review the simulation or analyze the situation of a spe-
cific time. Using menus under the control panel, the
user can even identify and walk as one specific person
through the scenario. All those functions are devel-
oped to increase the usability, which as mentioned in
the first section is very crucial for the acceptance of a
As mentioned in the first section, a pedestrian sim-
ulation tool must fulfill several technical demands
and certain guidelines, such as the IMO (Interna-
tional Maritime Organization) (IMO, 2014) guide-
lines and the RiMEA (Richtlinie f
ur Mikroskopische
Entfluchtungs-Analysen) guidelines (RiMEA e.V.,
2009). According to the Rimea guideline, 14 scenar-
ios should be tested in order to check the performance
of a person stream simulator and verify its function-
ality. The test scenarios in this paper are generated
according to the Rimea-Standard V.2.2.1. The test re-
sults and their corresponding parameters for the con-
crete application to the Crowd Control simulation tool
from Siemens are documented in this paper. Due to
the special grid property of our simulator, in addition
to the standard RiMEA tests, the tests are repeated
several times in different rotation angle and shifted
horizontally and vertically to prove the robustness of
the simulator. Besides that, the scenarios are tested
with different grid sizes.
There are some important assumptions in the
RiMEA guideline. The first assumption is the ve-
locity of person group with different ages on the
ground. The velocities are defined in the following
table 1 (Weidmann, 1992):
Table 1: Velocities on the ground according to Weidmann.
Person Group(Age)
Velocities on the Ground (m/s)
Minimum Maximum
under 30 0.58 1.61
30 to 50 1.41 1.54
Over 50 0.68 1.41
Person with limited mobility 0.46 0.76
The second assumption is the velocity of person
group with different ages climbing up and down the
staircases. The velocities are defined in the following
table 2 (Fruin, 1971):
All tests are repeated several times in order to
identify the influence of the basic grid to the simu-
lation results. The tests are repeated in the following
• by rotating the topology in different angles
Table 2: Velocities on the staircase according to Fruin.
Person Group(Age)
Velocities on the Staricase (m/s)
Climbing Down Climbing Up
Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor
under 30 0.76 0.81 0.55 0.58
30 to 50 0.65 0.78 0.50 0.58
Over 50 0.55 0.59 0.42 0.42
Person with limited mobility 0.42 0.32
• by shifting the topology vertically
• by shifting the topology horizontally
• by using different grid sizes for the basic hexago-
nal grid
The first 3 tests are single pedestrian tests. In the
first test, it should be proven, that a person with a
given velocity (1.33m/s) runs through a 2 m wide,
40 m long corridor within the given time. The ex-
pected time is between 26 to 34 seconds. Inaccuracy
tolerance of the person position is 0.4 m (body size,
1 second reaction time). Inaccuracy tolerance of ve-
locity is 5%. In the second test, the person retains
the same given velocity as the first test climbing up a
staircase. It should be proven, that a person climbs up
a 2 m wide, 10 m long (the slope length) stair with a
defined velocity in a given time range. In the third
test, the person retains the given velocity climbing
down a staircase. It should be proven, that a person
climbs down a 2 m wide, 10 m long (the slope length)
stair with a defined velocity in a given time range.
Table refres:test1-3 shows the test results of the first
3 test scenarios. From the table, we can see that all
the results of repeated tests (shift, rotate topology and
change grid size) lie in the given time range.
Table 3: Test Results of RiMEA Test 1-3.
RiMEA Test Number
Tested Time of Simulator (s) Allowed Time Range (s)
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Test 1 30.27 32.72 26 34
Test 2 11.63 12.89 10.84 14.17
Test 3 8.69 9.25 7.22 9.44
RiMEA test 4 is to check the relationship of a spe-
cial flow with the person density. The special flow
with respect to the person density is given:
= ρ · 1.34 · (1 − e
) (1)
In order to realize the test, a ring is generated with
internal radius 70 meter and external radius 74 meter
(Fig. 5(a). 8 person blocks each generates 5000 per-
sons and the persons walk in circles. The ring radius
remains constant, but the number of persons increases
as time goes by. The test results are plotted in the di-
agram (Fig. 5(b)). We can see that the test results fit
the Weidmann diagram very well.
RiMEA test 5 is to check the reaction time of each
person. In this test, 10 persons stand in an 8 m×5 m