O3 - A Webpage Preprocessing Tool
Karthik Senthil, Karthik S. Bhat, Nitin Jamadagni, Sudeep Sureshan and Gaurav Prasad
Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India
Front-end, Optimization, Load Time, Performance, Optimization Methods, Preprocessing.
One of the prime factors for the success of the internet is determined by the time taken to load a web page.
Even a difference of a few hundred milliseconds in the response time will largely affect the number of users
of a web page to shift from one to the other. So, in the commercial market, providing quick service to the
users is of utmost importance in remaining ahead of competitors. In this paper, we mainly address this issue
by applying various optimization techniques at the front-end to improve the user experience by reducing the
load time of the web pages. Though the overall optimization is purely web page-dependent, the optimization
techniques not only reduce the time taken to load the page, but also reduce the load on the server.
Web based applications and websites are being visited
more and more frequently in the recent times due to
the ease of access to the internet. It has reached such
an extent that there are many countries where there is
an internet connection in every household. This has
led to the increased number of web pages altogether,
as organizations have created personal web pages as a
marketing strategy, social networking sites are on the
rise and so on. Website loading is an inherent part of
the user experience in using a website.
At the browser level, when a website is re-
quested for, the browser sends a HTTP request to the
server and the server in turn sends the response in a
HTTP response packet which is then received by the
browser. The data is being represented in the form of
a Document Object Model (DOM) which can be uni-
versally rendered by all browsers. The DOM is a tree
structure of the contents of the webpage. Webpages
generally consist of HTML, which is the markup,
CSS which adds styling to the markup and client-
sided JavaScript. During the rendering of the DOM,
the browser loads the HTML and its associated CSS
together, as they go hand in hand. Scripts are, how-
ever, rendered differently. Since scripts have the ca-
pacity to modify the DOM structure dynamically, the
loading of the DOM is halted until all of them have
finished loading. This results in an unnecessary loss
of time, as many scripts are irrelevant to the user (like
click counter or analytics). This is a drawback that
has been widely discussed. In this paper we discuss
some ways to improve the DOM loading speed and in
essence to improve the loading time of webpages.
In this paper, section two discusses the motivation
behind the creation of the tool. Section three dis-
cusses the previous work similar/related to this tool.
Section five discusses the methodology followed dur-
ing the implementation of the project. Section six (a),
discusses in detail the techniques used to achieve the
speed-up of loading of the web pages. Section six
(b) shows the results we obtained and compare them
to unprocessed websites and thereby shows how opti-
mization effectively improves page-load time.
Large access frequency and increased user-
friendliness of webpages has led to an increase
in the amount of resources used by the web pages.
The escalated number of page accesses, fuelled by
the number of users, has forced the hosting agencies
to add extra web servers to handle these requests.
This has in turn led to increased expenditure for the
organization. This rise in number of resources used
by web pages not only multiplies load on the server,
but also on the client who is connected to the site
affecting the user experience while using the web
page. User experience plays a critical role in page
ranking, as a better experience leads to better rating
for a web page and consequently, a higher page rank.
Steve Souders (Souders, 2012) suggests that 80-
90% of the end-user response time is spent on the
Senthil K., S. Bhat K., Jamadagni N., Sureshan S. and Prasad G..
O3 - A Webpage Preprocessing Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0005438100150020
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 15-20
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)