(http://www.aal-europe.eu/. The problem of
monitoring vital signs is faced by EMOTION-
AAL (http://www.emotionalaal.eu/) and H@H
(http://www.health-at-home.eu) projects that aims to
build integrated platforms for collecting data from a
variety of bio-sensors for the permanent monitoring
of the state of health of the users. Fall detection
is also investigated, among others we can mention
CARE (http://www.care-aal.eu) and ROSETTA
(http://www.aal-rosetta.eu/). They provide a way to
monitor, analyze and interpret the behavior of the el-
derly at home (such as falls or loss of consciousness),
and automatically generate an emergency call.
This work is the results of a public financed action for
the development and implementation of an integra-
tion platform for Ambient Assisted Living to moni-
tor activities of daily living and to detect any abnor-
mal behavior that may represent a danger, or high-
light symptoms of some incipient disease. According
to the need of elderly people, Private Assisted House
is also an enabling technology for the development of
a novel care model that considers the changing needs
of users using an highly configurable integration plat-
form aimed to support their daily life.
Our future works will go in several directions:
(i) the prototype and care model will be evaluated
in rehabilitation institutions of Marche Region (Italy)
to allow an experimental evidence of the working
system and to provide feedback for further techni-
cal developments; (ii) we want to extended out plat-
form over time with new components to solve specific
problems or address the needs of a specific category
of people (or disabilities, or disease) integrating also
the development of specific tools and smart object;
(iii) we intend to further improve the application of
the Bayesian networks in order to implement a sce-
nario where the system changes over time, by learn-
ing or by changing conditions of normality and ab-
normality based on habits of the subject who lives in
the PAss house; (iv) we want to work on a care model
suitable for Marche Region institutions to bring AAL
to the user’s house.
In this respect, this work represent the core of an
infrastructure that will be used in real scenarios and a
special attention will be devoted to the result obtained
not only form the technological perspective but also
from the quality of life perception form the end-users.
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(www.projectpass.eu) is co-funded by the Marche
Region administration, under the action ”Smart
Home for Active and Healthy Aging”, so we thanks
to Marche Region and all the partners of the project.
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