provided at a provider's website. Our contention is
that being transparent can be a business advantage,
and that cloud customers who are concerned with,
e.g., privacy of the data they put into the cloud, will
choose providers who can demonstrate transparency
over providers who cannot.
Our study increases the body of knowledge on the
criteria needed for more accountable and transparent
cloud services, and confirms the results from previous
studies on these criteria. The list of requirements in
Table 2 complements, in part, the existing criteria.
An area for future research is to further evaluate
how cloud providers currently make the information
required by cloud customers available. In addition,
what are the effects of having transparent services in
terms of costs and benefits to cloud customers and
providers. Besides, we plan to increase the number of
participants responding to our interview guide and
adding strength to the evidence provided in this paper.
Another aspect we would like to investigate, is if the
results will be different for users of the different types
of services (e.g., SaaS vs IaaS).
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A4CLOUD project, grant agreement no: 317550.
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