the SBA layers.
We strongly believe that the genetic algorithms
are potential for our solution especially to optimize
the adaptation process. Genetic algorithms are
widely used to handle cases such as requirement
evolution and performance optimization which are
the two most critical issues.
In this paper we studied adaptation technologies
particularly the cross-layer adaptation technologies.
We discussed the outcomes of our analysis. In
particular, we discussed the limitations of different
approaches of cross-layer service adaptations.
The major limitation we found is the lack of
coordination between adaptation activities that may
lead to conflicts or incompatibilities. According to
our study, the current solutions do not consider the
fact that adaptation in a layer may affect adversely
the other layers of service based systems. According
to our study, current cross-layer adaptation
approaches lack efficient coordination which leads
to conflict and incompatibilities. We believe that
these problem must be addressed for an efficient
cross-layer service adaptation. We presented the
results of a brief study on adaptive agent based
systems. We found in our study that the agent based
adaptive systems have some advanced , features
such as context-awareness, self-adaptation, etc.. The
adaptive SBAs can be benefited by these features
especially, the service based adaptive systems can be
more intelligent and autonomous.
Additionally, based on our understanding we
presented some research directions in the area of
cross layer service adaptations. We strongly believe
that the research in this area should focus on context
awareness, self-adaptation, and performance etc. to
develop highly high-performance solutions. We also
presented a proposal of a solution which are
currently working on.
There are a few limitations of our study. Firstly,
this is merely a literature review. However, the state
of the art could be better reviewed or understood by
benchmarking the existing solutions. A comparison
of adaption technologies in different contexts can be
done by following a set of rigorous protocols. This
paper is missing such an comparison. In our future
work, we plan to conduct an empirical study with
the current cross-layer adaptation technologies.
Also, we plan to conduct a study by covering more
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