener-
ated. The final aspect is interactivity, whereas objects
should link to additional services, such as Youtube or
Wikipedia. Again, this is interesting to pursue in a
future work by creating a library of web services that
can be linked to objects in the environment.
All in all, the results indicate that every user has
their own specific preferences for the design of the en-
vironments of the Home Platform, so personalization
is a desirable feature for virtual coaching systems.
We have presented a system which is capable of gen-
erating personalizeable environments for elderly peo-
ple within coaching applications that rely on 3D con-
tent. Procedural modeling techniques are utilized to
generate environments, animations and camera flights
within an editor, which is designed to be accessible
for non-expert users; so programming is not neces-
sary to use it. This editor is used within the V2me
system to generate environments in which the Vir-
tual Coach is presented and interacts with the user.
All defined animations and camera flights can be trig-
gered by actions of the user. This in combination with
lessons that are designed by professional psycholo-
gists is used to tell stories and give tasks to motivate
people to get involved in social activities again. Af-
ter all, the ultimate goal of the project is to stimulate
richer real-life social experiences.
All elements positioned in the environments cre-
ated by our editor can be repositioned and extended
at any time. In a separate personalization mode, the
configuration options can be limited, so elderly users
gain more control and are shielded from doing harm
by not accessing certain parameters. The results from
the user study explained in Section 4 show that there
is a big interest in personalization of environments.
The answers of the participants indicate that a sin-
gle environment is not sufficient because the priori-
ties and preferences of the participants differ vastly.
This shows that procedural modeling needs to be fa-
cilitated so that the wishes of elderly people for virtual
coaching systems can be fulfilled with ease.
First results have shown that our approach is a
promising new ICT-based method for bringing care
to the homes of the elderly people in a socially mean-
ingful way. Especially the flexibility and use of the
generic aspects of the content editor proved to be
promising for care givers and professionals.
5.1 Limitations and Future Work
The system has not been adapted for usage by the el-
derly end users of V2me yet. For the current train-
ing applications it was more suitable to have a sys-
tem that provides developers of training systems with
tools that allow them to create immersive environ-
ments. For this a rich set of functions have been de-
veloped in collaboration with social scientists. The
environments for the user study were created by this
team. However, with a limited amount of training
they should be able to create their own environments.
The system is prepared for the environment person-
alization. Modifications should be accessible for all
users in an intuitive way. The focus of the prototype
up until now was on functionality rather than usabil-
ity. Increasing the usability of the system and make it
accessible for elderly user groups is the most impor-
tant step in our future work. We anticipate stimulating
psychological effects if the user can influence the sur-
roundings of the Virtual Coach with no assistance.
Additional improvements and future work for the
prototype include a more realistic rendering and a
wider range of possible objects. We currently work
on functions to design also the avatar animations pro-
cedurally, so that the animations of the Virtual Coach
can be dynamically adapted, e.g., controlling the level
of smiling, or specifying animations that adapt to dif-
ferent chair and table heights. This is indispensable
for more interesting plots and stories.
This work was supported by the AAL Joint Pro-
gramme project V2me (grant no. AAL-2009-2-107).
We want to thank all participants of the user studies.
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